Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 220 The Sphinx

Kronos didn't know how many walls he had passed through, he couldn't remember. But what is certain is that he is getting closer and closer to the center of the maze.

At last, as he was walking along a long, straight path, he noticed movement again, and the light of his wand was shining on a most strange monster.

Chronos thought at first glance that Dumbledore had moved the Sphinx in Egypt. But looking closely at Chronos, he remembered that it was a sphinx, which Mr. Newt had told him about.

Sphinx originally originated from Egyptian mythology, and is also common in West Asian mythology and Greek mythology. It is described as a winged monster, usually male.

But this one is clearly a female sphinx. Its body is like the huge paws of a gigantic lion, with a long yellow tail and a hair on the tip of the long tail.

As Kronos approached, the sphinx turned his almond-eyed eyes to him. Chronos raised his wand hesitantly. Instead of crouching down and jumping at her, she kept walking back and forth between the two sides of the road, preventing Harry from moving forward.

At this time she spoke, her voice was low and hoarse, "You are very close to the goal, and the shortest way is to pass through me."

"A riddle?" Kronos said first.

"Yeah!" Sphinx snorted a puff of gas from his mouth.

Kronos knew this question really not because he knew the original work, but the riddle of the Sphinx was also very famous in his previous life.

In Greek mythology, the Herapaisphinx sat on a cliff near Thebes, stopped passers-by, and asked them riddles taught by the Muses, and those who couldn't guess would be eaten by it.

The riddle is: "What animal walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at night? The time with the most legs is also the time when he walks the slowest and has the weakest physical strength."

Oedipus guessed the correct answer, the answer is "man". Sphinx was so ashamed that he jumped off a cliff and died (one said he was killed by Oedipus).

According to the records of Apollodorus, the Sphinx was born to Echidna and her son, the two-headed dog Otto Hughes. The human face of the Sphinx symbolizes wisdom and knowledge.

"Okay," Chronos replied, "Let's make a question."

The sphinx crouched in the middle of the road and chanted: "I am the white son of the black father,

I am a wingless bird that can fly straight up.

When I was born, everyone who touched me cried.

Once I'm born I'll be gone soon. "

"Please string together and answer this question, what kind of substance is this?" Kronos listened with his mouth wide open.

Kronos' scalp was numb from the Sphinx's question. He didn't know how to guess riddles, let alone such abstract riddles.

"Can you give me some hints?" Chronos pleaded.

The Sphinx did not speak, but rested a huge paw on his chin, making the gesture of a meditator.

"Your name is Chronos, right?" Sphinx suddenly asked for no reason.

"Hmm!" Kronos nodded in confusion.

"Is your reputation very famous? I can hear your name in Egypt." Sphinx said.

"Did you really come from Egypt?" Kronos complained, but he also had to admire Dumbledore's ability to find such a monster from Egypt.

"I heard they said that you are an alchemist." Sphinx continued, "Then let me give you a hint. The answer to this riddle has a lot to do with alchemy."

"What kind of hint is this?" Kronos roared in his heart, there are so many things involved in alchemy, are you kidding me here?

Chronus looked up at the sphinx again, and found that her emotive eyes were looking at Chronus playfully, as if he especially liked to watch people stumped by his own puzzles.

No way, Chronos began to walk back and forth on the path. He began to think about the answer to the riddle that Sphinx just said, and he knew that the riddle of this question was the same as when he refined the Philosopher's Stone.

They are all abstract class descriptions, the more incredible you think, the more likely it is correct.

"Black father's, white son?" Kronos murmured the first sentence of the riddle. There are a lot of black substances in alchemy, including animal meat, crow feathers, dead bark on books, black soil underground, even coal buried deep in the ground.

"Wait, coal? Did I just say coal!" Chronos thought.

Coal is black, and it will produce white smoke after burning, and the smoke will float and dissipate after a short time. When people's eyes touch the smoke, don't they just shed tears?

"Smoke, it must be smoke." Kronos shouted and said the answer.

The female monster was smiling all over her face at this time. She stood up, stretched her forelegs, and stepped aside to let Kronos pass.

"Thank you!" Chronos hurriedly said, he really didn't expect that he would be so powerful. He kept going.

He is now getting closer to the center of the maze, but he still has to... the wand tells him that the path he is on is right, as long as he doesn't encounter any major difficulties, he may win...

There are several small roads ahead, "Give me the direction!" Kronos said to the wand, the wand turned and stopped to point to the small road on the right. He ran on this road. After a while, I saw a bright light ahead.

Less than a hundred yards away, the "Triple Cup" was shining on the pedestal. When Kronos was about to run over, a black figure jumped out and ran to the front.

"Krum?" Kronos exclaimed looking at the shadow. He almost forgot that there were others in this game.

But Kronos was not in a hurry, just as Krum reached out to touch the Triwizard Cup. Chronos saw something huge jump out of the hedge to his left and come straight along the intersection. The monster was running so fast that Krum almost ran into it. At this time, Krum's eyes were only focused on the trophy, and he didn't see the monster rushing towards him.

Krum looked up and saw the spider just in time. Its eight black eyes gave off a menacing cold light, and several giant pincer-shaped stings were as sharp as blades, and they were about to pounce.

The spider lifted Krum up, and Krum struggled and kicked, but Krum's foot was still caught in its jaws. The wand was also dropped to the ground.

Kronos felt that he should end this farce, he bang bang, and shot two stunning spells. Although Krum fainted, another spell was bounced off by the fluffy hair on the eight-eyed spider.

The spider seemed to be irritated, he dropped Krum and crawled towards Chronos.

Chronos shook his head, reached out and touched Snake on his left wrist. Snake jumped to the ground in an instant, becoming more than ten meters long, and roared at the spider. Then Kronos saw the eight-eyed spider curled up in fright, motionless.

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