His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 947 Want Another Money

Chapter 947

After Qian Miao listened, she simply replied to Qiao Shiwan, saying that she would come back later.

"It's okay anyway, I'll go take a look with you."

Wei Wu quietly peeked at her, and swallowed uncomfortably.

This small detail did not escape Qian Miao's eyes.

"Have something to say to me?"

Wei Wu said slowly: "Brother Feng Can, did you mention Wutong Ji to you?"

Qian Miao said: "What happened to him?"

Wei Wu's eyes snapped back, she pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and poked at the rice grains.

"Well, I'd better not say it, wait for him to tell you in person."

In order to open a branch store in Wutong in front of her company, Feng Xian specially took a stake in her company.

This matter has always been a secret.

Opening this branch also hopes that Qian Miao can eat there often.

Currently, with his support, the third branch has been put on the agenda.

Seeing her hesitant expression, Qian Miao lowered her eyes in thought, and tapped her fingertips on the table.

Every time she makes this little move, it means that what she thinks in her mind is about to come to fruition.

After a while, the corner of her mouth raised a small, almost invisible arc, and she picked up the chopsticks to eat again.

They had already applied for not having a training camp on weekends, but Si Han punished them by copying the team rules 10,000 times after they came back.

But this time, as soon as they mentioned it, Si Han waved and wrote the word agree.

He looked at Qian Miao steadfastly, and said, "Be careful."

Wei Wu raised her eyes, thinking why did this teacher suddenly treat Qian Miao so well?

Just as she was thinking, she sharply saw an iron on the high chair behind Si Han, and the iron was pressing a piece of paper.

The piece of paper seemed to be almost blurred, and it was tortured out of shape.

With permission, the two went to Wutongji after class at five o'clock in the afternoon.

It was almost six o'clock when we arrived. The sky was dark, and the decorative lights of Wutongji's main store were lit up one by one.

However, the store was not as lively as it used to be, and it was eerily quiet.

As soon as the two entered, a thin and tall man walked up to Wei Wu in a hurry, and reported: "Boss, these people have been making trouble here since the afternoon, and they can't solve it even if they go to the police station." , They saw that the police had left, so they continued to bully here and said that they wanted to ask for an explanation, and the medical expenses were not counted, and they wanted another sum of money."

Wei Wu had asked people to come forward to mediate in the afternoon, and they could do whatever they wanted. However, these people were unwilling to take the medical expenses and wanted more.

After the manager finished speaking, he nodded politely to Qian Miao, and stood to the side to lead the way.

Stepping into the hall, at a glance, the usual dining area is empty, only the two tables in front are occupied.

About 10 or 20 men and women were sitting on several adjacent tables, and several computers were placed on the table in front of them.

A few people were sitting and controlling the computer, while others stood behind them and stared at the computer with nervous expressions on their faces, and suddenly cheered in unison.

This atmosphere immediately gave people the illusion of being in an Internet cafe.

"This group of people has been playing games here, scaring away all the guests who came in, so we have to cancel the rest of today's order."

As the words fell, the three caught the attention of the group of people.

The manager stepped forward and said: "This is the boss of our Wutongji, don't you have something to say? Say it."

The long-faced man sitting in the main seat snorted, looked at the blue-haired woman next to him and smiled disdainfully: "This little guy is your boss? Okay! Boss, right? Your people hurt my brother. You have to pay."

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