Chapter 834

The wheel just now was pierced by the woman holding the dart.

The belts of the three people are all dark blue, which represents the A-level.

The old lady's bright eyes turned from side to side, then raised her hands above her head and applauded loudly.

"Fight up, fight up! Ooh!"

The three women bowed to her in unison to show their respect, and then looked at Qian Miao in unison.

"Master Leng sent you here to be punished, but you went out to hang out during the time you were punished." A woman said.

"Just go shopping, and have the guts to go to Senior Senior Sister's site." Otome said.

"Besides, you also provoke Bai Zhu, you don't know what role you are? How dare you provoke someone like Bai Zhu?" Bing Nu sneered.

A girl sneered: "Sisters, stop talking nonsense with her, go up and teach her a lesson, and see if she dares to provoke the white god!"

After the words fell, the three of them ran towards her in unison, and then, the long sword, black whip, and three popular darts all greeted her in unison.

Qian Miao lowered her lower back, quickly dodged the darts and whip, and the moment the long sword struck, she hit the ground again, turned over and retreated to the wall.

The three of them landed firmly on the position she had just stood, and sneered.

Qian Miao glanced at the ground, picked up a few stones, and gave them a salute.

The three of them ducked sideways, turned their heads, and were about to attack, when they saw Qian Miao, who was supposed to be by the wall, had jumped in front of them at some point, and someone punched them, knocking them back sharply. .

The three of them were stunned, never expecting a newcomer to have such a kung fu.

"Wow, bravo! The little mute has some skills!" The old lady found a bunch of fireworks from nowhere, and shot it into the sky with a puff, and it flew all over the sky.

This is undoubtedly hitting the three of them in the face.

Several people looked at each other and immediately confirmed their tactics.

Afterwards, the woman with the sword hit Qian Miao alone.

Her swordsmanship is fast and fast, pressing step by step.

Qian Miao was defenseless and could only keep avoiding.

Just when she retreated to the corner, and there was no way to retreat, the sound of darts flew from the side.

Qian Miao tilted her head and took two in her hand, one of which was stuck in her hair and embedded in the wall.

At the same time, the woman holding a long sword stabbed into the wall beside her neck.

She kicked the Long Sword Girl away with one foot, but before she could recover, someone suddenly jumped down from above, and the fierce black whip threw her arm.

With a snap, a burning pain spread across his arm.

The three of them pursued the victory and continued to fight Qian Miao with their weapons.

The old lady cheered, suddenly grabbed a watch and threw it into the "battlefield".

I don't know if it was a coincidence or if she did it on purpose.

The men's watch flew in the direction of the snake-like black whip attack.

If hit, it would probably split in half.

Qian Miao didn't notice the watch, she was busy dealing with the long swords, darts and black whips of these three people, and she was unarmed, and she was soon at a disadvantage.

She can take care of the long sword and the dart, but not the black whip.

The black whip girl smiled slyly, and threw the black whip at her mask with all her might.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind hit the side, and the black whip girl just turned her head, but before she could react, her wrist was held and turned violently.

The man who appeared suddenly took control of the whip in her hand, changed direction, and caught something.

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