His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 806 Four years ago

Chapter 806

Walking along the road, I soon saw a plaque with three big characters "Bai Shuguan".

Opposite is the material room.

Qian Mi stood outside the Baishu Hall and looked at the furnishings inside, not in a hurry to find materials.

The surrounding of Atractylodes can be seen everywhere inside.

His mask, the clothes he wears on missions, his most commonly used weapons, etc.

In addition to this, there are his personal biographies, photos, documentaries, all on loop.

In the middle area, a one-to-one human statue is placed on a double-layer circular display stand.

Qian Mi pushed open the door and went in. There were only three people watching the video, and it was fairly quiet.

She walked to the surrounding display stand and suddenly saw something.


Even the surrounding area of ​​the cigarette was made out.

Most of these wood carvings are wood carving works of art, and a few are jade carvings, all of which are lifelike.

Inside the compact cigarette case, two cigarettes were placed on top of each other, with a "No Touching" sign beside it.

The next second, Qian Miao picked up the pack of cigarettes, and a smile appeared on her lips.


four years ago.

At noon, the scorching sun is in the sky.

In the endless jungle, there are hundreds of figures running fast.

Some people run fast, comparable to cheetahs and tigers, and some people look forward and backward, cringe, stagger their steps, fall down after running for a long time, get hit in the back, dyed with blue powder, and sigh.

After a while, someone stepped forward to arrest these eliminated people.

Every second time passed, the number of people in the jungle changed.

Five minutes later, only fifteen people remained, continuing to run towards the depths of the dense forest.

A sixteen-year-old girl was in the crowd, and the pure white mask was very eye-catching among the masks of different colors.

Her mask had no expressions, just like a robot, cold and ruthless.

Just like her mask, her speed at this time is also tirelessly rushing forward.

The squeaking sound roared past.

She deftly dodged the attack from behind, and then flipped over a sturdy tree in the middle of the road with a somersault.

With a thud, she landed steadily and continued to run forward without needing to rest for a second.

At this time, she can already see the big flag planted on the hill, as long as the flag is pulled out, she will be the winner of this game.

"Oh, little girl, you are very tender."

A voice flew past her ears, and then she saw a yellow-haired man passing by her.

His feet are like springs installed, and when they step on the trunk, they can pop out far away.

Unwilling to be left behind, the girl chased after him with all her strength, and quickly ran alongside him.

In the tai chi mask of the yellow-haired man, a pair of eyes showed surprise and paused for a second.

In this second, the little girl overtook him.

Behind them is the long-distance opponent who was dumped by them.

The winner will be born among them!

Just at the last hundred meters away, the final sprint began.

Here, there is no more secret calculation by any organs, and the fight is speed.

at this time--

With a bang, a wall was suddenly cut off from the side, embedded directly into the ground half a meter deep, and stood upright in front of the two of them.

The two stopped and almost hit the wall!

The two looked at each other, then shrugged tacitly, a bit helpless and a bit mocking.

In the next second, fireworks will be fired in front to celebrate the emergence of the first place.

At the same time, the iron wall in front of him was slowly retracted, like a lift pole standing at the exit of the parking lot.

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