His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 8: 008: See how good your boyfriend treats you

Li Shunan's dark eyes glanced at her, snorted lightly, and flicked the cigarette **** from his fingertips into the trash can on the side of the road, stood up straight, and turned away.

Jiang Lingzhi stood there holding his schoolbag, watching the boy's back leaving, no longer cheeky to follow.

I don't want to be regarded as a money scam.

The girl was wearing a regular No. 1 middle school uniform, her figure was thin and slender, the ponytail tied behind her head was a little loose, a few strands of hair brushed across her cheeks, and the blue pleated skirt was lifted by the wind, making her look desolate.

People came and went on the road, and a sweet smell drifted by.

Jiang Lingzhi turned his face to the side and realized that there was a cotton candy shop next to him.

There were a few modelled cotton candy models at the door, and children were lining up to buy them.

Jiang Ling knew that she was very obedient since she was a child. Her parents never let her buy such things outside, saying that the things outside are unsanitary.

She had only seen this marshmallow on TV, it was soft like a cloud.

After a few children got the cotton candy, they were led away by their parents, with a satisfied smile on their faces.

As if he had noticed her sight, the boss yelled at her with a smile, "Little girl, do you want one? It's delicious and not expensive."

Jiang Ling felt bulging, a little discouraged.

Whether it is expensive or not, she can't afford it anyway.

She regretted the habit of carrying elderly phones to school.

Can't do anything but call.

Jiang Ling knew that he was planning to say no, but when he raised his head, he suddenly fell silent when he saw the person leaning there.

The boy who had already left, did not know when to return, with his hands around his chest, his head tilted, and lazily leaning against the wall next to the cotton candy store.

He lifted his chin slightly, his indifferent eyes stared at her with some careless taste, then took out his wallet from his pocket, slender and white fingers took a 20-yuan note and handed it to the boss.

The boss took the money and asked, "One?"


The boys spoke very little, and a syllable came out from the throat.

The boss added white sugar to the marshmallow machine, took a bamboo stick and wound the cotton candy on top, and a fluffy marshmallow was ready.

"Take your things, I'll find you ten more..." The boss smiled and handed the things over.

The boy did not answer, his eyes fixed on Jiang Lingzhi who was not far away.

The boss followed the man’s sight and looked at the girl not far away: "Little girl, you see how nice your boyfriend is to you, come and hold it."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

She was not sure if the marshmallow was for her.

After all, he just said he was cheating money.

Jiang Ling knew he was carrying his schoolbag, but he hesitated to step forward.

The boy snorted lightly, stood up straight, did not take the cotton candy, and turned away without hurried.

"Eh...your things..." the boss quickly called to him, and he didn't get the things after he bought them. He had never seen such a strange customer.

Jiang Lingzhi glanced at the direction the boy had left, and suddenly reacted.

He hurried over and took the cotton candy and ten yuan notes, thanked the boss, and walked in the direction where the boy had left.

Boys have long legs, but they don’t walk fast.

Jiang Lingzhi quickly walked to the boy's side and thanked him quietly, "Thank you..."

"What can I do to thank you?" The boy looked loose, and said in a faintly magnetic voice.

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