High Above

Chapter 831 Dragon of Thousand Stars, you are the origin and end of all things (6400)

Subspace Labyrinth Dragon Bone Square.

Heaven and earth were shaking.

"Are Ian and Anfa okay?"

In front of the Dragon Bone Square, Xio was floating in the air, and the invisible spiritual energy turned into a wall of flames that stretched for nearly a kilometer, driving away all the strange beasts and exploration team members who dared to approach the Dragon Bone and the crystal cabinet.

The real dragon, who had regained his original appearance as a red-haired dragon girl, raised his head and looked at the cloudless sky with some worry: "Even across the subspace, this movement is a bit too loud."

In the sky, one can vaguely see circular ripples appearing and disappearing continuously. It looks like there are some giant beasts fighting each other outside the world. Occasionally, a few punches miss the world and hit the world. Like the outer layer.

Even a real dragon couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw this situation: "The dragon soul's communication is also cut off. This subspace maze is quite extraordinary."

"Although I'm worried too."

And Isengard squatted in the crater bombarded by Ian's previous battle with other young heroes, sighing and using a charged rifle to snipe those with evil intentions from a long distance.


The light golden beam of light fiercely turned an intention into a violent wind, and the sublimator approaching the crystal cabinet fell from the air. The blond boy shook his head and said: "But even if he dies, it is Ian's own choice."

Although it sounds ruthless, in fact it is just pure helplessness.

When a prophet takes the initiative to do something extremely dangerous, who can advise them?

The future they see is the biggest advice in the world. Even that can't persuade them. I'm afraid no one can make them stop.

As for Anfa, she has a dragon soul. Even if she dies, her prosthetic body will be annihilated. If it really reaches the point where the dragon soul will be destroyed, it is not an ordinary trouble. I am afraid no one can escape, so there is no need to worry. .

However, Ethan is not just worried.

Because both he and Xiou knew that Ian had certain authority over this subspace maze at this time.

Since Ian can transfer the dark gold dragon and other young strong men away through subspace transfer, then the situation may not be so critical... At least, he can run away.

What's more, they don't have much spare time to worry about others.

After the leaders of each exploration team and the dark gold dragon were taken away, the remaining members of the exploration team and the alien beasts fought together in chaos.

The strength of the alien beasts is unusually strong, and even the elites of various countries can only barely suppress it. What's more, some members of the exploration team are not only dealing with the alien beasts, they are still sending people over in an attempt to snatch the 'Crystal Cabinet' The storage chip in it, or sneaking in the direction of the huge Dragon Bone Mountain.

In this regard, the only ones left, or in other words, Xio and Isengard, who were deliberately left behind by Ian, became that line of defense.

——Whether it is the crystal cabinet, the marrow on the dragon bone or the source of dragon blood, they are all our trophies/treasures!

With this thought, Xio's true dragon instinct was awakened - as the only true dragon in the audience with a solid third-level soul, she can simply suppress all enemies in the current Dragon Bone Square. .

Whether it was alchemy firearms, psychic weapons, or simple armors from God knows where, they were all annihilated, devoured and shattered by her single-handedly!

As for Isengard, you only need to take the time to use the charged rifle to target a few people who are preparing for a sneak attack.

"Just shooting leisurely like this, I always feel very unwilling."

Shooting down another sublimated person who tried to pass through the defense line invisibly, but was noticed by the light-eating dragon's vitality reaction. Yisen shook his head slightly and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart: "At this time, Ian and Anfa are probably fighting the enemy desperately. ...What should we do?"

"Don't think too much."

Xio's thoughts were unexpectedly clear at this time. She said without any worries: "Whether it is the dark gold dragon or other members of the exploration team, the target is the dragon bones, dragon crystals and dragon marrow behind us - as long as we hold this place , even if it’s helping Ian.”

"Rather, the reason why we stay here is because Ian foresaw such a future, so we need to stay and guard our loot!"

(This guy's idea is too simple...but it may not be wrong. Is this the dragon's perspective?) Yisen smiled silently and bitterly. Xio's character of 100% belief in the prophet is indeed not a problem, for her anyway , this world is so simple.

But the blond boy still remembered what Ian said to him alone before everyone parted ways on the second floor.

[Although I can’t see clearly, Ethan]

At that time, the knight who had become Mahdi rubbed his eyes and said seriously: [This trip to the Alien Research Institute is probably also a great opportunity for you - it is no less than Anfa, Full of danger and rewarding opportunities! 】


What opportunities does Canaan Moore have related to himself, the son of a marquis in the north of the empire?

"You two, something is wrong!"

Suddenly, a nice but nervous voice came from the side.

Xiou and Ethan turned their heads together, but they only saw a ball of silver flash flying quickly, and finally stopped in front of them.

It was a silver goblin.

However, unlike the usually hard-looking silver fairies, the body of this silver fairy named 'Mercury Spring' is made of liquid-like mercury.

The smooth and turbulent curves contain a very beautiful rhythm, which is an absolute anomaly among the silver fairies who are almost all knights and warriors.

But being different is the proof of being ‘strong’.

Mercury Spring is actually the 'mind' of the Silver Fairy Squad.

Although Silver Salt is the captain, in the final analysis he is just a very strong thug. After all, being able to die fifteen times for challenging strong men is quite rare among the Silver Fairies, who are known for their bellicosity and recklessness.

You know, if you lose your fighting spirit and belief, even the immortal goblins will gradually dissolve themselves and become soul fragments in the goblin furnace to build new goblins... Many goblins have lived too long, and their free hearts gradually Filled with failures, regrets and unwillingness one after another in this world, I chose to dissolve myself, resolving those deep sighs deep in my heart and becoming a brand new existence.

However, Silver Salt can still maintain a strong fighting spirit and maintain its 'self' after fifteen failures. This willpower is amazing.

But on the other hand, he would die fifteen times because of challenging strong men. This kind of reckless character would make it impossible for him to become a leader even among goblins.

Because he was reincarnated relatively late this time, Mercury Spring's strength is not strong, but he has the means to communicate with the powerful silver fairy "Xing" and "Mechanical Dragon" Afiboya.

That is achieved through the special soul structure of the goblin, which can transcend the "virtual realm communication" that transcends the boundaries of time and space in the general sense!

"On behalf of Starfall City and the 'witnesses' of the Orthodox Church, I want to tell you two terrible news."

But now, the mercury spring fairy came to Xiou and Yisen, the strongest pair present, and said solemnly: "My communication in the virtual realm has been blocked... I can do it in Canaan Moore Those who have experienced this kind of thing are either the Silver Sect and the Kingdom in the Blood of the Ten Kings, or the fifth-level powerhouses!"

"I have reason to infer that above the ruins, the fourth-level powerhouses have begun to fight!"

"If possible, I hope you two can recycle the storage chips in the 'Crystal Cabinet' now and join us to resist the impact that may come next - don't worry, it is your trophy, and we will never take action. Robbed.”

Mercury Spring actually said this with selfish motives.

Indeed, Falling Star City and the Four Orthodox Churches came here just to ‘witness’.

They will not compete with any party to snatch these treasures, but will only provide treatment to the losers and prevent them from continuing to carry out various sneak attacks and assassinations, or destroying key equipment in the ruins, resulting in the end of the same fate.

Because of the irreparable loss of pre-era civilization technology due to infighting among the Terran forces, this has happened many times, and this is unacceptable to everyone.

Only the Four Orthodox Churches, Falling Star City and Dragon Island have the credibility and strength to make all parties believe that they will not favor any party and protect these 'precious heritage' belonging to mankind.

Of course, if there are ruins about the 'true dragon', then Dragon Island will also be a participant. This is a matter of course.

Because of this, if something unexpected happens in the ruins, and none of the competing parties can guarantee the safety of the 'treasures' and 'heritage', and they can only be preserved by neutral forces like them or by joint efforts, then they can Get the right to collaborate on research and even make a copy of key data for storage.

The game between the parties is quite complex. Generally speaking, no force would specifically refuse the assistance of the four orthodox religions, Falling Star City or Dragon Island.

"Is it so fast?"

However, Mercury Spring found that both Xio and Ethan had calm expressions on their faces, as if they had known for a long time: "So, the big one is coming so soon."

Having said this, Xio showed a rather sassy expression to Mercury Spring, stretched out his hand to shake the cold mercury hand: "Thanks for reminding me, goblin!"

"We are willing to join forces with you, but this time, I'm afraid all of us can only take care of ourselves."

And it was at the moment of shaking hands.

Mercury Spring opened her mercury-silver eyes and stared closely at the red-haired dragon girl and the sky behind her.


A brand new sun appeared in the sky behind Xio.

The blazing sun suddenly appeared on the subspace sky, and the ultra-high hot air flow visible to the naked eye turned into a corona, stretching and winding above the horizon, like a giant python wrapped around a ball of light.

But this is just the beginning.

Because less than ten seconds later, the exploding little star disappeared, but what appeared next was super gravity that was terrifying enough to penetrate the virtual realm and subspace——

Extremely violent gravitational turmoil appeared in the entire Dragon Bone Square. Whether it was the fighting alien beasts or other members of the exploration team who were secretly fighting, everyone felt the duet of weightlessness and aggravation at this moment.

"Wow! Flying?!"

"No, this is too much gravity -"

Except for the second energy level, all humans and animals were unable to withstand the back and forth gravitational changes. Most of the people were stunned by the aftermath and fell to the ground unconscious.

Not just people, even.

Even the extremely solid ground and the entire core area of ​​the Alien Research Institute cracked in the earthquake that seemed to shake the world.

A huge dark crack suddenly appeared under this violent shock, and the earth was torn apart. The crack was like a row of jagged shark teeth. It rose from the distance and came all the way towards Keel Square.

"How fiercely did they fight -"

Even though he was mentally prepared in advance, he was still shocked by this scene. Xiou turned his head and looked directly at the dark vacuum that suddenly appeared after the sun went out. The real dragon couldn't help but murmured: "This is terrible."

"The tower... is going to fall!"

Just like Xiou said.

Because of the violent vibrations, the entire subspace maze was shaken violently, and the twelve towers located around the Dragon Bone Square were also affected.

Even if the tower itself is extremely strong and will not overturn, there is a difference between falling and collapsing - as the subspace ground itself breaks and tilts, the originally straight tower will also shift from its original position.


Accompanied by violent winds and earthquakes, four of the twelve towers that originally surrounded the dragon's keel fell down one after another, and together with the one that was initially suspended by the City of Knowledge exploration team, a total of five towers were banned. The tower is inoperable.

The 'Red Tower' located next to Xio and others was also the one that fell.

The shrill wind roared, and the thousand-meter-high super-giant building fell straight down without any hindrance. This scene was as terrifying as if a giant was cutting it down with a thousand-meter-long giant sword.

Seeing this scene, no matter how nervous he was, Xio turned around and ran away in a panic.

Before running away, she didn't forget to use her spiritual power to grab the crystal cabinet she was protecting behind her and take it away.

Because of the failure of the five forbidden towers, the originally immovable dragon crystal became movable... but the seal was not completely destroyed. The crystal cabinet, which originally looked very light, felt like a drag on Xio. Drag a mountain!

(Damn it... if my true body were here... I could take it away with the power of a dragon!)

Amidst the roar of the tower falling, Xio couldn't help but become nervous - her prosthetic body was only at the first level of strength. Although it had dragon blood and could withstand the consumption of spiritual energy, facing the collapse of the tower There is no way to escape from this kind of impact!

Without the body and unable to withstand the 'reaction force', the interference of spiritual energy in the world will be sharply weakened. Even the dragon soul needs a prosthetic body as a 'container' for spiritual energy. This is the iron law of the world.

"Move! Crystal cabinet! Why don't you move!"

Gritting his teeth and using all his strength, he even used his physical strength to push it like a cart, but the speed of the crystal cabinet could not prevent it from being buried before the tower collapsed.

Xio gritted his teeth and decided to persevere until the end, even if the prosthetic body was smashed into pulp.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out and pressed on Xio's shoulder.

"Let me help, too." Ethan's voice sounded, and immediately after, there was an inexplicable hot and exciting feeling coming from his shoulders!

"Oh! Power is coming out!"

At this moment, Xio suddenly felt that his body and soul were activated. The 'dragon blood' in his prosthetic body began to burn fiercely, and was completely activated, bursting out with 120% of his power!

And at this moment, mercury spring, who was flying aside and ready to help at any time, saw a group of spiritual fire that seemed to have materialized suddenly ignited!

In just a moment, Lieyan forcibly dragged the crystal cabinet out of the range of the tower's collapse.


A huge wave of dust surged into the sky, and countless rubbles flew like bullets, but these could no longer harm the dragon girl who was supporting the psychic shield.

"Thank you, Ethan."

Xio, who breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved, couldn't help but become interested in the ability of the blond boy who withdrew his hand on one side: "Your ability is a bit powerful - not only the physical body, but also spiritual energy can be activated? Do you feel like the ordinary Light Eclipse Dragon Refining is not that powerful?"

"No...this is not my ability."

But Ethan was staring at his hand with some confusion. He frowned, feeling the sudden surge of power in his body that penetrated all the blood vessels and nerves: "I just wanted to use my blood to help activate Xio." It's just your source of essence, but at that moment, I felt that the 'blood' in my body resonated fiercely with the 'dragon blood' in your body, Xio!"

"Hey, isn't this normal?" Compared to Isengard, who looked solemn, Xio didn't care much about this. She laughed and patted the boy on the shoulder: "You are also a dragon, which means that within your body The dragon's blood resonates with me more, so it just produces a resonance effect of the source of matter!"

"No! In the past research, the Eclipsed Light Refining Dragon has always been an 'ancient sub-dragon'."

But Isengard shook his head and denied: "Although it can swallow even the blood of a true dragon, in the final analysis, it is just a parasitic creature... All of us in the Ellen family know this, and we can even say, Capturing a true dragon, completely devouring its body, and turning it into the bloodline power inherited by our family is the ultimate goal of our Ellen family."

"Hmm... that's right. My mother has seen the Eclipse Refined Dragon in the past, and the memories I got from my mother did not feel anything similar to yours, Ethan."

Xio doesn't feel embarrassed about the Ellen family's purpose. After all, there are too many people in Terra whose goals are real dragons, and the empathy between real dragons is also very low.

She didn't feel offended by this, but felt curious, and walked around the boy: "But I feel that the power in your body, Yisen, is genuine dragon blood... Just now, you clearly absorbed part of it. Isn’t it the power of the source of dragon blood?”

"That is proof that you possess the blood of a true dragon. All members of the exploration team who come here are more or less related to dragons."

After saying this, Xio actually laughed: "Compared with this, Ethan, you might as well think about where the true dragon's blood in your body comes from."

"In other words, what kind of true dragon is the descendant of the Eclipsed Light Refined Dragon?"


Ethan was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

Although he was convinced on the surface, in fact, he was full of doubts.

Because unlike what Xio said, the power he felt in his body was not just a little bit of dragon blood... That feeling was that all the blood and source organs of the Light-Corroding Dragon were in his entire body. It began to vibrate, burn, and become extremely hot.

If... this reaction is the so-called dragon blood resonance, then the light-refining dragon's blood is the real dragon's blood!

But problems also arise.

"Not to mention why the 'True Dragon's Blood' is so weak..."

"A 'dragon' like the Eclipse Refining Dragon that devours other lives to sublimate itself, which kind of fire and which civilization gave birth to the 'true dragon'?!"

Isengard's heart is actually full of anger and entanglement towards his own 'blood'.

——It is because of this blood that I was conceived and born in the conspiracy!

——It is because of this blood that I was hated by my father, assassinated by my uncle, and manipulated by my grandfather like a chess piece!

——But it is because of this blood... that I can stand on the stage now, side by side with first-class geniuses like Ian, Xiou, and Anfa...

Blood is a blessing. Blood is a curse.

Blood does not come because of prayer, nor does it go away because of indignation.

Blood is life and soul.

It's not that Isengard hates and rejects the blood and darkness in his body... he just wants to understand what the complicated array of inscriptions that flashed on his body when he absorbed the power of the dragon's blood before actually represents. .

What is the significance of the darkness that can not only carry the light of the sun bird, but also absorb the blood of the true dragon?

"What on earth... am I?"

Just when the blond boy laughed at himself bitterly and asked himself the source.

In the center of the Alien Research Institute, twelve tall towers surround the center.

The huge keel of the second generation true dragon shook slightly.

After losing the seal of the five high towers, the power of the source of dragon blood overflowed even more vigorously... But because of this, the six empty holes in the skull of the ancient dragon bones faintly lit up with a red-gold light.

At the same time, beside Xio and Isengard, the 'crystal cabinet' made of dragon crystal also lit up with a red-gold light.

The dragon's skeleton slowly lit up its eyes, and he looked at Xio and Isengard, who for some unknown reason instinctively raised their heads and looked at the dragon's skeleton.

At this moment, except for those six sunset-like eyes, the whole world dimmed.


And under the horrified gaze of the mercury spring goblin, with a burst of subspace distortion, Xio and Isengard all disappeared - and also disappeared, as well as the equipment that may have recorded all the technologies in the entire alien research institute. A crystal cabinet of information and past memories!

——The maze of subspace·where the dragon soul sleeps——

On the dark sea, the blond boy looked around blankly. He didn't know when he came here.

"This... I was transferred?"

He understood his situation at the first moment, but Isengard couldn't figure out why for a while. He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and looked around as calmly as possible: "It's dark here, but it's very big. What's under my feet is Is the reservoir... the reservoir of the Xenozoology Research Institute? Or is it a marine biology research laboratory?"

【All things】

At this moment, Isengard suddenly heard a loud voice.

Then, there is light!

The dark sea was illuminated in an instant, and what appeared in front of the blond boy was a strange sight that could scare most people——

That's blood!

Dragon blood!

The red-gold blood makes up the sea, and what floats in the sea is emitting crystal light patterns. Rather than being a living thing, it is better to say that it is the 'viscera' of some kind of huge machine!

This is an ocean composed of dragon blood and internal organs, and right in front of Isengard, six golden eyes like gems are suspended in mid-air, looking down at the young man.

[The younger generation thousands of years later, descendants of dragon blood, confused humans...]

Loud sounds came from all directions, and Isengard, who was unable to move for a moment, was shocked and realized that the sound was coming from the sea of ​​endless dragon blood under his feet, as well as the internal organs and 'eyes' in front of him!

Between these flesh and blood, there is a will that is dying but not dead, destroyed but not destroyed, slowly making its final voice: "You are the key to all things... You are the end of darkness..."

[Dragon of Thousand Stars, you are the origin and end of all things]

I recommend a book by a friend, titled "I'm Not a Trainer", written by Beichuan Nanhai!

Introduction: Urban Beast Taming Style. This is the daily story of a cook who encounters pet animals by relying on delicious food, raising pets, farming, and cooking delicious food.

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