High Above

Chapter 816 The Real Alien Research Institute (12)


Elger shook his head slightly. The handsome scholar couldn't help but cast his eyes on the classics in his hands. He sighed: "It is a huge miracle that our Terran civilization can exist to this day."

"Look, An."

The tome in his hand moved automatically, and Elger pointed to a page in the tome.

The text carved with the original inscription, one word contains information comparable to an entire page of today's common language. This page is an entire epic story. Elger slowly narrated: "Your 'mother' is tens of thousands of people." Years ago, pre-epochal civilizations arrived during the Stone Age, and the murals indicate that His arrival was accompanied by a majestic meteor shower that filled the entire sky.”

"That meteor shower lasted for decades, and there were many 'stars falling'... The term 'falling from the sky' in our civilization originated from this spectacle where it seemed as if all the stars in the sky fell."

"The disaster that ended the civilization of the previous era was just a reuse of the word."

Having said this, the scholar looked a little sad: "What a pity. Even though our capital of knowledge is located on the information repository of the pre-era civilization and is the most complete library of all phenomena, a lot of information has still been lost... To this day, We still don’t know why your mother arrived on Terra and why she is in the current state.”

【I said】

An An followed Erger's fingers to read the classics, and she said calmly: [My mother was banned by the 'god'. 'God' is the creator of the 'true dragon' you call... Mother is the fire of the ancient super civilization. She is far more powerful than 99% of the fires on Terra, but because it is too powerful and exclusive, it is rejected by the 'god' happiness】

[I don’t know this part of the memory. I don’t know why ‘God’ just imprisoned my mother in Terra instead of completely eradicating her... Could it be that ‘God’ cares about even a being like my mother? Or is it that the civilization behind the mother is also special to the 'god', so it has special care? 】

Shaking her head, the black-haired girl looked a little complicated: [No need to tell you the rest of the story, I already know it. During the Skyfall disaster, my mother's ban was shaken and became active. Many of my brothers and sisters came out and caused disasters one after another... And Huaiguang, True Dragon, Humanity's Dingzuo and several other powerful alien fires The two species teamed up to suppress us and our mother]

[The mother gradually falls asleep, so that we children can have our own will, and in turn help you seal the mother... How ridiculous, we are derived from the mother, but we are the ones who least want her to wake up]


Ergo and An are of the same mind, and they have the same mind. Although both parties are polite not to read each other's thoughts, after getting permission, they can understand each other directly through the soul.

Therefore, scholars at this time can clearly understand all the subtle thoughts of An, the feeling of guilt mixed with happiness, and confusion mixed with loneliness.

"That's why we're here," he said softly.

"Xenogeneic Research Institute...the largest and most comprehensive biological research center of the pre-epoch civilization. Here, there are original data from the pre-epoch civilization's research on the 'Thousand-Star Beast', and there may also be data from the Lost Era when the Thousand-Star Beast briefly revived! "

And An continued without interruption: [And... the possible existence... of pre-era civilizations, obtained from the hands of 'gods', a method to completely imprison the mother again]

"Only in this way can the power of mother (the beast of a thousand stars) be used by us... so that everyone can be as connected as we are and work together to lead the Terran civilization to a new era! 】

"This is the path we have chosen!]

【Let's go】

Once again, the synchronization rate between the two parties was determined through 'words' and 'mind'. The black-haired girl smiled and dissipated, turning into black mist and blending into Elger's body: [My clone has already killed Ian Yinfeng and Jin. The Deng family’s exploration team enters the subspace maze]

[If our guess is correct, the inside of the subspace labyrinth is the ‘Alien Research Institute’ that was truly preserved after the Lost Era! 】

at the same time.

Bloody courtyard, central abyss.

Ian stood in front of this abyss pit that was so deep that it seemed to go straight into the center of the earth, looking down.

"This is too deep, and you can't even see the end... In other words, starting from the middle is the door of the subspace labyrinth. The essence of this abyss is an 'endless deep sea' that goes straight into the virtual realm and subspace fragments. It is the place where the meditating mind The material materialization of the sea is no wonder it is so deep.”

He could see through the true nature of the abyss here at a glance, and he smiled: "The Thousand Stars Beast before just took a clone and entered this place, and the main body ran in other directions... I don't know whether it was to confuse my actions, or whether it was because of my actions. There is an organization behind it... Anyway, although I won't fight for the false reputation of being the first to enter the Xenogeneic Research Institute, I can't be too slow."

It's time to go.

The Blood River Arms pushed forward slightly, which borrowed part of the power structure of the Winding Sky Armor and proved to be very useful, allowing Ian to enter the abyss at a balanced speed and continue to descend in a standing position.

Since Ian returned from repairing Viscount Grant's ether weapon, he has been taking time to modify the Blood River weapon with Adlbert.

As a phase etheric weapon, the Blood River Armament has an extremely fine skeleton, with numerous armor and functional group interfaces. Whether it is modifying the power nozzle to provide a certain accelerated flight capability, or using Ian's earth element to create a semi-physical powerful shield. Shield can be easily supported.

It's just that energy requires a lot of souls, which is not very friendly, but fortunately, Ian has his own ether crystal, which can solve this problem.

The only problem is that no matter how modified the Blood River Arms is, no matter how complete its functions are, it is essentially a lucid creature's breeding equipment made of 'demons'... In addition to energy, it also requires 'spirit' to repair and wear out.

In other words, if Ian does not feed it with other people's lives and souls, it will continue to absorb Ian's essence and soul.

The good thing is that at the Alien Research Institute, Ian estimates that he will not be short of enemies and souls. As for the source of quality, he really has a lot of it to sell.

Soon, Ian came to the ‘subspace entrance’.

This is an illusory cave entrance. There is pitch black behind the entrance, and a faint flash of dark red light can be seen in the deepest part.

Unlike the Avak Laboratory, probably because no one has come here for a long time, there are no souls here to talk to Ian, only deep silence... just like the pre-era civilization that has disappeared in the long years.

Looking at the hole, Ian laughed,

He took a step and walked into the subspace.

In an instant, the world dissipated and turned into countless flying fragments.

Then, the infinite fragments reorganized, and virtual reality and reality overlapped here.

With one step, Ian came from the deep, dark cave to a broad and bright courtyard.

The endless experimental park spreads to the end of the field of vision. A towering dragon skeleton crawls in the center of the experimental park. Surrounding the skeleton, more than a dozen tall towers are arranged regularly, and mysterious fluctuations pour out of it.

Completely opposite to Avak Laboratory, it is not dark at all, it is silent, like a maze where ominous things are banished - it is a bright civilized world, an experimental park built in subspace!

Ancient, majestic, glorious and full of courage, without any ghosts or monsters.

Here are the virtual fragments of the civilization of the previous era, the subspace maze.

A corner of their former creation.

"...It's so spectacular."

Crossing two worlds in one step, Ian saw such a magnificent scene for the first time, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's hard to imagine how far the pre-epoch civilization has developed... It seems that compared to their biotechnology , these guys who can invent virtual realm machine gods are more proficient in spiritual energy."

At this moment, Ian's soul is vaguely emitting a cyan light, which is the light derived from 'Ian'.

Realizing this, the 'Mahdi' shook his head slightly, closed his eyes and meditated.

Then, pure and cold dark silver light bloomed from the gaps in the Blood River Arms.

Solved the last flaw in himself.

The disciple of Hilliard, the last unmovable city, the Knight of Rivendell, Mahdi, continues to move forward.

However, just when Ian was about to approach the majestic courtyard hall in front of him, he suddenly heard a voice.


Frowning slightly, Ian didn't think it was an auditory hallucination, because the sound was extremely regular, as if calling for something extremely important.

He listened carefully.

Then Ian heard it.

[Visitors are prohibited from entering the front area]

[Visitors, please show your ‘work permit’, ‘dragon soul’ or ‘dragon blood certification’]

Chapter 2 will be updated before 8pm! I was chatting with a friend about writing a book, and I ended up talking very late! I feel like I’ve gained a lot!

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