High Above

Chapter 474 People like ants (23)

With the imperial capital 'Gushan' as the main body, there are a total of fifteen 'large urban areas' towards the periphery. Each urban area is a relatively independent satellite city. The central area of ​​the nearest large urban area can be vaguely seen, with more than a dozen high-rise buildings. , as well as three towers over 300 meters high in the central area.

Each urban area has its own landmark buildings, so that you can clearly identify the location without any signboards.

The entire imperial capital is divided into three parts. The first one is naturally these cities under the mountains. In a sense, they can be regarded as the "downtown area" in ordinary big cities. Small towns like Gar Town are actually part of the outer edge of the lower city and are managed by different city lords.

Then, there is the ‘Middle City District’ ​​inside the imperial capital, located inside the giant city wall structure of the imperial capital. This is not the middle of the middle level, but the middle, the central area. It has multiple layers, and even has internal landscape ecology, lakes, rivers and special ecological park layers, and even fishing.

All important institutions and departments of the imperial capital are located here. It is said that there is a complete set of production chains and industrial sites in the central city. When needed, all connections with the outside world can be completely cut off and self-sufficiency can be achieved.

Finally, there is the upper city located on the upper level of Lonely Mountain - the giant defense facility of the imperial capital. Special institutions and the royal palace of the Setar royal family are located there, divided into two sides: inside and outside.

Ian's target this time, which is the imperial capital headquarters of the Inspector Knights, is located on the fifth floor of the Midtown area, and he will enter from the triple tower city area.

Theoretically speaking, with the young man's current identity and the certificate he holds, it is easy to enter the central city. All he needs to do is walk in with a swagger.

But there is a difference between ease and ease.

"We're here to pick you up, Ian Knight."

As the horses that Ian and Birch Frost Butterfly were on gradually stopped, a group of knights wearing silver-gray armor appeared in front of them.

These knights ride pure-blooded dragon horses. Their bodies are covered by a layer of gray carapace that is close to the body, and silver metal armor is inlaid in key parts, with different patterns shining on it, obviously supported by inscription technology.

The shoulders of these armors have the dazzling Eyes of the Sun emblem, as well as the forehead. That is the logo of the Inspector Knights, the eyes that supervise the world instead of the "Setal Royal Family" representing the "sun".

The front end of their helmet is a layer of smooth black crystal, and a 'T'-shaped metal structure is raised on the back side of the neck, which seems to be a signal transmission device for connecting bones.

The voice of the leading knight was very familiar, even through the fully enclosed helmet.

That was the voice of the Inspector Knight Tres whom he met on the alchemy train.

But he pretended not to recognize him, so the young man raised his brows as if he didn't hear it: "Of course I have no problem, I'm here to report on my duties... but where are my companions?"

"Of course the two fairies can go together."

Tres rode on his horse and signaled the team to turn and lead the way: "Everyone."

He raised his hand and pointed upward diagonally, as if pointing to the city not far away.

The man said with a smile.

"Welcome to the Imperial Capital."

Ian, Hua An, and Shuangdie looked at each other, and then stepped forward with a smile.

Between the sky and the earth, there stands a city so huge that it covers the sky and the sun. On the edge of the city near it, it is impossible to judge its curvature or its height, because all sight lines have been blocked and can only be vaguely seen. The center of the city towers into the depths of the clouds in the sky, leading to a mountain-like structure at the top of the sky.

And in the cable car channel outside the city, Ian walked side by side with Tres who took off his helmet.

"It's only been three days, and you've already become the captain?" The white-haired boy shook his hair and said in a surprised tone, "You were promoted very quickly."

"I'm just a squad leader. After all, I have been undercover for so many years, and I have also advanced to the second level, and I have also established a great achievement - Kate, the prisoner I captured, unexpectedly knows a lot of things."

Tres smiled and said. He looked down at the badge on his chest and touched it gently: "This is the result of all my years of hard work."

Ian stared at the Eye of the Sun badge with wings on both sides and nodded slightly: "It is indeed very hard."

"You wouldn't understand, genius."

Tres sighed slightly.

There are many high-power glow lights on the top of the city wall structure of the Imperial Capital, and under the illumination of the lights, the patrol knight team and Ian's group are riding a cable car into the inner city of the Imperial Capital.

As Ian speculated, the official entrance to the imperial capital was on the inside of the city wall structure three hundred meters above, because according to the design of the pre-era civilization, all city wall structures were located underground.

Now that the overall structure of the imperial capital is bulging, it is natural that the original entrances and exits have been raised to a rather excessive level.

Bathed in the somewhat too bright searchlights, the cable car slowly rose.

The sheer size of the Imperial Capital always shocks those who approach it, especially when sitting in a transparent cable car and approaching slowly, Ian can see most of the details of the Imperial Capital - the alloy layers of the city wall structure have experienced thousands of years of degeneration. Due to wind and rain, it has long been covered with a thick gray-brown structure. This is not an accumulation of dust, but a 'skin' caused by the proliferation of biomass fibers on the inside.

Patterns like plant roots emerge on this layer of skin, forming an inscription matrix pattern that is so huge that it is beyond human imagination. They flash with a faint light that is difficult for ordinary people to detect, and pulse at an extremely slow speed. It pulsates like a human blood vessel.

Without the silver chip, Ian would have had trouble spotting this.

But with the silver chip, Ian can be sure that every pulse of these inscription arrays will trigger an extremely surging energy surge inside - if the entire imperial capital is a super giant machine or a living thing, Then this energy surge is the impact caused by its blood flow.

"What kind of creature is this?" Ian couldn't help but think about it, even though he knew that such thinking would be fruitless.

The scan of the silver chip is just a 'planetary shield generator' - this only proves its guess... Maybe this is the planetary shield of a certain biotech civilization?

Ian did not have a full view of the imperial capital, which limited his analysis.

At this moment, the cable car has reached an area of ​​more than 200 meters high. Ian turned around and looked down at the 'lower city' below him from the other side. Under his feet, dense buildings and high-rise buildings dozens or hundreds of meters high organically combine to form a lively and prosperous neighborhood. Spacious passages, alchemy vehicles and logistics fleets follow the roads, the blood vessels of the city. Cycles come and go.

In the criss-crossing streets and blocks, there are bright display signs everywhere, which are extremely conspicuous even in the daytime, and there are hundreds of cable cars and transport tracks on the outer walls of the imperial capital, which exchange materials in the middle and lower cities.

In the lower city, there are only a few tower-like buildings that can be compared with the city walls of the imperial capital. They are the centers of the fifteen lower cities, and Ian's height is gradually reaching the same level as them.

People have become like ants.

Ian was still staring at the crowd downtown.

The mere distance of three hundred meters is enough to make people look like ants... What about the senior officials of the empire who live in the upper city area, at least in the starting area of ​​three thousand meters?

Ian raised his head, and he could already see the steel cone of the 'Solitary Mountain'... There were layers of spiraling building structures there.

Because of the abnormal psychic field brought about by the height, air pressure and shield beam, ordinary people cannot even survive in the upper city. They only need to move a little, and their internal organs will be crushed by the excessive pressure.

Only the Ascended can move freely there.

Uptown is not off-limits to any ordinary person. The emperor's palace is open to all.

Anyone who wishes can ask questions to the Emperor himself, or to any of the great figures who can influence the Empire.

It's just that ordinary humans...can't do it.

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