High Above

Chapter 429 The Marquis’ Invitation (33)

On the rooftop terrace of the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce, the white-haired boy sat on an armchair, reclining and staring at the starless dark night.

The rays of the imaginary moon were so bright that the cloud edges were dyed with a layer of silver-blue fluorescence. The beams of moonlight fell down to the earth. When they reached Shuangshu Town, they were overshadowed by the lights in the villages and towns.

The streets are full of lights and pedestrians, and the windows of every house are hung with flower blossoms, a kind of light yellow flower commonly seen in the courtyards of homes. They are named because they look like spots of sunlight falling on the courtyards. In Nanling It means good harvest and unexpected wealth.

The so-called curfew cannot really bring a large trading center like Shuangshu Town to a standstill. The owners of various shops have paid their fines in advance, and the soldiers patrolling the streets don't want to really make life difficult for their relatives and friends, so they have sent additional manpower. Apart from patrolling, there was no attempt to close any shop.

In the final analysis, the chaos around Nauman City is basically fake - the Dragon Worship Cult did not attack the city at all, the people from Canaan Moore are also in the city, and the moles on both sides are also in a period of silence, so the only possibility is to cause trouble A section chief of the Lingzhi Academy died, and all the leaders were gone. They were all huddled in their own laboratories and did not go out.

Flying Flame Land?

Feiyandi is just a scapegoat. How can it really bring chaos to Nanling? The most it can do is engage in biological warfare, but the effect is not very good.

Just because of this, several strongholds were exterminated due to the actions of a certain knight, and they were blocked by the empire in forests and mountains. Most of them were probably withdrawn to the Western Province.

Of course, they may succeed in a certain insect nest timeline, but at this point in time, the Flying Flame Land has exited.

Ian just stared at the lights in the city, reading the alchemy book in the silver chip in his mind while eating meat while distracted.

Eat a lot of meat.

The waiters of the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce continuously served plates of steaming dishes, including barbecued meats with brown skin and sizzling fat, as well as carefully cooked steamed fish with fresh and tender meat.

Even the sweet and sour honey-vinegar pork ribs that Ian had eaten in Jinye Town were there. The ribs were almost separated from the bones and had thick juice hanging on them, and the entire terrace was filled with a rich aroma.

Ian liked all of these. He chose a bird leg and bit into it. The crispy skin immediately cracked and the juices spilled out, which was extremely satisfying.

It tastes really good. he thinks.

But what really matters is the follow-up.

The chewed food enters the abdomen and is immediately crushed by the wriggling steel-grained stomach pouch. On the inside of the stomach wall, under the almost metallic grinding patterns, pure black glands are secreting a special catabolic enzyme that breaks all the food. The food is turned into a material that is easily absorbed and then sent to other digestive systems.

Eating and digestion. The most important activity of the human body is to obtain energy and growth materials. A series of chain reactions manifested themselves as an inexplicable heat flowing all over Ian's body.

He clearly felt that the muscle structure in his body was undergoing fine-tuning, and some old fat that served as an energy reserve and insulation layer was gradually being absorbed and then replaced by the body.

The reason why steel-grained starfish is so unpalatable is that its energy storage structure is too tough. Eating it is like eating iron-coated rubber, and the average human body cannot digest this specialized fat. On the contrary, it can lead to allergies like lactose intolerance.

And now... because the conversion process is not that fast, Ian is not sure how much defense bonus this transformation can bring to him.

But at least, he knew it.

It doesn't taste very good on its own.

"But it wasn't very tasty originally, so there's nothing wrong with it."

After eating five times the usual amount, Ian even felt that he was still a little unsatisfied. With him as the center, waves of heat were rising, and even created an updraft on the top floor of the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce.

This is a vision caused by his physical body working at full capacity, digesting food and strengthening his body.

The core of the ancient dragon has also been replenished with a large amount of source material, which almost made up for the consumption of Ian's previous killing of Baron Lane and the Chief of the Gnosis Academy.

The ability of the iron-dissolving stomach pouch has been proven. This digestive organ is indeed one of the sublimated organs that Ian needs most today.


Just when Ian finished the experiment and was about to go back to his room to rest.

Suddenly, Mr. Yinfang came over with a serious face and called softly: "There's something wrong."

"What's the matter, sir?"

The young man stopped and looked at the other person curiously.

He has never seen Mr. Yinfang take him so seriously - this kind old man has always been very cheerful. Even if he is very troubled, he will hide his expression. He has never put worry on his face like this. .

"Someone is looking for you. It should be a good thing... but it is definitely not ordinary."

The old man didn't know Ian's inner thoughts. He just sighed lightly, then frowned and said: "There is an envoy from the Marquis below."

"Ian, Marquis Barton wants to see you."


Ian raised his brows and laughed: "Then what are you waiting for? I'll go downstairs right away."

The envoy of Marquis Barton is waiting downstairs. He is a young ironman dressed like an ordinary adventurer.

He wore a dark brown cloak and carried a long hunting bow on his back. The quiver was covered by the cloak and hung under the leather armor. It looked quite cheap.

In addition, there are many small pieces of equipment and a scimitar hanging on his belt. The handle of the scimitar is very old, but it is very clean.

Obviously, if the adventurer had not produced the document originating from the Marquis of Barton, Mr. Yinfang would never have come so cautiously to remind Ian.

When a nobleman sends a man who has been hidden for who knows how long, instead of a fully armed knight, to invite someone.

That situation is definitely much more dangerous than usual.

"Knight Ian, the Marquis invites you, as a representative of Harrison Port, to go to the Governor's Mansion tomorrow to attend a banquet meeting with the Canaan Moorish envoys."

The messenger said expressionlessly. He took out an invitation: "The time is before noon tomorrow. Please be sure to arrive on time."

The messenger's tone was emotionless and business-like, and the underlying command was obvious.

But Ian seemed unable to understand this inhuman danger. Instead, he smiled at the Iron People messenger and said one word: "Seven times."

The messenger looked a little confused. He seemed to have no idea what the seven times in Ian's mouth meant, and he was not moved by Ian's words at all.

But the emotional perception brought by the Extreme Realm allowed the young man to confirm that the other party was indeed shocked for a moment.

Therefore, he continued confidently: "You just spied on the Chamber of Commerce three times from the street corner, distant rooftops and the crowd, and determined my location."

"Then use your bird companion to determine my position in the sky, and then use the small telescope on your left to confirm my movements twice."

"And before finally coming to find me, you used some kind of sublime ability to confirm my strength again."

"A total of seven times, no one noticed, very cautious, and very powerful."

The adventurer was silent for a while, then smiled and took back the invitation in his hand.

"Knight Ian." He nodded to Ian, took out something from his arms, and said calmly: "You have proven yourself, please forget what I said before."

He handed Ian a badge: "The general invites you to have dinner with him tomorrow evening."

"The general said that he doesn't mind if you come late, but the meat will be eaten up, so you can only drink tea with him."

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