High Above

Chapter 400 It’s just sad (23)


There is no self, but a prophecy related to oneself.

It sounds convoluted, but it's actually not difficult to understand.

Ian knew that a prophet could not predict a prophet, but there was a difference in this "inability" - he could not see the signs of another prophet's impact on himself, but the other prophet could not influence him to predict the impact of others on him.

In other words, the predictions made by other prophets about themselves are not completely ineffective, but are prophesied in a state of 'without him existing', or 'ignoring the part where he is'.

At this moment, the spiritual voice of the child's soul has begun to weaken, and this time it is Linda who is taking the lead: [Brother, with the help of the power of the skull, I saw a chaos in Nauman City, and all the mysterious men in black went to that city, Finally, I cooperated with another group of people and successfully obtained something quite important]

[We don’t know what that thing is. It is very ordinary and ordinary, but it is extremely precious. It is too contradictory. The world is too big and there are many things that we don’t know... but it is related to a certain sect... What is the sect? ? 】

[In short, it was precisely because we saw this scene that we decided to speed up the plan with my father - but you are here, big brother, so all the prophecies have been broken, and all fates have taken a different trajectory]

[The mysterious man in black appears because of your arrival, and we will also enter failure... But since our destiny has been changed, then the people who get important things in Nauman City will also change... Even everything will change, no Maybe people can get it? 】

Linda obviously had no interest in any of this, or in other words, she didn't take the prophetic picture seriously at all.

She is an artificial human created to carry the "Skull of a Moment", and her psychic energy is also "activated". She usually uses activated psychic energy to assist the Skull of Moment in making prophecies, so she is even a little repelled in this aspect.

However, like her brothers, she has a rather naive malice towards the Spiritual Knowledge Institute.

That is, no matter what happens, I hope that Lingzhiyuan will fail.

It would be best if they all died.

"Sect? The four orthodox religions? Or a cult? The prophecy of the Moment's Skull? It does have such power."

Ian frowned slightly, he understood somewhat.

In this way, the actions of Baron Ryan and the children can be explained - the loss of control of the Gnosis Academy plan is also inevitable, because they actually succeeded in cultivating a psyker who can harness the power of the prophet.

Although it is only indirect, the existence of the power of the prophet itself means "unconditional access to a certain amount of future information"... Against such psychics, even a few children can escape their control.

As for why the other party told him this prophecy...

"Do you want me to stop the Lingzhiyuan from succeeding? Even if it's just something that has nothing to do with you?"

After a moment of silence, Ian smiled calmly: "Although I really want to say no, I can't refuse."

At this point, he paused and said seriously: "But remember."

"This is not for you, I just want to do it."

[It’s all the same, big brother, only you care about these little things, only those who want to live need excuses]

At this moment, what appeared in Ian's ears was a rather unfamiliar voice, which was also the most mature voice: [What we should do is over. Next, we should leave and pay with death]

This is the voice of the Baron's own son, the child who may indeed be resurrected in the end.

His death was the beginning of all the madness and evil that followed for the Baron.

But he was perhaps the most innocent of all the dead people present.

At least, except for frightening Steward Moda, he didn't have any evidence of evil.

He is just...a chosen one.

and a victim.

Unlike the souls of the other three children, who could clearly sense abnormalities and madness, Ian could sense that although the souls of the Baron's parents and children still contained some vengeance, they eventually recovered with the help of the Baron and his younger siblings. Normal sanity.

Maybe this is the power of the Chosen One? Or is it the psychic support of the three siblings?

Or maybe he had already regained some of his sanity when he met the old steward Moda?

None of this matters anymore.

"If that's your choice."

Ian replied softly: "Then go ahead."

[Then farewell, my passing prophet brother]

"Farewell, poor children."

In the dark night and thunderstorm, Ian turned around, facing away from the corpse and the ball of light.

The pouring rain melted the ice and melted away the mud and rocks, making all traces of the battle disappear, while the roaring thunder drowned out all sounds.

The frost butterfly flew from a distance. The boy raised his finger, and the little elf happily clung to the tip of his index finger. The laughter of the frost butterfly overlapped with the cheerful laughter coming from behind, and along with it, there was the sound of flesh and blood. A weird squirming sound of being twisted.

In the cultivation warehouse, all the children's corpses, even the body that was being cultivated to carry the resurrection of the resentful spirit, began to spontaneously decompose, disintegrate, and melt into balls of strange orange-red solution.

This is the effect of Mo Qiu's spiritual energy. He is activating his own power to completely erase all remaining traces of himself and his brothers and sisters in this world.

Even the brilliance of the 'Momentary Skull' on Linda's head is dimming - this spiritual inheritance object originally consumed a lot of power, and now it is almost exhausted and is turning back into an ordinary ether crystal skull. .

Without the interference of this thing that was also inherited by the prophet, the many fogs in the young man's precognitive vision clearly emerged again.

But Ian didn't look back. He didn't need to look either.

Because the young man has known for a long time that these lives that have never experienced any meaning on this land have finally found the final meaning of their lives.

That is to eradicate the existence of oneself from this world, so that no one can find them again, harm them again, or use them to repeat another terrible plan.

Even if there is a possibility of resurrection, life still chooses to refuse to be born in this world again.

After more than ten seconds, all the sounds of flesh and blood stopped completely, and the children's laughter completely dissipated, and the fluctuations in psychic energy began to weaken.

Ian stopped and for ten seconds, he didn't hear any sound.

They all dissipated.

Six years ago, a big storm along the coast of Nanling, combined with the malicious intentions of a group of people, turned into a landslide that destroyed a family; and a landslide caused by a crazy nobleman destroyed hundreds of ordinary families.

The war between the Firelands and the Empire seems to have nothing to do with this matter, but in fact it is closely related - Duke Thorin cannot support the defense line independently, and the people within the country are displaced, and the Empire may be trying to weaken the Duke's power , or the strategic focus is really shifting, and the refugees from the western border continue to migrate to other provinces.

In the future, Grand Guild Thorin will choose to betray completely—or independently choose the fate of his country.

Just a small decision caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Following this decision, organizations such as the Lingzhi Academy took advantage of the situation and used this rich 'resource' to launch various plans of their own.

If it were recorded in history books, all of this would probably be just a fleeting sentence. 'The Setar Empire and the Feiyan Land had a six-year strategic confrontation. The secret war and biological warfare between the two sides caused the western plains to be unable to cultivate normally, leading to famine. Frequent disasters caused large numbers of people to flee to other provinces, leaving very few survivors.

Just such a sentence, which may be ignored by later generations of scholars and readers, falls on the heads of ordinary people... No, even if it falls on the heads of sublime people, it is like a landslide.

The world is never ugly.

It's just pathetic.

"damn it."

In the heavy rain, the white-haired boy cursed in Chinese in a low voice, and then put on his helmet.

Collect all the fragments of the broken sword and the pieces of the alchemy armor without leaving any clues.

Then, Ian turned his head and looked at the previous battle scene.

Baron Ryan's body was far different from the one he fought with before. Not only did the sword wound in his throat disappear, but his face also turned purple as if he had been poisoned.

As for the body of the deputy section chief of the Academy of Gnosis, although the fact that his head was smashed could not be reversed, it did not look like it had been trampled to pieces, but that it had been smashed to pieces by Baron Ryan with an armor-piercing awl.

At first glance, it looks like these two duels, both performing killing moves, and then dying together.

"…too skilled."

For a while, even Ian himself couldn't find anything wrong.

But he also knew that these actions could only be hidden from unsuspecting people, such as the inspectors of the Imperial Supervisory Court and the executors of the Huaiguang Church.

But the Academy of Spiritual Knowledge must know that Mo Qiu has the ability to twist and manipulate the body.

In this case, they will never make a misjudgment due to the condition of the body, but will try to search for more clues.

But it was enough - enough to make them confused for a while, and they could no longer catch any trace of themselves.

"I owe Sister Yingguang a thank you... Let's go back and get our luggage first."

Ian thought.

From the beginning to the end, only Sister Yingguang and the old steward Moda knew that he was involved in this matter, and only Sister Yingguang knew that he went to track Baron Ryan - this was just enough to create a time difference. After all, this battle was long, and the whole process was Including the time it took to crush the man in black of the Gnosis Academy, it didn't take more than fifteen minutes. As long as he accelerated back, no one could guess that it was Baron Ryan who killed him and the deputy section chief of the Gnosis Academy.

It's normal if you don't catch up, but if you catch up, you will be suspected.

"By the way, did I kill another old friend of the Viscount?"

Thinking of this, Ian paused for a moment, then shook his head vigorously, shaking off this strange thought: "It's not my fault, the feng shui in Nanling is indeed not very good."

"Maybe not all of Terra."

With subtle thoughts in mind, the young man left this place and accelerated towards Ryan's territory.

Although basically few people would cast suspicion on themselves, who served under Viscount Grant, an old friend of Baron Ryan, but it was better to have someone prove it than nothing.

After a long time.

The rain clouds dissipate and dawn comes.

Two radiant figures came to this valley.

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