Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 147

"Zoom in a bit, those troops on Triton have done their best, and as long as they stay in the fortress honestly, they will be fine. What's more, the Neptune Mining Group gang is going to finish this time. Their troops are also worthless, and if they are destroyed, they will be destroyed. "

"It is said that the Saints of the 'Heart Voice' are also on Triton, and if we lose them, we may lose an elite land force. "

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this, they are indeed much stronger than our army. But the 'Pluto Revival Army' of their 'Heart Voice Faction' is now more than a million people with us, and it would be nothing without this force. What's more, their perseverance always allows them to find a solution in a desperate situation, right? Hearing Lieutenant General Chu's words, Casto didn't want to ask anything more, so he continued to discuss the combat deployment with him.

At Triton, Lieutenant General Alticriit contacted Lieutenant General Cohen, who was stationed at the outskirts of Triton: "Lieutenant General Cohen, have you reported the news of the raid on our venue with Neptune Mining Group to the Archbishop and the Brotherhood higher-ups?"

Lieutenant General Cohen responded: "I've sent the message, but the higher-ups haven't responded to me. "

"It's been an hour, and the troops I just sent out haven't heard back, and they seem to have been subjected to electromagnetic interference. I suggest that we retreat immediately now!".

"Retreat, we have neither the order nor the authority to make this decision!" said Lieutenant General Cohen.

"But the peace talks have broken down, and we have no other task than to guarantee the success of the peace talks, and now this task has irretrievably failed. We have to save our strength and withdraw next, not dry it up here, otherwise there is no point in adding additional losses. "

"No, I think we still have to wait for orders, I must not betray the archbishop!".

"How is this a betrayal of the archbishop! We are here to preserve the combat strength for him! If you are not at ease, you can go first with the fleet, I will be stationed here!".

"It's even worse, I'm leaving, leaving you alone, and I can't give the archbishop an errand. "

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Altikrit couldn't help but scold: "Why did the archbishop send you idiot!? Cohen, you weren't like this before! As soon as you opened your mouth, I felt that something was wrong with you, what happened to you today?" As soon as he finished speaking, his subordinates reported to him: "Lieutenant General, Director Chachott has just sent a message that he has successfully broken through with a few soldiers!"

"Oh, yes, I'd love to meet this 'hero'. As soon as Lieutenant General Cohen said a word, Lieutenant General Altikrit felt unwell, his breath was stiff and cold, and he hurriedly hung up the voice.

Chachott went through a simple inspection with five soldiers to the command post of Lieutenant General Altikrit. Lieutenant General Altikrit greeted as soon as he came up: "Governor Chachott, I'm really sorry that I have caused you to go through such a catastrophe because of my mistake. Are there any survivors in the other fraternities and churches?".

"They all died. "

"Are you sure?".

"Pretty sure. "

"Huh, are you sure?" Lieutenant General Altikrit's face sank, and he was about to reach for the gun on his waist. Chachott sensed that something was wrong, and as soon as he was about to explain, a short soldier next to him rushed over and locked Lieutenant General Altikrit's neck, and several other soldiers also took control of the officers in the command room.

"Sonya, don't!" But before Chachhott could finish speaking, he heard a click, and Lieutenant General Altikrit's neck was twisted.

"What are you going to do, let him arrest us all?" asked Sonia rhetorically.

Chachott replied, "We were able to pass the inspection because I promised their priest to keep Lieutenant General Altikrit's life. "

"Oh, that's when you're finally willing to tell why. And then say, what else is there to hide from me this time?" asked Sonya.

"No, don't you make any more trouble, okay?" Chachott said emotionally.

"Troublemaker, how did you hide it from him just now? Tell me, what else can I do but kill him?"



"It's true that you're not good at dealing with unexpected situations, and while your sincerity and excitement in the face of big people can mask a lot of things, your rough mind has a hard time dealing with complex situations. "

"Sonya, your words make me feel bad."

"I'm telling the truth, reality always makes us idealists feel bad, doesn't it?".

"Yes, that's why I chose to stand with the 'Heart Sound Pie'. But I sometimes wonder if the idealistic impulse of the 'Xinyin' doctrine has made me more reckless. "

Sonia walked up to Chachhot, put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I've figured out what we're going to do next, you just need to tell me as much as you know." "

On the other side, the firefighters were preparing to launch a general attack on the outlying strongholds of Haitel, and Vice Admiral Chu Minghui divided the fleet into six parts, of which four sub-fleets were the main force, and the other two were involved to carry out the task of luring the enemy.


enemy warships guarding Triton consisted of more than 8,000 warships, and they built a number of outposts in the outer star fields of Triton. The 26 armed outposts are equipped with high firepower, railguns and large missiles to quickly clear out some light ships. And when arranging the battle line, Lieutenant General Cohen deliberately widened the gap between several outposts, making the illusion of a gap to lure the firefighters into an armed attack.

But Casto's detachment was going to attack precisely this "gap".

One hour later, Castor led his fleet group with the detachment into combat positions. His ships had not been damaged in previous battles, but he was still a little worried about their durability to survive the battle. The order of the commander of the detachment interrupted Casto's thoughts: "Commodore Cavendi, please lead the fleet to the target outpost, and we will cover you with all our might!"

"Yes!" Casto knew that after the great battle just now, the warships of his own fleet had been damaged, and his own fleet was the most complete, and he was the best person to lead the charge. Without hesitating for a moment, he immediately gave the order to the group: "All charge to the enemy's outpost No. 16!"

As soon as Castow gave the order, the 28 warships of the 6th Group rushed towards the enemy position like arrows from the string, and the support fleet behind them also quickly deployed, suppressing the fire points in the enemy position. The battleships on both sides of Outpost 16 were overwhelmed by the dense barrage of shells and missiles, and many of the battleships were retreating in the rear. Casto took the opportunity to cut into the rear of Outpost 16 in an attempt to open a breach where the outpost's armor was weak.

However, just as Castor's fleet bypassed the outpost, they were confronted by a modified fleet. At this time, Casto's flagship shows a video communication application, and after Castor orders to approve the application, a familiar figure that makes Castor a little disgusting appears in the video screen.

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