Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 145

Speaker Borodin continued to comfort: "You don't have to worry too much about this, we represent the interests of the Earth Circle, and Chairman Yue has always stood on the side of the Earth Circle. No matter how good his relationship with Antonios is, it can't change that fact. Even if he knew the facts, no matter how bad he was, he would not be able to completely overturn our plan. Don't worry!".

After hearing Borodin's words, Lehman waved his hand and said: "Well, you have a point. I probably shouldn't be overly worried about what hasn't happened yet. Let's talk about what to do with those idiots on Triton right now?".

"Hmph, isn't it all planned? Like you said yesterday. Borodin said with some unhappiness.

"That's right, the fate of everyone on that planet is already sealed. Lehman pronounced the sentence in the tone of a judge of fate.

Chachhott excitedly said to Sonya: "Sonya, what are you hesitating about!?The armed fleet of firefighters in the Neptune Domain will attack at any time, and once this place is breached, even if you survive, they will not spare you if they find the original copy of the 'Carpet Project'!"

Sonia said decisively, "Then I'll destroy this document!".

Chachott replied, "How is it possible, do you know what kind of material this is made of? It can't be destroyed with ordinary weapons, don't think about it, join us, take us out!".

Sonia was unmoved, and said, "Heh, you mean I'm already in a dead end? "

"You can only survive if you work with us," Eusein said. I can put you in a key position in our intelligence network special forces team, and there are many people you know well. You've broken up with that Martian nobleman, and he's not going to protect you anymore. You need to look for new things to lean on. "

Hearing this, Sonia shuddered, a few days after she broke up with Casto, the news was known to the Pluto rover higher-ups, such a rapid transmission of information made her a little afraid of their intelligence network, and at the same time, she also wondered in her heart why she was a middle-level officer to let these high-ranking officials be so concerned.

Sonia thought for a few seconds, closed her eyes and sighed, then said, "Okay, I can take you out, but only if you make a good arrangement to make the whole play realistic enough." "

When Eusein saw Sonya's promise, he immediately said, "Okay, so be it." The 'defection mission' originally scheduled to be carried out by Colonel Friedman was transferred to Colonel Sonia, so that the play could be played more realistically. We will be covered by our Lieutenant General Altikrit, who will 'perform' in concert with our retreat. With that, Eusein laid out the plan. They decided to fake Sonya's plan to rush into the venue and capture the conference personnel, and send troops to fight their way out of the encirclement, coerce the landing ship to take off, and at the same time contact the fleet to break out of the encirclement while the melee is in charge.

After explaining the details of the plan, Eusein turned Chachhotra over and whispered, "You should be able to guarantee that Colonel Romanovna will not harm the Neptune Mining Group and us, right?"

"Of course, with me she won't mess around. After Chachott finished speaking, Eusein patted him on the shoulder, and then said to the crowd, "Alright, let's start our big show!"

The group left the conference hall, and in the corridor Chachott greeted Sonia again: "Long time no see, you are still so heroic. "

Sonia disagreed, "Heh, this is not a compliment, you have fallen to the 'Divine Sound Sect'?"

Chachott replied, "Yes, I have been persuaded by Archbishop Banerjee's theism lately. "

"Oh, you say, come and hear?".

"You know, there's dark matter and solid matter in this world. At the same time, there are dark energies and all kinds of energies that we can perceive. God is behind them. "

Sonia nodded and said, "Well, I've heard this theory, but how to connect the gods with the world? Reason and sensibility, as well as divinity that can transcend these, are actually only perceptible to human beings, right? God is an artificial being who ensures that man does not fall into madness and self-destruction. "

"No, you're wrong, there are gods of order and chaos in this world. They are constantly fighting, constantly dividing, and constantly destroying. Absorb energy from the prosperity and decay of human beings to maintain the existence of this universe. "

"Hahaha, so it's not that people need God, but that God needs us?"

"No, we're just a source of energy for them. They need our presence to give them a diverse range of energy. The disappearance of light, the instantaneous extinguishment of fire, the evaporation of water and the depression of darkness, back and forth, in which mankind has gained a great amount of wealth, the god of order informs the direction of mankind in the annihilation of energy, and the god of chaos sits and reaps the benefits in this ups and downs. "

"Oh, with this explanation, our religion has become a bitheistic religion. "

"Yes, only Archbishop Banerjee is aware of this. Therefore, he reveals to us that humanity is now trapped in the superficial illusion of the god of order, but forgets that the god of chaos is sitting and reaping the benefits, and he is silently leading humanity to destruction. We need to curry favor with the God of Chaos by bribing him, paralyze him, and then use the power of the God of Order to create a kingdom of freedom for humanity!"

After listening to Chachhot's words, Miroshev whispered to Egorovich: "Fuck, are we going to cooperate with such a madman?"

Egorovich replied: "The price they gave was very good, and we really had no other choice, and everything has developed exactly like what was designed in the 'Carpet Project' in recent years." The Pluto rover could not have faked it like this, and some of the details of the plan were unlikely they knew before. Our meeting was even in the plan, which meant that if they falsified the plan, it would have to wait until before the campaign was launched at the latest. But the burner that stored this plan was so special that it seemed to be the only device on Earth. There's no way a Pluto rover could sneak in and get this thing through Earth's identity check. "

Miroshev was still relieved, and he asked: "But don't you think the display interface of this plan is too exaggerated? There are so many network of plan nodes and details, it seems that everything is included, and it cannot escape the clutches of the top management of the arbitration committee." "

Perhaps, this plan was not intended for themselves at all, but was used to demonstrate to their enemies. Speaking of which, Egorovich suddenly realized something. He hurried over to Eusein and said to him, "Excuse me, how did you get this plan?"

Eusein replied nonchalantly, "Our intelligence officers got it." "

"Is the process difficult?".

"Our intelligence officers got the ...... without any problems," before Eusen sensed the purpose of Yegorovich's question. He paused and continued, "Are we still in their plan for what we are doing?"

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