Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 141

"It's okay to get used to, but it seems to be harder to adapt to the social environment and relationships here. Atholl replied.

"Tell me, where do you not fit in?".

"People here have used too much of the power of machines and electronics, and they have become accustomed to it, and have lost a lot of their natural nature," Atholl said bluntly. "

"Well, that's true, and that doesn't like it to you?".

"Yes, it makes me uncomfortable, they are not human, they are always driven by desire to pursue cold money and beautiful empty shells. Don't they feel that there is something wrong with this kind of life?".

Sonia laughed after hearing this: "Hahahahaha, everything is convenient in this kind of life." It is possible to be distressed by not getting something more pleasurable. But under this arrangement, there will be no worries about life, and there will be no starvation. People will not notice the more essential problems. But if you also embrace desire and accept all the conveniences of this intelligent life, can you still notice these problems?".

Atholl wanted to continue to complain about everything in modern life, but when he heard Sonya's words, his mind was instantly blocked, and he could only say in a hesitant voice: "Uh...... I never thought about that. "

"The reason you see these problems is because you have broken in from another world and can easily find the abrupt and strange parts of this world. But when you get used to it, will you still have this sensitivity and sense of smell?" asked Sonya.

"This ...... I don't know. "

"Whether you know whether you can maintain this sensitivity or not, please stay sharp on the battlefield, after all, we face death all the time. Sonia instructed.

"Well, Commander, why did you choose me as your Guards Company Commander? I was just captured, don't you think I'm suspicious?"

"I don't think you're very sincere, and if you can say what you just said, doesn't that mean you're not hiding anything from me?

"Well, they're all in place. Just now, the three platoon commanders told me that all weapons are working normally and ready to enter operational condition at any time. "

"Okay, you can also go to the combat position and prepare. I feel that the enemy may fight here, do a good job of air defense, and adjust the heavy firepower weapons in advance. "

Atholl gave a military salute and left the headquarters.

"Commander, this kid looks a little stunned. Aziz complained.

"Hahaha, it's because I'm stunned that I want to use him as the captain of the guard. If he goes to the front line to cooperate with other troops, he will have conflicts with others. What does he say, he is easy to be manipulated if he doesn't hide things in his heart. "

"Yes, our 'Divine Sound Sect' group is the best at this. I also hate them the most. "

"Haha, you and this stunned man are actually the same kind of people. "

"Tsk...... Don't talk about that, why did you just say that the enemy army will definitely fight here?".

"Don't you think it's weird? I told us to leave in 12 hours, but suddenly the meeting time was advanced. In such a hurry, there must be something wrong. "

"So what can we do? There are no heavy weapons here, so we can only hope that the warships in the sky will stop us a few more landing ships. "

"Then, fight hard. Sonia finished speaking, looking into the deep black sky.

An hour later, six landing ships broke through the encirclement and rushed towards the Triton quarterfinals. Sonia ordered her subordinates: "Anti-aircraft fire concentrate on attacking the landing ship in front!" She then contacted the Haimetan command: "Command, please immediately mobilize heavy ion guns and missiles to fire the enemy landing ship." "

"Colonel Romanovna, we were subjected to electronic jamming by enemy troops, and the anti-aircraft fire control system collapsed. "

Aziz, who had just finished checking the network monitoring system, ran over and grabbed the microphone and scolded: "Fuck you! The communication signal here has not been interrupted, how can the air defense network collapse." After he finished speaking, the communication signal was forcibly hung up.

"Oh, what a show!" said Sonya, mockingly.

"On our own, let all the troops prepare to attack the enemy landing force. Gather our elite hoplites, and I'll take them up!" After Sonia finished speaking, Aziz's eyes widened and stopped, "No!

"Get out of the way, it's more important to give the landing force a head than to kill them!" Sonia walked over Aziz to her white armor.

At this time, the enemy's landing ships were constantly pouring fire on the weak anti-aircraft fire points on the ground. These modest warships were able to clear the landing site with ease, transporting more than 50,000 soldiers and light mechs to the ground.

Lieutenant General Altikrit, who commanded more than 50,000 soldiers, opened the strategic map and pondered his next move.

"Lieutenant General, I think you should order an attack at once, we are running out of time!" a high-ranking officer of the Brotherhood walked towards Lieutenant General Altikrit, escorted by eight hoplites.

Lieutenant General Altikrit hurriedly explained to the high-ranking official: "That's right, the situation has changed, and the enemy has transferred the newly formed 'Saints Regiment' of the 'Xinyin Faction'. They are very combat-ready, and I fear that according to the previous plan, our offensive may well encounter unexpected difficulties. "

The senior official said impatiently: "Don't worry, attack immediately, they are only more than 3,000 people, not to mention, we took the initiative to change the plan." Isn't it? We have to take not only the 'Saints' by surprise, but also the Neptune Mining Group. Their troops in the vicinity are only more than 10,000 people, kill them!

"Yes!" replied Lieutenant General Alticlit with some reluctance, and then ordered his subordinates to carry out the attack as originally planned. Less than a quarter of an hour later, more than 10,000 infantry of the Pluto rover began an assault on the fort area.

A large number of light mechs covered the light infantry and rushed towards the fortress area. The security forces of the Neptune Mining Group did not last long before surrendering. The fortress area where the "Saints Regiment" was located instantly became an isolated island, sealed off by the Pluto rover. However, the landing force suffered heavy losses in the fortified area defended by the "Saints", with more than half of one regiment lost and one battalion almost completely annihilated.

Seeing that the fort area had been basically cleared, Lieutenant General Altikrit adopted the strategy of encircling the "Saints" but not attacking them, and he suggested to the high-level officials: "I suggest that we abandon the attack on this part of the fort area, after all, our goal has been achieved, please take the delegation to the meeting place, right?"

A senior officer in the delegation, who was already preparing to leave, said: "Hmph, what are you afraid of? How many troops are there at this point? Destroy them! Annihilating the elite troops of the 'Xinyin faction' is a great achievement! Moreover, destroying them can also boost the morale of our army. "

"I don't think it's necessary to do this, it will only increase our casualties, after all, ......" Before Lieutenant General Altikrit could finish speaking, the Brotherhood's top brass interrupted him: "The political significance of this matter is greater than the military significance, the military needs to subordinate politics to carry out the attack." "

With that, the senior of the fraternity led the delegation to the meeting place.

Sonya, who had just won the victory, returned to the command room covered in blood, and Aziz congratulated her: "It was a beautiful raid, but our situation is not good. With that, he showed the strategic situation map to Sonia.

"yes, we're surrounded. Sonia looked at the situation map and smiled bitterly.

"The good news is that they don't seem to be going to attack. Aziz reassured.

"Not necessarily, annihilating us all is important to boost their morale. But they shouldn't have much to do about it. After Sonia finished speaking, Captain Atholl Muminov walked in and said to them: "I have received information that the enemy is about to attack!".

Two hours later, the Pluto rover delegation made their way down the bloody road to the conference hall, flanked by a Kyoto temple built by tens of thousands of Neptune Mining Group security soldiers. As soon as the Pluto rover delegation entered the conference hall, it was "warmly welcomed" by the top management of the Neptune Mining Group: "You barbaric madmen! Is our trade agreement invalid? The peace treaty made more than ten years ago was torn up by you?"

The high-ranking official of the Pluto Rover Brotherhood, led by Pluto, replied, "The deal was made possible because both sides were willing to pay the price. And you don't seem to be willing to give anymore anytime soon, don't you?"

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