Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 138

Yang Dongming wanted to shake her body, but he was afraid of causing secondary damage, so he took out his vital signs monitor. After confirming that she was only concussed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't take long for Chen Yilu to slowly open her eyes and ask Yang Dongming, "...... Did you win the war?".

"I guess I won the battle. Yang Dongming looked out the window, the enemy battleship was being crushed by the support fleet armed by the firefighters, and the huge battleship was blasted into pieces of wreckage by ion cannons, torpedoes and missiles.

"Good...... I'm so tired......" Chen Yilu said tiredly.

"Me too...... Can I just hold you like that?".

"Hehe, it's okay to ......" Chen Yilu smiled and closed her eyes. Listening to her gentle breathing, Yang Dongming's tense nerves finally slowly relaxed, and his consciousness gradually blurred. He smelled the faint scent of sandalwood on Chen Yilu's body and entered a sweet and soft dream. Before completely falling asleep, Yang Dongming had only one thought, he was willing to stay in this dream with Chen Yilu all the time and never wake up.

Two hours later, Casto's Eighth Detachment of the Seventh Fleet arrived at the Neptune battlefield. He turned on the fleet's voice and asked the fleet's communications department: "May I ask how the battle ahead is the result? Is Colonel Yang Dongming okay?"

"Colonel Yang Dongming was wounded in the battle, he suffered some burns and bruises, but he was fine. "

Feeling relieved to hear that his friend was fine, Casto said to the correspondent, "Okay, understood. "

"Haha, this guy should be able to be promoted to brigadier this time. Castor laughed.

"Cousin has made a great contribution this time, but I think you are a better commander than Colonel Yang, and you should be promoted to major general for your last military exploits!" said Guo Yongping, Casto's new adjutant.

"Hehe, don't be so sycophant, you should know why I wasn't promoted. "

"I think there is something wrong with the evaluation system of the army, you have suffered great physical and mental damage, and you have made outstanding contributions to the battle! Why can't you be promoted?".

"Do you really not understand, or are you saying something to please me?" Casto asked rhetorically.

"I really don't understand. "

"Because I experienced the last catastrophe and became a reformer, of course they don't want me to become a major general so quickly. Secondly, I was born in an aristocratic family, and other aristocratic families were very angry when they saw me promoted so quickly, and they didn't want me to be promoted. Moreover, I have done some things that have violated orders before, and the higher-ups are afraid of me and dare not let me be promoted. "

"But shouldn't command be the only indicator of promotion in the military?"

"Hehe, let me ask you, what is the military?".

"The way humans conflict. "

"Then why do humans have conflict?".

"Because of differences in beliefs, values, and interests. "

"So what caused these disagreements?".

"This ......


"It's politics, and this political model that constantly provokes conflict is dictated by human desires. The desire of human beings to live brings with them the fear of death, which gives rise to religious and philosophical theories. Human beings have put forward a variety of values for the sake of the stability of their respective organizational structures, and in order to continue to produce themselves, they use money to stir up the possessiveness of all members of society. People use politics to control the majority of people to serve the collective, so that human beings can remain stable in fear and desire, while constantly working and developing. When some people believe that political and economic means alone are no longer enough to maintain the stability of the organization, they resort to violence to solve the problem. Assassinations and wars are both ways for incompetent politicians to unleash their rage. "

"Your argument makes a lot of sense, and I never learned about it in school. "

"Schools don't dare to teach students this, especially military schools. The military is destined to be a tool, not a brain. I've only recently realized this, and I've now paid a lot for my ignorance. "

"You...... At what cost?".

"Friends, lovers, and your own dignity and self-confidence. My friend was killed when I entered the army, and I wanted to find out the truth at first. When the truth was revealed, I found it difficult to confront them. I wanted revenge, but I found that the truth I discovered was still incomplete, and as I dug deeper and deeper, I realized that there were enemies everywhere. It wasn't until recently that I understood who I was going to take revenge on. "

"And who are you going to take revenge on?"

"Hahaha, take revenge on everything that goes against my will. "

Guo Yongping didn't know how to answer, Casto smiled and said, "You must think I'm crazy, don't you?" Don't worry, I won't betray the firefighters, let alone the arbitration committee." "

"I certainly don't doubt your loyalty. "

"Hehe, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you doubt it, I've been trapped for a long time. It doesn't matter if you report me, the higher-ups already know that I am a disobedient guy. Casto looked out the window and said, "Do you know why we are still here when the fighting is over for the time being?"

"In order to defend in advance against a possible next attack of the enemy?".

"With that in mind, we're still deterring Neptune Mining Group. "

"What? Aren't they subordinate to the Arbitration Commission?"

"Hahaha, you have to remember that even within a system, humanity does not live in perfect peace. Factions and struggles are happening all the time, and as long as humans are possessive and competitive in their hearts, they will retain their fear and hostility towards others in their hearts. "

"It's hard for me to accept that, I don't think there is a real enemy in the solar system other than the Pluto rover. "

"No, enemies are everywhere, not only in the solar system, but in all corners of the universe there are our enemies, and in the solar system there are also representatives of the forces of other galaxies. "

"Are we surrounded by enemies?".

"No, it's you who have me, I have you. Therefore, humanity is constantly fighting, but only in this way can humanity continue to develop. "

"Is it necessary for us to threaten Neptune Mining?".

"Of course, they hold the wealth. "

"Yes, they have billions of dollars in their hands. "

"It's more about those things. Castor pointed to Neptune's constellation of moons and said, "Look at the alluring red light, which is the energy released when the Trojan crystals are smelted, and these are the wealth codes of the Neptune Mining Group." "

"Shall we take this place?".

"No, the Pluto rover wants to take this place, and we're going to take advantage of it. "

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