Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 133

Sonya, who was hiding in the shadows, looked at Casto as she looked around, and her tears could not stop flowing. Sonia closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Leaving the square while Casto was not looking.

Instead of returning to her barracks, Sonia went straight to General Richter's office. As soon as she entered the office

He asked General Richter, "What does Castor seem to know? Did someone reveal our intelligence network or information to him?"

"Probably not, it's just that something was known to other people, and they told Casto. General Richter tried to hide it, but he still couldn't contain his smugness, and his expression was slightly arrogant.

Seeing Richter's reaction, Sonia suddenly understood something and said to him, "Don't think that you can control us by doing things in secret!"

"I don't want to control you, I just want you back. General Richter put away his arrogant expression and his expression became grim.

"Hmph, this is not control, what are you afraid of with such despicable means?".

"I'm not afraid of anything. I'm worried about your safety. General Richter turned his back and looked out the window.

"Aren't you worried that I'm going to threaten you and the people behind you?"

When Richter heard Sonya's words, he turned to her and asked, "Do you know how dangerous your words are?".

"Oh, you sound like you're thinking about me. But you know, if I made our future plans clear to Castor on Mars, he would trust us more and wouldn't be where we are today!" Sonia said angrily.

Lieutenant General Richter turned around and said sharply: "You must know that the relationship between the Council of Arbitration and the nobles of the earth circle is very complicated, and Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and the forces that control the surrounding moons of Jupiter and Uranus are not of the same mind. There was a lot of fighting between them, and now we have finally made the 'Divine Sound Sect' their common enemy. But this force is only temporarily united, and there is still a possibility that there will be contradictions among them due to some problems. And it's dangerous for us to be caught in the middle, and we can't go to either side on the surface. In this kind of struggle, playing cards is the most dangerous behavior!".

"Why don't we dare to play our cards with the support of the Arbitration Council? We don't have anything to do with it......" Sonia suddenly understood something at this point, and she asked tentatively, "Except for Father Sergei, we have nothing to do with the Arbitration Council before, right?"

"You don't need to know too much, you just have to do your own thing. With that, Lieutenant General Richter turned his back again and looked out the window.

"Are you saying that we are no longer independent, but pawns at the mercy of others?" asked Sonya.

"A force without strength, no matter how many people there are, they are also pawns. Only by accumulating strength in secret can you slowly sit on the chessboard. "

"But in the process of being used and being used, we who are used have always been passive, and eventually our power will be slowly infiltrated, slowly violated, until we completely surrender to power. "

"Not necessarily, we have a lot of ...... Forget it, you don't need to know that. Lieutenant General Richter continued: "You must know that it is very dangerous to pursue freedom without strength. Father Sergei made this mistake. "

Sonia heard this: "Say, he is just unlucky, if he sees us today and gives us advice, we will be more proactive." "

"That's not a matter of luck, that's his fate!" said Lieutenant General Richter in a categorical tone, like a death sentence pronounced fate.

"You believe in fate? It's not like I know you. "

"Hmph, I believe that the fate is not determined by an external god, but by greedy, cruel, competitive, and extremely intelligent people. Together, they create everyone's destiny. "

"Hmph, are you one of them?"

"I want to be one of them, but I advise you not to have any thoughts to stop me. "

"Oh, you're threatening me?".

"I'm reminding you to do your best and don't trespass. You've done too much of this before. "

"You have changed a lot, how much is your adherence to the doctrine, how much kindness is there to your subordinates?"

"I haven't changed, I have been the same, different images are just different clothes to adapt to the environment. Doctrine is a wall in front of people without power, and nothing more than words in front of me. I didn't pretend to be before, but at this moment, I have to. Hmph, Sergey often says that you are smart, but I don't think you are that smart. "

"It's not about being smart or not, I trusted you unreservedly, and now your actions are shaking my trust in you. "

"You know, you're threatening the sir!".

"You were threatening me just now, did you change your conscience if you changed sides?"

"Of course, you can't survive if you don't do that, and I'm naturally sincere with every subordinate at the Pluto Rover. We only need to deal with the Shenyin faction and the Tianyin faction. But now in such a complex political situation, we have to change ourselves if we want to survive. "

"yes, I think that's probably what you are. "

"How long are you going to continue to provoke? I said we have to change ourselves to survive! We need to go through labor pains. "

"After experiencing labor pains and becoming a bottomless and shameless and obscene person? Then why do we still have to fight against the Shenyin faction and the Tianyin faction? Isn't it because we ......."

"We're fighting them for survival, not how to survive, and you have to understand that!"

"Aren't we all kinds of conflicts caused by different ways of living?"

"That's true, but you have to understand that the power to choose your own way of life needs to be gained in a brutal struggle. If you want to get to the top, you need to abandon the morality of the people at the bottom. Even sacrificing one's conscience for the sake of the happiness of all. "

"Oh, you're great. Sonia turned and left the office. Disappointment, pain, and doubt filled her brain, and she thought that after walking with Castor, she would be able to choose her own life and carry out her own will without constraints. But the reality tells her that the ropes of life are tying her tighter and tighter.

She walked back to the barracks almost dejectedly, and when Livrew Sontag saw Sonia return, she saluted her solemnly, and jokingly said, "Colonel Romanovna, welcome back! You look very serious and majestic today!" and nodded solemnly at her.

However, as if awakened by hearing her, Sonia looked around and said, "Ah, I'm back?".

"Yes, Commander, you're back. What happened?".

"Ugh...... A lot of things, a lot of things are different from what I thought. "

"What's the matter?".

"It's not easy to talk about, some things are confidential. "

"Oh, I'll tell you a little secret, okay?" said Livlough, pretending to be mysterious.

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