Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 129

He thought it was the weekend, so he opened the newsletter and wanted to contact Sonya. But as soon as he turned on his phone, he saw a string of Uncle Cuthbert messages. He clicked on the message prompt and invited Sonya.

Sonia quickly connected to the Internet, Casto asked her good morning, Sonia said a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I haven't contacted you for two weeks, there are a lot of things in the group, and the two groups of people are a little bit uneasy." "

"Hahaha, they seem to be half 'Xinyin faction' and half surrendered?".

"To be precise, some of the prisoners who converted to the 'Xinyin faction', who were carefully selected by Lieutenant General Richter, were experienced in combat and had a simple and reliable character. And these people are not stupid, many things can be taught as soon as they are taught. I feel that our combat effectiveness has improved very quickly in the past two months. I think our strength can compete with a division. "

"Haha, it's very powerful, and you have a lot of heavy equipment. Is Anastasia honest under you?".

"It's quite honest, except that he likes to talk back to me after training. "

"Hahaha, she doesn't accept you?".

"Some priests have communicated with her, and she has converted to the 'Xinyin School' again. But she still can't forget Shukla, and her feelings for Shukla are both like a lover and like a mother. She felt that Shukla was the man who could both conquer her and let her release her mother's love. She still listens to me, the superior. In private, she didn't like me and thought I was her rival ......


"What a forbidden relationship! Do they find this exciting?".

"No, I feel like Shukla has a mother-love complex, and his mother was tortured and killed by the army when he was very young. He seems to have been looking for a woman who looks like his mother, and maybe Anastasia and I are a bit like a. "

"Isn't this recognizing mom everywhere?"

"Hahaha, it seems to be. "

"Shukla's body doesn't seem to have been found after the war, is there a spy from the 'Shenyin Sect' who recovered him?".

Not corpses, to be exact, Anastasi said that Shukla's body cells had been completely replaced with HeLa cell-based immortal complexes. He may never die, as long as his crazy spirit is unwilling to give up life, then he will never die. It can be regenerated indefinitely, but his current regeneration ability is not so strong, and growing a strange drill bit during the battle almost consumes his regeneration ability. "

"Does Anastasia know about Shukla's whereabouts?"

"I don't know, alas, I should have chopped Shukla to shredded flesh. "

"By the way, is Captain Sontag still comfortable with you?"

"Well, Livlou is quite adaptable, and she feels more confident since becoming a mech pilot. She said that this position was the most suitable for her, and she had been far away from the earth on the battleship before, as if she had no foundation. "

"Haha, that's nice. And how is she doing with other people in your place?".

"It's not bad, I have quite a few ascetics here, and they use Livlou as a practice object. Because they felt that Livrew was tempting to them, they rushed to talk to her, saying that it was to exercise their concentration. Poofhahaha "

"Hahaha, they have a crush on her, right? You don't have many female soldiers, right?"

"Hahaha, there are a lot of female soldiers, the main reason is that these people are usually too depressed. Livrew is not our cultist, and she is not very reserved. Sometimes she makes inadvertent movements that make them feel teased. "

"Hahaha, is she a person with this kind of personality?".

"Yes, it's just that she's too depressed on the ship. Come on, I'll be released. "

"You're all Christians over there, won't you isolate her?"

"No, there are some non-believers on my side. Those were the veterans and low-level officers of the firefighters' armed forces. "

"Hmph, is there anyone trying to spy on you? are they doing this?".

"No, these people don't have a good relationship with the upper echelons of the firefighters. "

"So you actually have three groups of people?"

"Well, that's exactly what happened, but right now this group of firefighters is uniting with us Voicelites against the group of captive-turned-soldiers. Aziz is helping me balance these two groups. "

"It's complicated, so what are they doing now?".

"I reluctantly reconciled them, but they were still reluctant to work closely with each other in the fight, and trust was still not built. "

"What is the main reason?".

"Faith, or the way of thinking that results from faith. The 'Xinyin School' focuses on inner feelings, and at the same time, it also needs to get the inner feelings of the other person. The way of thinking of the 'Shenyin School' is more like seeking a psychological massage from a superior person, and then retaining one's own private emotions and not fully showing them to others. Therefore, even if those prisoners of war surrendered, they could not change this way of thinking in a short time, which also caused a gap between the two sides. "

"They're also hostile to your microchip-implanted fighters, right?"

"Yes, there's a lot of hostility. They feel that we are no longer human in some way. They can accept the teachings of the 'Xinyin School', but they believe that the theoretical basis of the 'Xinyin School' lies in the natural nature of the mind, and when we implant a chip, we will be alienated by the electronic system. And we believe that using our natural mind to fight against the alienation of the 'chip' is our lifelong battle, and the way we cultivate our hearts. "

"Haha, it's hard for people on both sides to make sense, after all, who can say clearly whether they have been alienated or not. "

"Alas, I have been educating them a lot in the past two months, constantly letting them understand modern technology and ancient humanities, and letting them say what they understand. A lot of their understanding is the same, and I let them see what they have in common with each other as human beings, bridging some of the barriers. However, there is still a lot to be done, and they still haven't completely let their guard down. "

"Humans can never fully understand each other, right?"

"Can you and I too?".


"I've been thinking about a lot of things for more than two months. I feel that my position seems to be sandwiched between a lot of forces, and many times my actions may not be understood by you. "

"Why, since we've been together, I've always understood and supported you. "

"Of course, but now that I have left you to serve in the Army, many of my actions may conflict with the orders of my superiors. Which side will you be on when this behavior happens?".

"Hahaha, don't you do this kind of thing less? I don't do this kind of thing less, of course on your side. "

"Hahaha, okay, I'm relieved to have your words. Just as Sonia finished saying this, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of Casto's hospital room. Casto turned his head to see that it was Uncle Cuthbert, whom he hadn't seen in a long time.

"You didn't reply to so many messages, is it because you're too busy, or you don't want to see me?".

"Of course you know why, I don't have anything to keep in front of you, my relationship with Sonya, and my career in the army are firmly controlled by you, don't you?"

Sonia on the other end of the voice heard Castor's words and said, "Uncle Cuthbert is here, so let's talk next time?"

"Well, okay. We'll talk about it next time. After saying that, Casto hung up the voice.

"Do you know who really controls you?" asked Uncle Cuthbert with a serious expression.

"You think I'm being controlled by Sonia?".

"No, it's not just her, you're being controlled by the Heartsound Sect. To be exact, controlled by their higher-ups. "

"Hmph, Sonia never controlled me. "

"Yes, she knows about it, she hides a lot from you. "

"Oh, what about the evidence?".

"Come with me, I'll show you. "

"I can hardly trust you anymore, Uncle Cuthbert. "

"You can always trust me, if I really betrayed you, why can you still command troops in the army, why can you still be promoted to major general so smoothly?".

"Okay, where are you going to take me?".

"Phobos garrison commander headquarters. "

Casto followed Uncle Cuthbert on a shuttle to the Mars headquarters, and looking at the familiar Phobos, Casto suddenly felt a sense of fear. On this side where the sun does not shine, the dark side of the planet seems to hide black monsters that want to devour their souls.

Arriving at Phobos, Casto trepidated followed Uncle Cuthbert to the garrison commander's headquarters. When he arrived at the headquarters, Casto found that Admiral Li Miaowu was the only one waiting for him.

Admiral Lee spoke: "Brigadier General Cavendi, how is your body recovering?".

"I'm basically healed. Castor replied.

"That's good, because what I'm going to show you next is likely to be shocking, and if you're weak, it might be a little overwhelming. With that, he clicked on the player, and Sonia and Lieutenant General Richter appeared on the projection screen.

In the video, Richter yells at Sonya: "Have you forgotten what Father Sergei told you in the first place?

Sonia replied, "That's right, I'm doing it!" Casto's pupils trembled uncontrollably when he heard this.

Richter then said to Sonya, "Let Casto Cavendish join the Hearts and become the commander of the fleet. Casto was a little surprised when he heard this, and Richter's voice was a little disagreeable when he said the word "want" at the beginning. But at this time, feeling betrayed by Sonya, he had no time to think about the dissonance of this voice.

Sonia replied, "It's hard, he has his own family, and he's supported by some atheist chiefs, and he won't break with them." "

"His family will soon be doomed. As for his chief...... Hmph, no matter how high the level is, is it higher than the top of the Arbitration Council?" Casto was shocked again, and he thought to himself: "It turns out that the Arbitration Council and the 'Xinyin faction' have long colluded?"

Richter continued: "If you agree, I will arrange for you to be the commander of the newly formed 'Legion of Saints.'" Your military rank and prestige are suitable, and the equipment of this army is the latest products of Jupiter Industries and Thunderfire, what are the conditions?"

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that Casto will fall to us. What's more, won't he arouse the suspicion of the higher-ups if he falls to us?" As soon as Sonia finished speaking, Uncle Cuthbert turned off the video and said to Casto: "Look, your little girlfriend is here to seduce you, and if you follow him, you will betray our family." "

"I don't understand, are we hostile to the Arbitration Council?".

"Well, how can I explain it to you?" said Uncle Cuthbert, scratching his head.

Admiral Li Miaowu took over the conversation: "In the past, the relationship between the Arbitration Council and the Martian family was basically cooperative, but after the Battle of Mars, they had a showdown. "


"Yes, they lied to everyone, the 'Brotherhood in Yellow' and the 'Heart Sound Faction' are all their pawns, and the Martian nobles are already trapped in their subordinates' bureaus. Now even if we know their true colors, we can't do anything about them. "

"What? The 'Brotherhood in Yellow' is their pawn? Isn't this a cult organization of the 'Tianyin Sect.'"

Uncle Cuthbert looked at Casto and said affectionately and solemnly, "No, in fact, they are controlled by the 'Heart Sound Sect', and the main source of money that finances them comes from our Martian nobles. "

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