Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 124

Before all the soldiers could react, several Spinosaurus mechs began to strafe them. "Ask for support from Command!Everyone's find cover and hold on here!" The officer apparently thought that with the numerical superiority they could hold the place. But soon reality dealt him a heavy blow. More than a hundred monsters suddenly appeared and routed their hoplites.

Just as the officer was about to direct the remaining hoplites to reorganize their formation, several blinding flashes of light flashed, and the soldiers hiding in the bunkers were killed one after another. The officer realized that something was wrong and hurriedly ordered a retreat, but just as he was about to step out of cover, a blue light slashed his abdomen. Sonia appeared and slew the soldiers around him one by one.

The officer who fell to the ground was dying at this time, he looked at Sonia with a black helmet and said, "You...... If you can't escape, Lieutenant General Rao will avenge us. "

"Does it make sense?" asked Sonya.

The officer stood up and shouted, "Yes, for our God! You have rebelled against God!

"Aren't you abandoned by God at this time? The priests are targeting you everywhere, and the Brotherhood is suppressing your superiors, if they really represent God, why would they do such a ridiculous thing?"

"No! They must have a hard time, we just practice their will! We are not wrong......


"How many of you are left?" asked Sonya.

"You can't kill it all!" With that, the officer spat blood from his mouth and swallowed his last breath.

Brigadier General Aziz came over and said to Sonya: "What a stubbornness, I have to find an excuse to continue fighting after being betrayed." "

"Man is such a pitiful creature who lives for meaning all his life. His excuse was just a lifesaver to save the last meaning of his life. "

"There shouldn't be a lot of people left on the other side, right?"

"I guess so, but their elite troops haven't been there yet. "

"The 'Camp of the Dead' hasn't appeared yet?".

"Well, they're wearing dark blue armor, and they're recognizable. There are 1,000 people in total, and their trump card has not appeared for a long time, which makes me feel a little panicked. "

"What do the firefighters say?"

"They say they're clearing automatic weapons along the way, they're saying they're pushing cautiously right now, just in case. It is said that some of their officers were also in a hurry, and heard that there were friends of Brigadier General Castor inside. When I contacted them, I heard them arguing with their bosses. Fuck! these guys won't come over like you say!!" Brigadier Aziz spat at the ground.

At this time, a soldier ran up to Sonia and said, "Colonel, the enemy has annihilated more than 500 people, and all the rest have withdrawn. "

Sonia asks Aziz, "How many of us are there now?"

Aziz said indignantly: "There are only 567 people left who can fight, and the remaining more than 2,000 are wounded, and there are 8 tanks and 12 mechs that can fight." , Anantara's stupid X !!".

Sonia said to the soldiers, "Major General Anantara, bring it to me!".

Major General Anantara escorted over two hoplites, who were obviously angry, and pulled him by the arm, so that the flesh on his face was almost twisted.

"Major General Anantara, you have given me and Brigadier General Aziz all command of the front, and this request has been approved by Lieutenant General Richter. The application documents are still stored in the system, have you forgotten some details and need me to show you?".

"No, no!".

"Now that you know, why do you have to come here with reserves?".

"I thought that joining the battle at this point would be a decisive word. "

"What bullshit, how many people have you let die for nothing!, you idiot!" Aziz said, grabbing Anantara's collar and waving his fist to beat him. Sonia hurried over and parted them.

Sonia said to them, "Okay, don't make a fuss. Listen, Major General Anantara, please refrain from taking command of the next battle. Brigadier General Aziz and I are guarding this place, and although you have caused us great losses in the battle, you have also done it with good intentions. There is a shortage of manpower in the wounded barracks, so please go there and manage it. "

Major General Anantara stole a glance at Sonia and walked away.

After Major General Anantara's departure, Aziz asked Sonya, "Can we get out alive this time?" There are still more than 30,000 people on the enemy side, and their most elite troops have not yet appeared. "

"Are you afraid of death?"

"Of course I'm afraid, if it weren't for the fear of death, I'm afraid I wouldn't have joined you. "

"Did you know that people are born to die?"

"To live to die?".

Sonia nodded and said, "Yes, why do people look for meaning, why do they doubt their own spiritual world, why do they look for answers to these questions? It's all because we will die one day, and death makes these questions urgent, making everyone anxious to find meaning, to find value, to find an answer." The more imminent death is, the stronger the life force that will burst out of man. "

"It's the first time I've heard this kind of statement, is this your theory of the Hearts School?"

"No, it's the philosophy of the Earth Age, and I think there's some truth to it. On the battlefield, the will and strength of man will be expressed to the fullest, because we are facing death at any time, aren't we?"

"Yes, taught, Colonel Romanovna. "

"Haha, you're welcome, this can be regarded as a comfort in the face of death, at least we have to fight with all our lives before we die. "

"Hmm. "

As soon as Brigadier General Aziz finished speaking, he noticed a large number of signals on the high-frequency radar, and he looked into the distance and did not find any movement.

"Is the 'Camp of the Dead' coming?" Aziz said.

Sonia asked, "They turned invisible?".

"Well, I've been turning on the high-frequency radar out of caution, so it seems that I am not wrong to be careful. "

At this time, a soldier brought the repaired white helmet over, and Sonia took the helmet and said, "I'll take someone to meet them!"

More than 1,000 soldiers in dark blue heavy armor turned on stealth and sneaked through the battlefield, with Lieutenant Colonel Sanga leading the way. He took out the detection equipment and looked at it, and finally sneered and said, "They turned on the high-frequency radar and should have found us." "

"Then let's find cover and take cover!" said the deputy battalion commander.

"Not yet, it's not dangerous, our armor can still protect us, they must wait for us to get close before they fire an ion cannon to destroy us. And ......


"What's wrong?".

"The enemy may be nearby!".

As soon as he finished speaking, two soldiers were hit by a blinding light, but the ion blades did not penetrate the armor. Then Lieutenant Colonel Sanga was struck in the shoulder by a blue light, followed by an electromagnetic gun in the chest. Neither of these blows could penetrate his armor, however, and he drew his ion blade and swung it in the direction of the light. I only heard the sound of "stabbing", and the tip of his knife seemed to rub against his armor.

When they looked again, Sonia appeared in front of them with a dozen hoplites. "Kill them!" ordered Lieutenant Colonel Sanga. The soldiers swarmed up to take out the squad. With a wave of her hand, several hoplites unleashed smoke grenades. When the smoke cleared, they were gone.

The adjutant asked Sanga, "What are these guys doing here? They didn't hurt us." "

"Let's find out what we're all about. However, I also got to the bottom of her. Hmph, the White Witch is nothing more than that. Lieutenant Colonel Sanga said, looking at the blood stains on the knife's edge.

Sonya, who had withdrawn to the fort, clutched the knife wound on her chest and said to the medics, "Give me some treatment." The medic opened her armor and found that Sonya's chest had been cut open more than ten centimeters long, and blood was dripping.

Sonia endured severe pain and was treated, then put on her clothes. Brigadier General Aziz was contacted again: "Have you contacted the firefighters over there?"

"When I got in touch, they said someone would come, but I couldn't believe them. "

"Leave them alone, I have a plan, but I need the cooperation of the armored forces. "

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