Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 109

Casto's ship lies in the harbor like a beluga whale, seemingly quietly waiting for her master. Castor called the captain of the ship, Colonel Wei Rui, and asked him: "I just looked at the parameters of this ship, and the caliber of the ion cannon on the ship is a little smaller than that of the ordinary Io-class. "

"True, the caliber is 300 mm smaller, but a higher rate of fire is obtained. The ship's missiles also use medium-sized missiles, which are designed to deal with light ships. Your ship is called 'Lei Xu', and it was named by Admiral Li Qiaowu. "

"Well, Admiral Lee bothered......" Casto was just about to continue to inquire about the specific performance of the ship, when he saw Captain Sontag coming over. Casto asked her, "Are the captains of the sixth group here?"

"There were probably only 20 captains on duty, and the rest went out. "

"There's still a week left before the operation, how can they be so lazy? And don't these people know that their boss is going to join them today? Call them all over and I'm going to give them a meeting about tomorrow's drill. After Castor finished speaking, Sonia smiled and said to him, "Hehe, Brigadier Cavendish is going to play tricks?".

The corners of Castor's mouth lifted slightly, glanced at Sonya, and asked mysteriously, "What do you say?"

"Hee-hee. Seeing that he didn't want to say, Sonia just smiled playfully and didn't ask any more questions.

After waiting for an hour, the captains arrived one after another. Although the dozen or so late captains didn't have much arrogance on their faces, Casto made eye contact with them and roughly understood that they didn't respect their new commander from the bottom of their hearts.

"Captains, I am Brigadier Kasto Cavendish as your commander, succeeding Brigadier Wallace, who was killed in the Battle of Mars. There are many of you who have been on standby on the ship during the preparation for war, but there are also many who are not on the ship, and I need to understand why. "

Then several late captains explained their reasons for being late. Listening to their reasons, Casto's expression gradually became a little stiff, many of their reasons were far-fetched, and they didn't seem to want to bother making up reasonable excuses.

Captain Anderson, who was the last to speak, said that he was late because of a dispute with the female clones, and Casto finally lost patience with these frivolous excuses and interrupted him directly: "Okay, I know the reason for your tardiness, and this kind of thing will not be allowed to happen again in the future." Now I will deploy tomorrow's Challenger military exercise. We will serve as the fleet avant-garde. Colonel Anderson, you will lead our group's 10 Epistle destroyers to the front as the vanguard!".

Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, who had just been stunned in the queue, heard Casto's order, and he was violently agitated as if he had been poked in the back. He replied, "Yes, sir!" The other officers looked at each other, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson was the famous old fritter among them, and every time he fought in battle, he always relied on nimble movement to evade the responsibility of fighting the wounded in the front row, waiting behind his teammates for the opportunity to destroy the crippled enemy ships that were about to explode. As a result, he has a bad reputation in the eighth detachment and is even at risk of being removed from his post in the near future. This time, Casto put him in the vanguard surprised everyone.

On the other side, Sonia went to her fleet guard office and met with all the squad leaders and junior officers of the guard. "I am your new commander, Colonel Sonia Romanovna. Hearing Sonya's rank, one of the squad leaders burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Sonya, looking at the burly squad leader.

He sneered in a thick voice: "A colonel actually came to be the captain of the cruiser garrison, did you get your rank by sleeping with a man, hahaha." "

"Oh, how can you, as a civilian, be the squad leader on a cruiser?" Sonia asked rhetorically.

"Of course, I got it by military merit!"

"What is your name?"

"I'm Second Lieutenant Ludendorff, and I received the Defender Medal in the Battle of Mars!".

The corners of Sonya's mouth rose slightly, and she asked him, "yes, how about your hand-to-hand combat skills?"

Ludendorff sneered contemptuously: "Hehe, it's more than enough to deal with you, I killed four hoplites in a row during the Battle of Mars." "

"Oh, then you can treat me as an enemy hoplite, take the knife next to you, and show me how heroic you were on the battlefield at that time. As soon as Sonya's words fell, Ludendorff looked like a wolf smelling its prey, with an excited expression on his face, and quickly picked up the war knife on the side, leaning over and pounced on Sonya.

Before he could get close, Sonia dodged to his right side and kicked Ludendorff and stepped on his back. He then grabbed his right arm and disarmed. Ludendorff, who was trampled on the ground by Sonya, begged for mercy again and again: "Roman...... Colonel Novna, let me go, let me go. "

Although Ludendorff begged for mercy, he still wanted to break free on his own, and he struggled with his muscles. Sonia grabbed his arm effortlessly and twisted it upward, and Ludendorff cried out in pain, "Ah, Colonel, don't be too hard! it's going to break!". Sonia said coldly to him, "You have to apologize for your rude words and deeds before. "

"Sorry, Colonel......


Sonia let go of Ludendorff and said to the guard officer, "I was the commander of the 5th Regiment of the 78th Division of the Rover Third Army Group, and I joined the war at the age of 13, and I have probably killed more people than you have seen on the battlefield. I'll spare this guy today, and next time anyone dares to make a mistake, I won't be polite anymore. "

A week later, the Challenger exercise began, and this year's Challenger exercise took place in the airspace of Mars. This time, the firefighters will practice with the newly formed "Pluto Revival Army" to break the siege and land operations on the planet's periphery. Castor's Firefighter will send three fleets to play the attacking "red" side, while the "Pluto Revival Army" will play the defensive "blue side". Nearly 3,000 warships gathered on Mars, and according to the attack plan of the "red side", they first lured the mobile fleet of the "blue side" to the sunny side of Mars, and then let the landing fleet break through the back side of the fire star and land directly.

At the beginning of the exercise, Castor had Lieutenant Commander Anderson lead the lead with 10 destroyers of the Eternal Star as deployed. He ordered Lieutenant Commander Anderson to lead these destroyers to attract the mobile fleet of the "Blue Side", and then himself led the rest of the fleet to flank the enemy.

The 10 destroyers of the Eternal Star were ordered to attack, and Lieutenant Commander Anderson began his paddling maneuver as usual. When engaging the enemy, he first took the lead in bearing the enemy's first and second rounds of artillery fire, and the other nine destroyers of the Eternal Star followed closely without caring about adjusting their formations. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson then quietly adjusted the position of his battleship and slowly moved to his middle platoon. Under the simulated battle damage system, his injuries are constantly decreasing. Under Lieutenant Colonel Anderson's operation, the formation of these 10 Hengod-level warships gradually became chaotic, and the original situation of supporting each other and sharing damage was broken.

Just as Lieutenant Commander Anderson was selecting the remnants of the enemy ships to be harvested next, a group of enemy ships suddenly jumped to the back row where Lieutenant Commander Anderson was. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson unhurriedly turned on the acceleration engine, trying to shake off the enemy ship with maneuverability. But he found that this enemy fleet was very flexible, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he operated. And at this time, the simulation system showed that the enemy ship fired a large number of missiles at him. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson knew that if he did badly in this exercise, he would probably be removed from his post, and he immediately cheered up. Command the battleship to protrude left and right.

Taking advantage of Lieutenant Colonel Anderson's attraction of firepower, Castor's fleet suddenly appeared on the enemy's flank, and the enemy troops under the flank suffered a major blow in an instant and had to choose to retreat.

After the exercise, Casto approached Lieutenant Colonel Anderson and said, "This is a good performance, you have attracted a lot of firepower for our detachment." "

"Is our enemy so powerful? Most of their warships are not reinforced, they don't have as many precision-guided missiles. "

"Hehe, the Pluto rover has just taken over a batch of warship modification technology from an alien galaxy. They are likely to use more maneuverable ships and more accurate and powerful missiles in this battle, and your clever way of fighting may be targeted by their guided weapons. This exercise is a wake-up call for you. "

"Oh, so I should thank you for giving me this opportunity?".

"Otherwise, your performance has been recognized by the higher-ups, and your position as captain has been retained. "

"Oh, thank you, Commander. "

"You should thank me, to tell you the truth, the first thing I was going to do when I joined the company was to remove you. It was I who interceded in front of the fleet commander to keep you. "

"This ......," Lieutenant Colonel Anderson was speechless for a moment.

"Prepare for the next battle. Casto said with a pat on the shoulder.

"Where are we going to attack in two weeks?".

"Titan. "

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