Tsunade’s gambling nature is obviously completely on top.

But she lost even her ancestral necklace to Chiba.

There really is no capital left to continue gambling.

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Unless…”

Tsunade roared, “Unless what? ~! ”

“Unless, you lose yourself to me.”

Suddenly, Tsunade and Shizune were stunned, and their eyes widened.

Tsunade snorted coldly, “What the hell are you?!” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “My name is Chi Yu. ”

Shizune suddenly gasped.

“You, you are the new Lord of Mizukage Chiba of the Mist Hidden Village who shook the entire ninja world?!”


It seems that even if Tsunade and Shizune travel around the world without asking about the world, after all, they still know the name of Chiba.

Tsunade also suddenly calmed down.

“So it is.”

“It seems that you did not come here occasionally, but planned for a long time.”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “It’s not bad if you say that.” ”

“I did come specifically for you.”

Tsunade said coldly, “Why, Lord Mizukage, what are you doing with a gambler like me?!” ”

“What do you want from me?!”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I already said it. ”

Tsunade was stunned, and then understood that he was talking about himself.

“What do you mean?”

“You want to recruit me? Want me to join the Kirihide Village and betray Konoha?! ”

Chiba smiled and said, “Betraying Konoha? ”

“It seems to me that you have nothing to do with Konoha Village now, do you?”

Tsunade said coldly, “Indeed, I have been separated from Konoha for many years. ”

“However, Konoha Village is a village founded by my grandfather after all, and the current Third Generation Hokage is also my teacher, and I grew up in Konoha Village.”

“Even if I say I’m not from Konoha Village, I’m afraid Lord Mizukage won’t believe it, right?!”


“Even if you have been wandering for many years, you are still inseparable from Konoha after all.”

“But I want to say, where is your family, where is your family, where are your roots?”

Qianyu’s words immediately made Tsunade’s face change!

Her family, her family, her roots!

His younger brother, Rope Tree, died in battle at the age of ten.

His own family, the Thousand Hands family, has now completely disappeared and become the dust of history.

Own roots…

Is it really still in Konoha Village?

The connection with Konoha Village is only the place where I grew up.

But even their own home, their own family is gone, what is left?

It’s just a concept of a village.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is his own teacher, not bad.

However, it was precisely under his impetus that the Thousand Hands Clan completely disappeared!


Both the Senjuju and Senjukuma once said that they would let the clansmen of the family slowly integrate into the village.

Of course, the purpose is clear, to eliminate the gap between the families, and let everyone get along well as Konoha villagers.

Therefore, starting from the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage, the concept of the Senju family has indeed been diluted.

However, what really implements all this to the end is the ape flying sun.

The point is, if the ape flying sun slashes the same attitude towards their own family.

That’s understandable.

But the problem is that the ape flying family is still very prosperous!

Even in the fourth Ninja World War, there is still a whole team of ape flying clans, which can burst out the Fire Flame Technique at the same time, representing an endless stream of inheritance!

This kind of thing, Tsunade will not be unaware.

It is also impossible not to have resentment in your heart.

The son and daughter-in-law of Sarutobi are both leaders and elites of the Dark Department, although they died in the mission.

The second son, Ape Flying Asma, even if he is incompatible with Sarutobi Hinata, but after leaving Konoha Village, he can immediately become the guardian ninja of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

Sun Ape Hibikobamaru has been guided by elite teachers since he was a child.

And yourself, parents, younger brothers, family, friends, and even the whole family, what else?

There is nothing left…

Tsunade’s face darkened, but then he immediately said, “Do you want to use these things to stimulate me so that I can betray Konoha and join the Mist Hidden Village?!” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Exciting? What stimulus? ”

“I’m just asking questions.”

“As for what the reality is and who caused it, you know better than me.”

Tsunade suddenly wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again.

And the silent behind him also silently lowered his head.

Because even she knew that what Chiba said was the truth.

But she couldn’t have said something like Tsunade betraying Konoha Village.

Everything can only be decided by Tsunade himself.

Just as Tsunade fell silent.

Suddenly, two more people walked in at the door of the casino, one old and one young, exactly…

Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki!!!

Tsunade suddenly looked at Jiraiya and was even more taken aback.


Jiraiya apparently heard her conversation with Chiba.

He said in a deep voice, “Tsunade, I know the grievances and resentment in your heart, but if you betray Konoha Village for this, even you and I will not let it go!” ”

Tsunade was still hesitating, but when he heard Jiraiya’s words, he burst into anger.

“Jiraiya, what qualifications do you have to stop me?!”

“Have you experienced my pain?!”

“Do you have the pain of your brother dying tragically in front of your eyes and the entire family disappearing?!”

“You don’t understand anything, you only know that to use righteousness to suppress people, is Konoha Village really so perfect that it is worth your sacrifice?!”

Jiraiya also fell silent.

“Of course I know that Konoha Village is not so beautiful, and there is a lot of decay and darkness hidden in the secret.”

“However, after all, it is by far the best and only option in the entire ninja world.”

“To protect the village is to protect the peace of the majority.”

“Unless we can find a path to true peace, until then, I just stick to the best option.”

Tsunade said coldly, “Indeed, but there is no limit to all this?!” ”

“If the village kills your family, your friends, and your brothers, will you also fight hard for the village?!”

Zi Lai Ye said: “You are right, I have not experienced what happened to you, and it is impossible to fully understand your feelings. ”

“Maybe one day, I will hesitate and hesitate, but at least for now, I can’t watch you betray Konoha Village.”

Tsunade said coldly, “Hmph, any choice I make is only about myself.” ”

“No one can stop it.”

Zi Lai also sighed: “I understand. ”

He looked at Qianyu: “Lord Mizukage, I didn’t expect to meet here again.” ”

“I didn’t expect that you would persuade Tsunade to betray Konoha Village and join Misthi.”

“Since it’s Mizukage, do you want to see the ninjas in your village being rebelled by others?”

“Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to others, you should understand this truth.”

Chiha laughed.

“You’re right.”

“However, as Mizukage, I did not force a ten-year-old child to die, did not force an entire family, no, two families, and the most powerful family that was once the most powerful, jointly created the two families of Konoha Village, Senju and Uchiha both disappeared in Konoha Village.”

“I didn’t force a ninja who made great achievements to commit suicide.”

“I didn’t force my companion, who was clearly a victim, to die.”

“Don’t do unto others what you don’t want, don’t you understand this?”

Zi Lai also suddenly fell silent.

Of course he knew what Chiba was talking about.

The disappearance of the Thousand Hands.

The rebellion of the Uchiha clan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Qimu Shuomao was forced to commit suicide.

Hinata was forced to die.

These are indeed what Ape Fei Sun Chopper did, and even he couldn’t argue with it.

And Chiba?

He saves his family, quell the rebellion in the village, and unite all forces.

Since serving as Water Shadow, he has recruited major families, restored the strength of the village, and made the entire Mist Yin Village prosper, and from the foggyin village that was on the verge of collapse in the blood mist, it has become almost the largest ninja village in the ninja world today.

Compared to him, the ape flying sun slashing this Hokage is indeed useless.

Tsunade was silent as well.

She shook her head: “Jiraiya, Lord Mizukage.” ”

“I’m not in the mood to think about these things right now.”

“Now I am just a gambler who travels the world and does not ask about the world.”

“I will not betray Konoha Village, but I will not join Mist Hidden Village either.”

“I can’t agree to the request of either of you.”

After saying this, Tsunade silently left the casino with silence.

As he left, Jiraiya glanced at Qianyu and sighed.

“Lord Mizukage, you’re right.”

“However, there are some things that cannot be measured by right or wrong.”

“Perhaps, you can persuade Tsunade, but I will definitely do my best to stop it.”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I understand. ”

“And, as a water shadow, I do appreciate ninjas like you.”

“Or what leader doesn’t like someone as loyal and capable as you?”

After saying this, Chiba and Terumi also left the casino.

Only Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki were left.

Jiraiya’s words echoed in Chiba’s ears.

There is no doubt that his apparent appreciation is actually mocking Jiraiya’s foolishness.

However, Zi Lai just smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Naruto Uzumaki scratched his head: “Hey, hey, lecherous fairy, what are you talking about, why can’t I understand?” ”

“Didn’t you mean that you were going to find that Tsunade mother-in-law who was on par with the lecherous immortals?”

Jiraiya said, “That big-breasted woman just now is Tsunade. ”

“What?! So young?! ”

“Shouldn’t it be an old woman?!”

“She used a secret technique to maintain a youthful appearance, and she is actually about the same age as me.”

Naruto Uzumaki: “… Isn’t this a lie?! ”

Zi Lai also touched his head and looked out the window, and could only let out a sigh.


Walking out of the casino, Terumi sighed lightly: “It’s really not that easy…”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Of course. ”

“After all, she grew up in Konoha Village, not to mention, that village was created by her grandfather.”

“If you change to anyone, you won’t betray easily, even if that village has done so many dirty things.”

Terumi sighed, “I only feel the pain in Tsunade’s heart. ”

“If it weren’t for that, she wouldn’t have let herself go like this and vented everything on gambling.”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect to be able to convince her so easily.”

“But I’m sure one day she’ll want to drive.”

Terumi said: “Hopefully, I hope she can really untie her heart and get out of the place where she is left with only sadness and pain…”

Qianyu smiled: “Let’s not talk about her, although I didn’t convince Tsunade today, I won a lot of money.” ”

“And this necklace, I’ll give it to you.”

Saying that, Chiba handed the necklace to Terumi and put it on.

Terumi blushed: “This chain is precious, right?” ”

“Of course, this is a treasure left by the original Hokage, and it can buy several mountains.”

“Moreover, with the chakra and power left by the ninja god, it can even seal the power of the tailed beast.”

Terumi said, “Then, you gave it to me like that?” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Otherwise, will I wear it myself?” ”

Terumi said with disgust: “Hate, I mean, in case Tsunade really turns his mind to join the Mist Hidden Village, but sees that her necklace was given to me by you, I won’t be angry.” ”

Chiba pretended to think.

“Well, that’s a problem.”

“Then when she comes, I will take it from you and return it to her.”

Terumi: “… Dislike! ”

The two laughed and played all the way to the hot spring hotel where they lived.

“Do you want to go to the hot spring again?” Are you wearing that necklace? ”

Terumi’s face blushed, of course she understood what Chiba meant.

So, there was an inaudible response.




Tsunade, who returned to his room, subconsciously stroked the necklace on his chest.

Only to find that there are no more.

She couldn’t help but be stunned.

Shizune seemed to see through her thoughts.

“Tsunade-sama, do you want to redeem the necklace?”

Tsunade shook his head: “That was a gamble lost to him, how can I get it back.” ”

“Even if you want to get it back, you can only be at the gambling table.”

Shizune sighed: “You’re thinking more than that now, right?” ”

Tsunade was silent.

Shizune said, “Even Jiraiya-sama has appeared, indicating that it is obviously at the behest of Naruto-sama. ”

“Now the situation in the entire ninja world is clear to everyone.”

“It seems to be peaceful and stable, but in fact, the dark tide is surging, especially the conflict between Konoha Village and Kirihide Village, which will break out sooner or later.”

“Naruto-sama obviously wants you to go back and help Konoha Village.”

“That Mizukage-sama, on the contrary, wants you to join the Mist Hidden Village and deal with Konoha in turn.”

Tsunade said, “Of course I understand. ”

Shizune asked cautiously, “So, Tsunade-sama, what do you think?” ”

Tsunade shook his head, “Nothing.” ”

“Now I’m just a gambler.”

After saying this, she turned her head and went to sleep.

Shizune looked at her back and sighed.

She knew it was impossible for Tsunade to sleep, but there was really nothing she could do.

In the end, this choice must be decided by Tsunade himself.


It was at this time.

Chiba received a confidential scroll from the Hyuga clan.

Terumi couldn’t help but be taken aback: “There is movement on the side of the Hyuga clan so soon?!” ”

Qian Yu also frowned: “It seems that something unexpected should have happened.” ”

“So, are you going?”

Qian Yu smiled: “Of course. ”

“Tsunade’s affairs, and the things of the Hinata clan, I will make a break with Sarutobi Hinata.”

“This time, it’s the real cauldron draw for Konoha Village!! Inch! “。

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