At this moment, Uchiha Itachi is on the other side, but he is also suspicious.

In the Hokage office.

The three generations of Hokage Ape flew into the sun, smoking a pipe, and the smoke filled the room.

Behind him, Shimura Danzo, Koharu and Mito Menyan.

It was the four old guys who ruled Konoha for decades.

Uchiha Itachi, on the other hand, knelt down respectfully, waiting for the trial of the ape flying sun.

Ape Fei Ri spat out a smoke ring, his brows furrowed.

“Itachi, I think you should have heard those rumors too, right?”

Uchiha was silent for a moment, and could only nod.

“What do you think?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper’s seemingly random questioning actually contains strong coercion.

Uchiha remained silent.

Shimura Danzo couldn’t help it.

He said angrily, “Are you really holding Uchiha’s Kaleidoscope Sharingan Eye all the time?!” ”

“Why didn’t you report it to us?!”

Uchiha knew that if he said it, the end would be the same as Uchiha stopping the water.

Although he was brainwashed by the so-called will of fire, he was not a pure fool.

But he couldn’t speak his mind either.

So it can only continue to be silent.

Shimura Danzo sneered, “See, Hinata, this is what you call a man who is loyal to the village and has the mind of Hokage!” ”

“Now it seems that he is just a conspirator with evil intentions!!!

Sarutobi began to sing a red face.

“Oh, weasel, did you really do that?”

Uchiha knew that he could only speak.

He said in a deep voice, “Naruto-sama, the reason why I am hiding this matter is because, like Shisui, I want to use other heavenly gods to control the Uchiha clan at a critical time and make them give up the idea of rebellion. ”

Shimura Danzo sneered: “Hmph, this is just your statement!” ”

“What if you use other gods on us?!”

“This kind of power should only be in our hands!”

“If you hide without permission, you are betraying !!!”

Uchiha said in a deep voice, “I don’t. ”

“Although I am from the Uchiha clan, my heart has always been to the whole of Konoha.”

What else Shimura Danzo wanted to say.

Ape Flying Sun stopped him.

“I trust you, Itachi.”

Uchiha’s face improved slightly.

Shimura Danzo sneered mockingly.

The ape flew into the sun and spat out another smoke ring.

“I believe in you, but you also have to show your loyalty with practical actions.”

“Moreover, the news of you as a spy of Konoha has also been exposed, and you will inevitably be tortured when you return to the Uchiha clan.”

“In a word, it’s time for you to make a choice, ferrets.”

Uchiha was silent for a moment.

“I see.”

“I will make the right decision, please rest assured Naruto-sama.”

Sarutobi nodded: “Well, let’s go.” ”

“Yes, Naruto-sama.”

Looking at the back of Uchiha Itachi’s departure, Shimura Danzo sneered.

“Hinata, you believe him so much and let him go?!”

Ape Fei Ri said coldly: “Tuan Zang, I would like to ask you, the last time you killed Uchiha to stop the water, why didn’t you tell me in advance?!” ”

“Moreover, his other heavenly gods were also hidden by you, right?”

“You said that Uchiha Itachi harbors evil intentions, I would like to know, who do you want to use against when you hide other gods?!”

Shimura Danzo was stunned for a moment, and then snorted coldly: “Hinata, are you doubting me?!” ”

“If I want to use it on you, why wait until today?!”

Ape Flying Sun Slash also snorted: “It’s best not to let me know that you are acting in hiding from me!” ”

“You know, I’m the Hokage of Konoha Village!”

Shimura Danzo said, “It’s you who are too indecisive!” ”

“Let’s just talk about Uchiha this time, do you really let him go?”

Ape Fei Richo sneered: “Don’t worry, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha stop water are different. ”

“He’s a very good self-touching guy.”

“This kind of person will give up small emotions in order to protect the so-called greater good.”

Koharu stepped forward, “You mean, he will help us deal with the Uchiha clan?” ”

“Is this possible?”

Sarutobi said, “At that time, he will be slaughtered and exterminated by the Uchiha clan.” ”

“Then live with pain, self-sacrifice with this sin, move yourself.”

“No one knows Uchiha better than I do, and he’s the one who thinks this way.”

Shimura Danzo said: “Maybe so, but the other heavenly gods are a big hidden danger after all!” ”

Sarutobi said, “He won’t use it on us.” ”

“What’s more, even if you want to take back the other gods, you may not be his opponent.”

“He is not Uchiha to stop the water, and he has already learned from the past, he must be on guard.”

“Even if you do it, I’m afraid it will be you who suffers.”

Shimura Danzo then understood that Sarutobi had already considered all aspects.

Sure enough, there is still a gap between myself and him….

“But when he goes back this time, he may not be rebelled by the Uchiha clan!”

“Even if you don’t rebel, I’m afraid you will be taken down by those people in Uchiha Fugaku!”

Sarutobi said, “He won’t be moved by anyone, unless that person is himself.” ”

“As for taking him down… Those Uchiha clansmen don’t have this strength yet! ”

Mito Menyan said, “Sure enough, you have already thought about it very clearly…”

“Of course, otherwise how can Hokage’s seat sit safely?!”

Xiaochun said, “So, what about the last rumor?” ”

“What is the purpose of that man who calls himself Uchiha Madara, who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion and is now haunting Konoha Village?”

“Hinata, we must guard against it, he just made a move against Uchiha, in case he wants to strike at the entire Konoha again, without the wave feng shui gate, this time Konoha will only lose more heavily!”

Ape Fei Ri’s face finally sank.

“I know.”

“This man is indeed the most terrible threat!!!

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