Qian Yu smiled and said, “The third thing, of course, is the truth of the mask man!” ”

“Of course, there is no need to say too much.”

“Suffice it to say that he’s been around Konoha Village lately.”

“I don’t know if I want to deal with the Konoha high-level or the Uchiha clan.”

“Moreover, the Nine Tails Rebellion back then, it was this person behind it!!!”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel smiled.

“I see, it’s worthy of Lord Mizukage.”

“Through the first two news, the contradiction between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level was further intensified.”

“Let the civil war in Konoha break out.”

“Then the last news made both the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha clan wary of the mask man.”

“In this way, if he really wants to make a move, he will inevitably be counterattacked by both Konoha and Uchiha!”

“This trick is to muddy the water, and then fish in troubled water, and kill with a knife!”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “That’s right. ”

“Of course, even if this is the case, there is no guarantee that the Mask Man will really suffer.”

“So I decided…”

“Recently, I will personally go to Konoha Village to secretly promote this matter.”

Terumi’s heart moved: “Lord Mizukage, this doesn’t seem to be good, right?” ”

“It’s too dangerous, and besides, Mist Hidden Village is exactly when you are needed.”

Qian Yu said, “Everything has been on track in Wuyin Village recently, even if I am not there for a while, there will be no problem. ”

“Besides, aren’t you still there?”

“As for my own safety, rest assured, a single Konoha village will not hurt me.”

Bubble, who rarely opened his mouth, suddenly said, “However, if Lord Mizukage is discovered by Konoha, I am afraid that it will trigger a war between the two countries, right?” ”

“We and Konoha have recently had well water that does not interfere with river water, so it seems unnecessary to cause this kind of trouble.”

Qian Yu glanced at him and smiled slightly.

“You have a point.”

“However, to say that the well water does not violate the river water, it is over.”

“You think about it, when the Sand Hidden Village invaded our Mist Hide, they watched coldly from the Konoha Village.”

“However, once the Sand Hidden Village is defeated, Konoha Village immediately takes them in, which is clearly an enemy of us.”

“They were originally an alliance, and now they are equal to grasshoppers on a rope, and sooner or later they will attack us.”

“All I did was start first.”

Bubble was silent for a moment: “Indeed, it is worthy of Lord Shui Ying, I think too superficially.” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “It’s already good that you can start thinking about Wuyin.” ”

“Konoha and Sand Yin have joined forces, whether Iwain or Yunyin are not happy to see it.”

“When the turmoil of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village passes, Konoha Village is bound to decline, and then Iwain and Yunyin will be ready to move, and we are the same.”

“Therefore, this battle is bound to break out, and before this, what I did was not only to deal with the Mask Man, but also to weaken the inevitable enemy, the power of Konoha Village.”

Everyone suddenly realized, and one by one they admired Qian Yu’s foresight.

The Mask Man is to be solved.

But more importantly, it intensifies the conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan, causes civil unrest to break out, and weakens the power of Konoha Village.

In this way, this inevitable enemy will in turn become fish on the chopping block.

At that time, the village of Wuyin will unite with Yanyin and Yunyin again, declare war on Konoha and Sunain, and seize greater interests.

This is the ultimate goal of Chiba’s plan.

Master Yuan sighed, “Lord Shui Ying’s foresight really makes us unmatched. ”

Qian Yu discussed the tactical plan and everyone in detail, and then ended the meeting.



The Dry Persimmon Oni and the Dark Elite Ninja, following Mizukage Chiba’s orders, began to spread these three pieces of information around Konoha.

Of course, Kirihide Village also has its own people in Konoha.

Spreading the word is simple.

Soon, these three pieces of news spread throughout Konoha Village, even the Land of Fire.

Of course, not many people dare to talk about them openly.

But almost everyone who should have heard about it did.


Uchiha clan, in Nanga Shrine.

Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku is also summoning a meeting of clan elders and elite ninjas.

This includes the elder Uchiha Yatsushiro.

There are also contemporary elite ninjas, Uchiha Tetsuhuo, Uchiha Inaba and others.

At this moment, Nanga Shrine was full of anger and bustle, as if it was about to overturn the entire shrine.

As the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku also frowned.

It was still the elder Uchiha Yatsushiro who spoke first.

“Let’s be quiet first.”

“I know everyone has heard those rumors and is angry, but…”

“Things still have to be considered in the long run, you can’t be too reckless and impulsive!”

“Let’s listen to the opinions of the clan elders!”

Uchiha Yatsushiro was highly respected, and soon everyone quieted down and looked in the direction of the patriarch.

Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

“I’ve heard all three rumors.”

“The first is the death of the water stop… Although we have all speculated before, there has been no evidence. ”

“As rumors say, he is alive and dead, and even if we suspect that it was the hand of Konoha’s high-ranking people, there is no evidence.”

Uchiha had the most violent temper, and immediately said angrily: “But now it seems that the rumor is very accurate, isn’t it?!” ”

“Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, because Stop Water opened the pupil power of other heavenly gods, so they conspired to kill him, and also took away one of his eyes, so Stop Water will be discouraged and desperate to commit suicide!”

“If you don’t know the truth, you won’t know it in such detail, and it’s reasonable!”

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, “Indeed. ”

“But the question is, how do the people who spread the news know?”

“And what is his purpose?”

“And, how do we determine whether the news is true or not?”

Uchiha Daoho was calmer and said in a deep voice: “The clan elder actually knows very well, as long as you ask one person, you can understand almost all the answers. ”


“Your son…”

“Uchiha Itachi!!!!”

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