Chiba conquered Terumi and completed the betw.

Since then, Terumi has been even more obedient to Chiba.

In front of outsiders, it is the captain of the Ming Department of Wuyin Village, which can be said to be a strong woman above 10,000 people under one person.

But in front of Qian Yu, she became that delicate little woman again.

This feeling….

It’s really cool!


After Qian Yue brought Shui Wuyue’s mother and daughter to Wuyin Village, he also arranged a place for them to live.

Lin Yongyu Yuri also lives with the mother and daughter as a master.

After that, Chiba also arranged Hotaru, a girl from the Earth Spider clan, there.

For a while, it can be said that Kanaya is coquettish.

Of course, in fact, except for Shui Wuyue Xue, Qianyue did not attack anyone else.

Lin Yongyu Yuli is a tsundere, although he likes Qianyu in his heart, he refuses to admit it.

The other two are just children.


After solving the backyard thing.

Qianyu, the water shadow master, is facing a new test.

That’s what happened to the previous generation of Mizukage Citrus Yakura.

Although he was already crazy, he was once Lord Shui Ying of Mist Hidden Village after all.

What to do now, it is also waiting for Qianyu’s decision.

To this end, Qianyu also summoned the high-level of the foggyin that he had formed to a meeting to discuss.

Among them are veteran high-ranking officials such as Yuanshi, Quanbeiwei, and Nakayoshi.

It also includes young people like Zhaomei, Qing, Bi, Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish, Ghost Lantern Full Moon, and even Peach Land No Chopping.

And the six-tailed human pillar force bubble also participated in this meeting.

After all, this matter also has a lot to do with him.

Qian Yu spoke, “What do you think about the previous generation of Water Shadow?” ”

Qing took the lead in expressing his attitude.

After all, he was the first to see through the illusion with his white eyes.

At this time, it is also appropriate to speak first.

“Alas, in fact, the fourth generation of Mesui Kage-sama, even if he does nothing, I’m afraid he has already… It won’t last long. ”

“He has been controlled by illusion for too long, and such mental torture is equivalent to completely destroying his will, and now he is just the walking dead.”

Everyone fell silent.

But also know that Qing is telling the truth.

Yuan Shi nodded: “Well, Lord Shuiying, of course, we will take good care, even if he is unable to return to the sky, he will let him spend his last time with dignity.” ”

“Alas, although he exacerbated the blood mist of the Mist Hidden Village, he was also controlled and manipulated by someone, and in the end, he was only a victim.”

Terumi said: “Of course, however, the bigger problem is that the fourth generation of Mesui Kage-sama has a three-tailed tailed beast sealed in his body, and if the fourth generation of Mesuiyoshi-sama dies like this, the tailed beast will also die together, and then even if it will be reborn, it is impossible to predict where it will be born.” ”

“It is very likely that it will cause our Mist Hidden Village to lose the strategic weapon of the Three Tails.”

This is, of course, the biggest topic of the conference.

Citrus Yakura is no longer saved.

The three tails in his body are the most important.

The dried persimmon ghost smirked.

“No one dares to say, then I’ll do it.”

“The best way now, everyone knows.”

“That is to strip the three-tailed Chakra from the body of the previous generation of Water Shadow Lord and seal it into the new human pillar force.”

“But in this way, it is equivalent to killing him.”

“That’s why everyone doesn’t dare to say it, right?”

Foam’s heart moved, and she couldn’t help but think of her master, and let out a long sigh.

Qian Yu had already told him that his master actually wanted him to free him from the fate of human pillar power.

But the bubble didn’t let go so quickly.

For a moment, the meeting fell silent.

This topic is too sensitive for anyone to speak up easily.

Momoji said suddenly, “Let me do it.” ”

Everyone immediately looked at him.

He said coldly: “I have been assassinating him all this time, and no one is better suited to bear this crime than me.” ”

Chiba smiled slightly.

If this is the case, then this matter cannot help but seem very ironic.

The object of assassination all his life was successfully killed after he returned to the Misty Hidden Village.

But right now.

Citrus Izumo, the patriarch of the Citrus clan and the son of Citrus Yakura, spoke.

“No, if you have to


“Let me, the patriarch, and my son do it.”

Chiba glanced at him, although this Citrus Izumo was the son of Mizukage, that is, the father of Citrus Kagura in Boruto’s legend, he was not famous, and his strength and talent were not very strong.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon immediately said, “Then aren’t you going to bear the charge of murdering your father?” ”

“No kidding!”



Qian Yu interrupted everyone’s argument and said indifferently: “If you have to do this, then of course the person who started it is me, and there is no other candidate.” ”

“If you don’t cut it, you can’t really kill the previous generation of Water Shadow in front of the people of the Citrus clan.”

“Patriarch Izumo, you can’t kill your father with your own hands.”

“Only I, the new Shui Ying, is the most suitable for this.”

Everyone was in an uproar.

But Qian Yu waved his hand to stop the uproar, and said indifferently: “Okay, this matter is so decided.” ”

“The more important question now is who will be the next three-tailed man Zhuli!”

Everyone could only sigh, understanding that Qian Yu had already made up his mind.

As for the candidate of the three-tailed human pillar force….

That’s a question that requires more thought.

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