The Seven Shinobi Swords!

This is the golden signboard of Wuyin Village.

It is also one of the strongest combinations that resounded in the entire ninja world.

It’s a pity that in the third Ninja World War, he was severely damaged by the eight-door Dun Jia Formation of Materdai.

Now it can be said to exist in name only.

Four people died and three were seriously injured.

And the three people who fled in embarrassment and fled back with one life are now all dead.

Decapitating the big knife loquat Juzo, the thunder knife tooth, the black hoe, and the thunder tooth were all killed by Qianyu in the snow tribe.

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost of the big knife muscles was also killed by his own subordinate dried persimmon ghost mackerel under the planning of Chiba.

The seven members of the previous generation of ninja swords officially announced that they were all killed.

And now, what Qian Yu wants to form is a whole new batch of Ninja Dao Seven!

First of all, the big knife mackerel has found the most suitable owner, which is the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

And because of the previous incident, the dry persimmon ghost mackerel is now also loyal to Chiba.

He also became the captain of the Dark Division.

As for Thunder Tooth, he also found a better owner than Black Hoe.

Lin Yongyu Yuli.

Her thunder and knife skills are even far above the black hoe thunder tooth!

It can also exert the most powerful power of the thunder knife tooth.

And the remaining five ninja knives, decapitation big knives, double knives flounder, long knives and needles, blunt knives and droplets, all in the hands of the ghost lamp full moon.

In fact.

The Ghost Lantern clan was originally the manager of the seven ninja knives and the seven ninja knives.

A psychic scroll with seven ninja knives passed down from generation to generation in the family.

In the fourth Ninja World War, the ghost lamp full moon reborn in the dirt used this scroll to channel four ninja swords.

Qian Yu came to the Ghost Lantern Clan and consulted with the patriarch Ghost Lantern Kuyue.

The ghost lantern family has been passed down from generation to generation.

For example, the second-generation eye water shadow is called the ghost lamp phantom moon.

Chiba also didn’t quite understand the rules of their name.

Of course, Ghost Lantern Kugetsu immediately welcomed Chiyu warmly.

As a clan that supported Chiba before he became a water shadow, Chiba naturally would not be at a loss.

Let the Ghost Lantern family have more opportunities in Wuyin Village.

The ghost lamp sky moon is naturally very happy.

He called his two sons, Ghost Lantern Full Moon and Ghost Lantern Water Moon.

Ghost Lantern Shuiyue was still like a child at this time.

He was also full of curiosity about Chiba.

Qian Yu said what he meant, but Ghost Lantern Empty Moon had already guessed it, and he didn’t have any opinions.

It’s the ghost lamp full moon himself, but he is a little reluctant.

He apparently has a hobby of collecting ninja knives.

Now let him hand it over, it is normal to be reluctant.

But Qian Yu smiled and said, “Actually, like you, I also have this kind of fetish for collecting. ”

“However, I think that collecting seven big living people like the seven ninja swords is far more difficult and meaningful than collecting seven ninja swords.”

“What do you think?”

The ghost lamp full moon was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

“However, now that the talents of the Mist Hidden Village have withered, can they really get together to reorganize the Ninja Dao Seven?”

“The Great Dao Muscle and the Thunder Knife Tooth already have a master.”

“As for myself, I will choose double-knife flounder.”

“Who should give the remaining four handfuls?”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I have thought of this for a long time. ”

“First of all, the blunt knife is cut, I am going to give it to your younger brother Shuiyue.”

For a time, the ghost lamp was empty and the moon, the ghost lamp was full of the moon, and the ghost lamp water moon all changed their faces.

It’s just that the first two are surprised.

And the ghost lamp water moon is a surprise.

He has also always been very interested in the Ninja Sword Seven.

It’s just that because they are too young, their father and brother refuse to let themselves have one.

Unexpectedly, this new Lord Shui Ying would actually give it to himself!

For a while, he was a little more grateful for Qianyu’s worship!


Ghost Lantern Shuiyue’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The ghost lamp full moon said, “My brother?” ”

“He is indeed very talented, but is he too young?”

Qian Yu said, “Ninjas were originally cultivated from childhood, not to mention elite ninjas like the Ninja Sword Seven?” ”

“Ninjas and ninja swords also need time to cultivate feelings and establish bonds.”

“I think it’s a good thing to raise from an early age.”

Ghost Lantern Empty Moon nodded: “Lord Mizukage is right. ”

“Moreover, the two ninja knives remained in the Ghost Lantern clan, which is also Lord Mizukage’s favor to our clan.”

The ghost lamp full moon finally nodded.

He took out a blunt knife from the psychic scroll and gave it to his younger brother Ghost Lantern Shui Yue.

Ghost Lantern Shuiyue stroked this ninja knife, and was ecstatic for a while.

“Brother, father, and Lord Mizukage!”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely not insult the name of the Ninja Dao Seven!!!

The three of them couldn’t help but laugh when they looked at his determined eyes.

The ghost lamp full moon asked again: “What about the long knife stitches and explosive knife droplets?” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “I already have a candidate. ”

“Long knife and stitch, I will give it to the children of my clan named Shiro.”

“Snow people? Mizukage-sama’s kindred…”

Qian Yu nodded and said, “Not bad.” ”

“The ice dun is very suitable for the sharpness and speed of the long knife stitch, plus the wide range of lethality.”

“Shiro-nam kid is also the most talented ninja of the Snow Clan.”

Chiba had indeed thought about it for a long time.

Bai’s Ice Escape Mirror Ice Crystal Secret Technique is the ability to shuttle back and forth in the ice wall.

And Shiro himself is good at using Senbon attacks.

With long knife stitches, it can exert unparalleled power.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon nodded: “What about the blunt knife cut?” ”

Qian Yu smiled and said, “Quan Beiwei recommended a teenager to me. ”

“It’s named Nagashiro.”

Ghost Lantern Full Moon said: “That young man, I know his name, although he lacks self-confidence, his talent is indeed one of the best in the new generation.” ”

“It’s worthy of Lord Shui Ying, it has already been arranged.”

“And what about the last big knife of decapitation?”

Qian Yu said, “I am ready to hand it over, and the peach land will not be used again.” ”

Suddenly, the three father and son of the Ghost Lantern Clan instantly changed their faces!

“Peach land will not be cut again?”

“The leader of that rebel?!”

Ask for a flower ticket!!!!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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