Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 376 The Power of the Snow Giant (Changed)

Frederick is an important general of the Snow Wind Tribe. Not only does he have wisdom beyond that of ordinary snow giants, he is also a sky-level powerhouse according to the strength of the Elf Empire. Frederick has torn more than one white dragon with his hands.

Among the three generals of the Xuefeng Department, he is also one of the more prestigious ones. The senior officials of the Xuefeng Department are basically related. The son of the patriarch who was seriously injured by Xiaoman is also Frederick's nephew in terms of relationship.

So when this incident happened, Frederick also used this reason to pay extra attention, not only mobilizing his direct descendants, but also recruiting many vassals, as if he must seek justice for his nephew.

Of course, in fact, only Frederick himself knows how much that useless nephew is worth to Frederick.

However, no matter what Frederick's purpose is, it will not affect his command ability. Not only the direct descendants of the Xuefeng tribe, but also the snow giant warriors of several affiliated tribes have also formed a relatively decent team under Frederick's command. Slowly oppressing the human side at an unhurried speed.


The first to attack was still the giant titan. After a thunderclap, a snow giant warrior walking in the forefront fell to the ground without any room to struggle. Frederick, who was still watching from a distance, felt a slight tremor in his heart. Jump.

He couldn't see the trajectory of the Titan's lightning attack at all. With his strength, he couldn't think of any attack that was so fast that he couldn't see it. Even if he couldn't resist it, he wouldn't be able to see the trajectory. .

This kind of attack that cannot be avoided at all, if the target is him, he can only bear it. Judging by the power, it may not be easy for him to fall on him. Although ordinary snow giant fighters are not as strong as him, the racial advantage of the snow giant is here. , the vitality is tenacious, and it can struggle for a long time when it is pierced by a mammoth ivory, but it immediately falls to the ground after being hit by this unknown attack, which shows that it is not small.

However, Frederick was not too worried. As in the information, it would take a long time for the opponent to send out a similar attack. He looked at the frequency of the opponent on his side, and when the soldiers on his side rushed up, he would not be able to attack three times.

"God's Mighty Crossbow!"


Not long after the Titans launched their attack, the Flying Bear Army's Divine Mighty Crossbow was not idle. The Divine Mighty Crossbow had already been set up, and under the command of the officer, it began to quickly reload. was pressed up.


"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

When the mighty crossbow was fired, it made a muffled sound unique to giant crossbows, and more than a dozen huge arrows flew towards the snow giant in the distance.

"Poof! Poof!..."


Because the snow giants lined up, and the target of the snow giants was big enough, the hit rate of more than a dozen giant arrows was quite high. Nearly ten of them directly hit the snow giant warriors in the front row. Quite gratifying, the shoddy leather shield in the hands of the snow giant warrior could not withstand the impact of this heavy equipment at all, it easily broke through the leather shield in the snow giant warrior's hand, and then penetrated the snow giant warrior behind the leather shield unimpeded , even with the snow giant's defense ability, it can't resist the power of this giant arrow at all.

There were even unlucky snow giants who were strung together on the same giant arrow, causing one to penetrate two.


This is the first time the Flying Bear Army has used it to attack such a large target since it was equipped with the mighty crossbow. Ogres in the wilderness cannot test the true power of a heavy weapon like the mighty godly crossbow.

In Quill's opinion, this effect is surprisingly good. It is indeed a sharp weapon made by the ordnance factory that integrates all the excellent craftsmen of the Northland regardless of the cost.


The soldiers in charge of operating the mighty crossbow didn't have time to appreciate their battle results, and quickly started the complicated loading work after a round of firing.


When the snow giant advanced to a distance of more than 400 meters, the Titan sent out a second bolt of lightning, which also prevented Frederick from seeing the slightest trace, and another snow giant fell down without leaving any blood on his body. on the ground.

And this time not only the Titan sent out lightning, but the Ice Giant also shot an ice spear. The attack range of the Ice Giant was not as good as that of the Titan, but the power of the ice spear was not much inferior. A row of snow giant soldiers fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight, but his blow still had a slight trajectory in Frederick's eyes, at least he could be prepared to resist in advance.

"Order the soldiers to speed up, no need to reserve physical strength to move forward at the same speed, and directly charge!"

After seeing the long-range methods of the humans on the opposite side, Frederick quickly changed his mind. In the past, this tactic of forming a queue and walking quickly to approach the target was used to deter the same people on the snowy field. What kind of long-range means should naturally be used to fight like this. Now facing humans, conserving physical strength is not a priority. As long as you rush into the human line first, the seven-point force and ten-point force are actually not much different from those small bean dings. On the contrary, rapid advancement is easily consumed by the opponent's long-range means.



After the snow giant accelerated, the Divine Mighty Crossbow finally finished reloading again, and more than a dozen giant arrows caused about ten snow giant casualties again. There was no time to reload the Shenwei crossbow for the third time.

"Ready to fight!"

"Kill, kill!"

According to Elena's arrangement, several snow giants from the Ice Flame Department, like the Titan giants, interspersed in the Flying Bear Army's front, and dozens of fanatics were evenly distributed, the purpose is to stabilize the front and maintain morale as much as possible Well, several champion knights were not arranged to charge on the front line this time. No matter how strong they were, charging in the face of thousands of snow giants would be courting death.

The champion knight was arranged by Elena to wait on the flanks to avoid a head-on collision. Of course, Elena herself had to live in the army, and she, handsome Zhu, could not show timidity in battle no matter what.

A large number of soldiers of the Flying Bear Army leaned on special horses holding spears, or holding trip ropes. Many of them were already sweating nervously. They were also a little timid in front of them. Fortunately, they were an old army with relatively strong thinking. Facing the snow giants approaching like a wall, no one had the idea of ​​running away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

At a distance of more than 200 meters, five phantom shooters and more than a dozen senior monks also attacked. The blue missiles and white cold arrows concentrated on attacking the snow giant running in the front as much as possible, and brought down two more snow giants. giant warrior.

But at this distance, it was no longer just the human side's long-range attack showing power, and the snow giant also responded with color.


The snow giants don't have any professional long-range attack methods, not even throwing spears, and tools are hard to find on the snowy field. It is already rich and powerful for the Xuefeng tribe to be able to hold a carefully crafted stone spear.

The snow giant's long-range attack is very primitive, it just throws some head-sized stones. This kind of primitive and pitiful attack method in the eyes of humans becomes extremely terrifying after being enlarged several times in size.

The snow giant with amazing arms easily threw these head-sized stones over two hundred meters and smashed them into the formation of the Flying Bear Army.




The scene of hundreds of snow giants throwing stones was no less than hundreds of catapults launching stones towards the human side. The head-sized stones rained down on the Flying Bears' formation, and they were placed on the later Shenwei Crossbow. Within the attack range of these stones, the mighty crossbow that was under the care of the snow giant was smashed to pieces in the third round of reloading, and more than half of it was smashed to pieces. It is impossible for anyone to continue reloading against this kind of attack.

The other soldiers didn't have a hard time either. Ordinary shields couldn't stop the attack of this kind of stone. Once it fell down, the whole half of the body was numb. Some of the unlucky ones were hit on the head, even with the helmet on their head. Being smashed together and deformed, red and white things flowed out along the helmet immediately, leaving no room for struggle.

"Hold on, hold on!"

"Don't mess up!"

"Don't mess up!"

Under the snow giant's long-range attack, the system army is fortunate. Although there are not many system troops under Elena's command, most of them are fanatics and high-level monks and above the middle level, and they will not be damaged by the stones thrown by the snow giant. There were too many casualties, and besides, the system army was mentally determined and would not be shaken by the casualties, but this kind of rain of stones was a very big test for the Feixiong army.

Some people in the Flying Bear Army, which has always been known for its tenacious will to fight, panicked at the moment. After all, the tragic image caused by the stones was too terrifying, and the feeling of standing and waiting to die was not good.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Fortunately, Eileen also made arrangements for this. The Flying Bear Army's front is not weak, because they arrived at the battlefield ahead of time, in addition to placing refusal horses, they also arranged for kobolds to dig a lot of tunnels, and the team was drawn in depth. Some troops in a row can hide in the tunnel for a while.

As for the people in the front row, they don't have this chance, because after throwing two rounds of stones, the snow giant warriors also rushed forward...


The snow giant who rushed into the formation taught the Feixiong army a good lesson, what is size advantage, and what is the crushing of individual strength.

The special refusal horse prepared at the beginning did not play a big role. Two snow giants could put the refusal horse aside with force together, and trying to restrain the snow giant with a trip rope was a joke. Seven or eight flying bears The strength of a soldier is not comparable to that of a snow giant. As long as he does not lose his balance, the snow giant can easily get rid of the restriction of the trip rope by raising his legs, and can also throw several soldiers away by the way.

The swarming spearmen played a little role, the sharp spears somewhat hurt the snow giant, causing the snow giant to feel a tingling pain.

But this kind of injury is hardly fatal. Instead, after the snow giant was enraged, he was swept away by the stone spear in his hand.

"It's taken for granted!"

The moment they collided with the snow giants, the Flying Bear Army suffered huge casualties. Their initial preparations were simply not enough. Dealing with dozens of snow giants was completely different from dealing with thousands of snow giants.

Quill, who was behind the front line, watched the casualties of his army surge, gritted his teeth in distress.

"Long gun, long gun! Go!"

"Pour kerosene, burn with kerosene!"

However, the fighting power of the Feixiong Army is different after all. Facing the overwhelming advantage of the Snow Giants, most of the army may not be able to generate fighting spirit at the moment. Under the maintenance of the grassroots officers, they continued to fight, not only formed a gun formation to besiege, but also poured some fire oil prepared on the snow giant's feet and ignited it.

The effect of kerosene was better than that of long spears. The snow giant who didn't like the heat was rolled all over the ground in pain after being splashed with kerosene, and had no fighting ability for a while.

In fact, in terms of numbers, the human side still has the advantage, not counting the system army under Eileen, the Flying Bear Army alone is fifty thousand, more than forty times that of the Snow Giants. If the last soldiers are exhausted with the snow giant, it will still cause a lot of trouble to the snow giant. After all, theoretically speaking, any flesh and blood creature will be piled to death by an absolute number.

Snow giants are only three or four times taller than humans. Swarms of ants can kill creatures hundreds of times larger than them.

Facing an enemy like the Snow Giant, even the Flying Bear Army can only withstand 30% to 40% casualties at most before it collapses completely. If it is replaced by other regular legions of the kingdom, it may not be able to withstand even 100% and can persist until the two sides come into contact. It might be good to just crash.

The sacrifices made by the Flying Bear Army were not without effects other than killing a few snow giants in a limited amount. At least with their sacrifices, they won a lot of space for the Titans, the Ice Giants, and the Bone and other snow giants. It was the persistence of the Feixiong Army that prevented them from being immediately engulfed in a besieged state. Although they had to fight one against several, they could still persevere.

The zealots are also attacking vigorously. These zealots at the peak of the knight rank can also cause a lot of damage to the snow giants. The stick hit the snow giant's knee. With one blow, most of the snow giants would immediately limp after being hit, losing most of their combat power.

"Master Elena! The snow giant has charged into the second line of defense."

Although the Flying Bear Army resisted resolutely, the snow giant's combat advantage was still too great, and soon the first line of defense was broken by the snow giant.

"sulfuric acid!"

"Quiel, you are in command next!"

"Ah! Lady Elena!"

Before Quill could persuade her, Elena rushed forward with a few fanatics around her. After the first line of defense was breached, the army began to show signs of instability. She had to give the army a boost. morale...

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