Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 211: The Decisive Battle

While the Flying Bear Army on the two wings and the Tiger and Leopard Army were struggling to support them with their chariot formations, the middle army led by Li Cha was progressing quite smoothly.

After encountering the back charge of the heavy cavalry, the 4,000 ogre reinforcements were still inevitable, and there was a partial collapse.

Even if this ogre army's fighting will is not weak, it is difficult to withstand such a cavalry back charge,

At this time, the ogre vanguard also completely collapsed. The system army with nearly a hundred crusaders led by Ron as the core, with crushing strength, crushed the ogres that had already been rushed by the cavalry. The demon vanguard was completely defeated,

The remaining ogres began to flee in all directions in the wilderness. In the ogre vanguard army, more than half of the ogres were directly killed in battle. They can be regarded as excellent fighters if they can persist until now.

If it was put on the ordinary army, the heavy cavalry led by Li Cha would probably collapse in the first wave of charge, and they would have to run away before the follow-up system army came up to harvest.

From the high morale at the beginning, to panic, then gritted their teeth and persisted in fighting, and finally collapsed in despair, the fleeing ogre warriors in batches have affected the rear army,

The ogre reinforcements, which had been rushed by the iron cavalry led by Richard, were greatly shaken after seeing the vanguard completely collapsed.

As reinforcements, not only did they fail to support them, they even suffered heavy losses themselves, and now they even have no support targets. Their morale has dropped to a freezing point, and they have not completely collapsed yet. It is completely a fierce ogre The hostile spirit is supporting,

But the final stalemate didn't last long. After Ron led the system army to defeat the ogre vanguard, they didn't pursue the defeated soldiers, but speeded up to join Richard. The demon army formed a pincer attack,

When the arrows rained down and the crusaders, senior monks, diamond men and other common ogres could not compete with their combat power, the ogres' rear army was completely defeated like the vanguard army, and their courage was exhausted.

A large number of ogre warriors discarded the mace in their hands, and even took off the iron armor that they usually regarded as treasures, just to escape from this desperate battlefield as soon as possible.

And the commander of the reinforcements was still trying to organize the army to restore order at the last moment. He shouted a few times, and before he could organize too many men, he was targeted by two phantom shooters at the same time. Two white lights flashed, He completely lost his vitality.

"Woo, woo~"

A faint sound of the horn sounded, and Li Cha sat on the back of the Flying Dragon King, holding a blue horn in his hand and blowing it towards the sky.

This sound was covered by the sound of fighting on the battlefield, and not many people heard it, but the effect was real. A hundred harpies rushed to the battlefield from the sky.

The final battle is about to begin...

The last 5,000 ogre warriors have lined up under the command of Wuha, and they have rarely put up a defensive position against humans. There are also a large number of kobold vassals arranged on the two wings, as if they are ready to attack the attacking humans at any time. The army launched an outflank, of course, it's hard to say what the effect will be, anyway, a large group of people piled up there is quite bluffing.

What they are facing is the invincible army of less than a thousand riders and more than a thousand system heroes led by Li Cha.

Although he has a huge advantage in numbers, Wuha has no intention of relaxing at all. Looking at the fleeing ogre warriors in front of him, he would be really blind if he didn't realize the strength of the human army in front of him.

"Let them run from the two wings, go to the rear to rectify, and kill anyone who dares to attack the army formation!"

Most intelligent races have the instinct to hold together, especially in the case of extreme anxiety, many collapsed ogres instinctively want to run back to the Wuha formation in panic, looking for a certain sense of security,

Although Wuha is not a veteran in the battlefield, he also understands that in this situation, the routs must not be allowed to attack the main formation, and they continue to issue orders to let the routs retreat from the two wings, and ruthlessly killed several soldiers who tried to return from the front. The ogres in the formation finally frightened a group of deserters.


Li Cha didn't waste too much time after breaking through two formations, and quickly launched an attack on Wuha's formation.

Li Cha is also unwilling to delay for too long, although the Flying Bears and Tigers and Leopards on the two wings have chariot formations as their support this time, but the chariot formations have experienced the test of war in previous lives, and the defensive effect is definitely leveraged ,

But that also depends on what you are dealing with. It is absolutely no problem to defend against the human army, but if you use it to defend against ogres, Li Cha has no idea. He can only defeat the enemy in front of him as soon as possible to secure the victory.

The first attack was the harpies. This kind of harpies that could be summoned repeatedly was directly used by Li Cha as a dead soldier.

This time the ogre's line was more organized than before, and there were more of them. Li Cha was also reluctant to use his heavy cavalry to continue charging.

First use the harpies' suicide attack to disrupt a part of the ogre's formation. This kind of dead soldiers on the battlefield, especially soldiers with certain strength, are actually very effective.

No matter how ruthless the ogre is, it still has a certain fear of death in its heart, and these harpies summoned by Li Cha are directly tool people. The soldiers fell down, desperately trying to die together to take away an ogre. This kind of suicide attack made the ogre feel a little scared. A section of the ogre line that was attacked by the harpies showed a big shock. confusion,

Li Cha would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately commanded the army to rush forward.

Still with the five champion knights and Elena as the arrows, Li Cha rode the Flying Dragon King to sweep through the air,

The five earth-level champion knights are like a meat grinder on this kind of battlefield if they are taken out individually, let alone five at the same time. The previous front line was completely torn apart, and the ogre, who was extremely fierce in front of the ordinary human army, became like paper at the moment.

"Holy light, come!"

At this moment, Elena no longer made any reservations, and directly used the skill at the bottom of the box, the angel descended,

After a burst of golden light, Eileen's whole temperament has undergone a huge change. If the holy aura on Eileen's body had a gentle taste before, then the aura on Eileen's body now is holy. With a feeling of indifference and severity,

It is the hostility to all darkness and the kind of sternness with no sand in the eyes.

"Hmph, dirty creature."

With the arrival of the angel, Elena's strength has directly skyrocketed to the level of the pinnacle of the earth, and she is a pinnacle of the earth in full condition without consumption.


Elena, who was in good condition, no longer sparing the use of fighting energy at this time, a layer of golden fighting energy was directly attached to the long sword, and it became like a lightsaber.

While waving the long sword, all the ogres standing in front of Elena were brutally beheaded. At this moment, the powerful ogre warriors actually had a sense of being cannon fodder.

"Master Wuha, I can't stop the front line!"

Li Cha's tactic at this moment is to break through and break through again. With the strength of the troops in his hands, he doesn't consider the possibility of being encircled by this style of play. Anyway, as long as he penetrates the enemy's formation, he will definitely not be surrounded.

"Do you want to back off?"

Seeing that the human army had almost rushed to the position of the central army, another ogre chief couldn't help asking.

"I can't retreat, it's all over if I retreat, I must stand here!"

Wuha's central army has two ogre chieftains and dozens of ogre warriors, surrounded by thousands of the most elite ogre warriors. If he retreats, the entire ogre army will be destroyed. The front is about to collapse, even if he knows the danger, he can't back down.

"Hold on first, wait for him to defeat the humans on the two wings and then support us, retreat now, the human cavalry will bite up and it will be a dead end."

This ogre army is not just Wuha's words, he has to hold another ogre chief to prevent him from being unable to bear the pressure and lead the people away first, and the situation will collapse before the humans come in. .

Fortunately, another ogre chief asked subconsciously. He was not stupid. He naturally knew that there was no way out in this situation. He could only hope that the two wings would make progress.


The front line of the ogre was quickly overwhelmed. Six earth ranks attacked at the same time, including one earth peak, followed by a large number of heavy cavalry. It really reached the stage of attacking regardless of the cost. The power is indeed overwhelming.

"Don't run! Those who retreat behind will die!"

The ogres of the Chinese army not only played the role of supporting the entire front, but also played the role of supervising the battle. Some ogres who fled were directly beheaded by the elite of the Chinese army, and were forced to turn around and continue fighting.



The ogres of the central army have also completed their formation. The formation of these most elite ogres is close to the level of the regular human army. With their size, it is definitely a nightmare for all cavalry trying to charge.

Seeing this, Wuha felt a little more at ease. This kind of queue can't be easily dispersed anymore, right?

Of course, it is impossible for Li Cha to charge directly with the heavy cavalry, at least let the opponent be confused first, otherwise Li Cha is not willing to bear the loss of directly charging.

Fortunately, Li Cha still has a card left in his hand,

At this moment, the preciousness of air units is no longer considered. The Royal Griffin and Silver Pegasus Knight, who have never been used before, also landed from a high altitude under the order of Richard...

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