Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 196 Development and Preparation


In Snow City, in the mansion of the Marquis of Lancaster, an exquisite porcelain cup was smashed to the ground, and the furious Marquis James was frantically destroying the items in the room.

He has no reason not to be angry. In order to suppress the development of the Hunter family, he took a huge risk to cooperate with the church. Unexpectedly, Richard is still alive and kicking, and he has made a big name in the capital. On the contrary, he has left behind. A huge handle, a handle that could lead to the destruction of the Lanster family at any time.

He doesn't believe the words of the kingdom's number one expert, sky knight, and a strong man who is qualified to fight a dragon.

The more important thing is that Richard has become a celebrity in front of the king. Not only is he going to marry the princess, but even the few territories that were vacated before were given to the Hunter family. Now, in terms of territory and population, Hunter The Lanster family is not inferior to the Lanster family, not to mention that the current high-end combat power of the Hunter family has already crushed the Lanster family.

Feeling James' anger, the subordinate fell to one knee and buried his head very low, for fear of attracting James' attention and making him vent his anger on himself,

Fortunately, James still maintained a certain degree of rationality, but he just lost his temper on some dead things, and he would not take his anger out on his hands.

It wasn't until the last teapot in the room was smashed to the ground that James gradually calmed down, and then asked:

"How many days have the people sent to the royal capital been away?"

"They've been out for two days."

"Send someone to chase it back, it's not necessary."

"Yes, Lord Marquis."

James waved his hand and signaled him to back down. Now that he heard the title of Lord Marquis, his heart has not fluctuated much.

After taking over Snow City, not long after he became the new Marquis, James felt a little exhausted, without the joy and high spirits he had at the beginning. He experienced war damage, and the army suffered a disastrous defeat. The city is a complete mess,

Although James can't be called a fool, his own abilities are many times worse than Lint's. The situation that Lint could maintain before is like a mess in James' hands. The lack of money and food forces shrinks, and there are many internal conflicts. One of them made James hurt God,

When James knit his eyebrows and thought, the subordinates who received James' signal retreated out as if they were relieved.

Before that, James sent someone to the capital to report the fact that the Hunter family annexed the Will family's territory. This matter was originally hoodwinked under the cover of Lint. Hello Tejia, I am going to file a complaint to the Noble Court immediately, even if I am suspected of slapping myself in the face, I will not hesitate.

But when more news from the capital came back, James knew that it would be a joke to report this matter. This matter is actually big or small. Although Li Cha did not do it very well, it was still a good idea Whether you recognize it or not is just a matter of the above sentence. Judging from the degree of favor that Li Cha is favored now, it is estimated that he will be beaten back by the House of Nobles.

Just when all businesses in Piaoxue City were sluggish and James was scratching his head in worry, the development of Hunterland was in full swing.

At this time, Li Cha was sitting in the Lord's Mansion of Zhenmo City, listening to Lin Te wanting him to report the latest situation.

"The grain reserves are enough to support a big war, and the grain reserves in the valley are still sufficient, and we can continue to buy them at any time."

Lin Te is almost sure that Richard will organize another expedition to the wilderness in a short time, and has already begun to actively prepare for it during the absence of Richard. At least, there is no need for Richard to worry about logistics.

"Don't stop buying grain. If you can't buy it in the valley, go to the central plains to buy it."

Listening to Li Cha's instructions, Lin Te raised his eyes and met Li Cha's eyes. The two seemed to have reached a tacit understanding.

"The granary has been built, and the purchase of grain has never stopped."

Logically speaking, there is no shortage of food in the kingdom. Many granaries are full of food. The price of food is very low. Even poor families can afford a few pieces of rye bread. It can be used in some dynasties Touting the prosperity of the world,

Although Beidi has been affected a bit this year, according to the arrangement of the Hunter family, the grain production will recover next year and there will be no shortage of food. It seems that it is better to spend a lot of money to store grain at this moment than to do something else.

If food is going to become more precious, unless there is a major disturbance in the empire, under the circumstances of peace, an excessive and large-scale storage of food like Richard will only lead to losses.

The current kingdom still looks like Haiyan River is singing and dancing, but the actual situation is definitely not optimistic. At least after Li Cha communicated with Aragorn, this feeling became more and more intense, and he had to make plans early.

"What about the cavalry? Are the horses enough now?"

"According to your instructions before you left, we have purchased nearly 300 war horses in the western region, and the matching armor has also been built at the same time. We have selected some strong and strong warriors from the previous cavalry and have been training for a while. We should be able to fight this time.”

Equipped heavy cavalry is something Li Cha has always wanted to create. In the past, the Northland was dominated by light cavalry. One reason was that the ogres did not become popular at that time, and the Northland did not need such powerful shock cavalry.

The second is that the cost of equipped and heavy cavalry is too high. To raise this kind of cavalry, the cost of one cavalry can top a bunch of ordinary infantry. It is meaningless to raise less, and it is too expensive to raise more. The lords couldn't afford it at all, and the only Lanster family who could afford it didn't have any urgent needs, which led to a blank in this area in the Northland. If Marquis Wade had so many hundreds of heavy cavalry in his hands, maybe the war Everything will change direction.

When he came to Li Cha, he would never ignore the development of this arm. His vision would not be limited to the wilderness and the Northland, or even to the kingdom. There are too many races in this world that cannot be competed by manpower. Equipped and heavy cavalry can somewhat narrow the gap.

"Well, the members of the Scarlet Flame Knights should also be ready to dispatch this time."

"Don't worry, their special equipment has also been built. They have been training in formation since yesterday. They are all knights, and they adapt much faster than ordinary soldiers."

The quality of the red flame horse is still much higher than that of the horses in the western region. Naturally, it is impossible to equip the same horse armor. The specially made horse armor is much thicker, and the equipment of the knights is also more sophisticated and heavier. What originally restricted them was that the mounts could not carry it. This weight, now with the supporting red flame horse, the battle armor can naturally be made thicker.


Li Cha doesn't seem to have anything to say. Lin Te is almost impeccable in his work. Having a reliable internal affairs talent can indeed save a lot of trouble. Everything is properly arranged, and there is almost no need to worry about too many things.

"Master Richard, Mr. Gandolf wants to see you."

"Let him in."

Just when Li Cha and Lin Te were arranging the next expedition, Gandolf came to the door again. Since Gandolf activated several elementary spells with the help of the magic energy crystal, Li Cha's love for Gandolf I also paid a lot of attention, and there is no problem with courtesy.

"Lord Richard."


"Do you see this mana crystal?"

During the period when Li Cha left, it should be the most fulfilling period of time Gandolf has lived for so long. Relying on a piece of magic energy crystal to release a lot of spells, he finally experienced the feeling of the master.

But the magic energy crystal is only a small piece after all, even if it is just to release some basic spells for a month, it will consume almost the same amount of time.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. After experiencing the feeling of a real master, he suddenly cannot cast spells. This kind of frustration is even more uncomfortable than not being able to cast spells decades ago. When he came back, Gandolf posted it cheekily to ask for some more magic crystals.

Li Cha looked at Gandolf with a constipated expression with a smile on his face, touched the teacup and beckoned him to sit down.

"Don't worry, there will be as many magic energy crystals soon..."

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