Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 453: : The third military expansion

The gun forest formed by Harris and others failed to fight the barbarians in close combat after all.

Before rushing into the camp, he had already lost nearly half of his men. The barbarian leader had never seen such a terrible weapon. The barbarians who attacked the camp began to prepare to retreat.

Simon didn't give them a chance. The land where the barbarians stood turned into fine sand, and arms made of gravel stretched out, dragging the remaining hundreds of barbarians into the ground.

The sand was turned back into land, just as it had been before, only without a band of savages.

Before Simon didn't make a move, he just wanted to use this group of barbarians to train soldiers, but since they wanted to escape, they didn't even have any final use value.

The pupils of the new army members shrank slightly, and they looked at the main tent in shock. Every time they saw Simon's young face, they always subconsciously forgot that this was a master mage.

At the end of the battle, Harris commanded the new army to clean up the battlefield.

The main thing is to deal with the corpses of those barbarians, and at the same time recover the bullet casings and fired warheads. Copper and iron are precious materials, and Simon is reluctant to waste a penny.

If he doesn't recycle these things after the battle, no matter how rich he is, he can't resist making them!

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Harris didn't let the group of soldiers continue to rest. Instead, they practiced directly, and the enemy didn't even notice it when they touched it.

If it wasn't for Simon, at least half of them would have been killed or injured today.

In this regard, Simon did not stop him. He was indeed considerate, but he did not want to let the sentinel continue to be so lax.

The spring wheat was about to ripen, and the savages and humans became nervous. Having lived together in this land for countless years, they naturally knew that both sides would bleed to death soon.

The savages are very fertile, and the population cannot be controlled. They can only come to plunder human food and consume the excess population by the way.

Humans have worked hard for half a year before they can finally harvest food. If they don't eat food, they will starve to death. Therefore, every human being who can fight will take up arms and kill every barbarian they can see.

The continuous heavy rain in the past few years has made the prey in the Gelu Mountains scarce, and the human wheat production has been severely reduced, which has continued to aggravate this conflict.

After this attack, the soldiers immediately raised their vigilance. After all, they only have one life. In a place where barbarians are rampant, it is better to be cautious.

The benefits of increased vigilance can be seen with the naked eye, because the temporary camp was attacked at night again the next day, and there were still barbarians with nearly a thousand people.

This time without Simon's reminder, the sentinel immediately spotted this group of sneaky barbarians.

The copper whistle hanging around the neck sounded sharp and piercing. The disciplined new army quickly assembled, leaning on the gate, and used bullets and bayonets to make the group of barbarians retreat.

It can't be said that they retreated despite difficulties, because Simon didn't give them a chance to retreat, and everyone was buried in the ground again.

Behind this temporary camp is the High Mountain Territory. Every time one more barbarian is dealt with in this place, it will make life easier for the weakening Hawke family.

That's right, the current Hawke family is very weak!

The territory is so desolate, and the Hawke family itself is very poor. The previous confrontation with the Hood family almost wiped out the entire Hawke family, and most of the 50,000 gold coins in compensation were returned to the royal family.

Because before the war, the Royal Chamber of Commerce lent them 2,000 sets of leather armor, but these leather armors were more or less damaged during the battle, so the royal family directly sold these leather armors to the Hawke family.

Strength is at stake here, of course the Hawke family has no room to protest, they can only [accept with pleasure].

The market price of a set of leather armor is 20 gold coins, and this alone costs 40,000 gold coins, plus more than half of the casualties of the soldiers, pensions, rewards, treatment of the wounded, and the lack of land for years.

The current Hawke family has no money at all. In June, Valery came here to borrow money from Simon because the rainy season this summer is still continuous, which means that the harvest will still be owed this year.

The Hawke family could no longer survive, and a sum of gold coins must be credited in order to tide over the difficulties.

Simon's eyes were slightly sour. He knew that the Hawke family was so miserable, and most of the reasons were because of him. He also knew that his father, who had always been rigid and serious, came to borrow money, and he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

So he didn't say much, and directly took out a gold card with 5,000 gold coins, and there was only so much.

In recent years, Simon has earned a lot of money, but also spent a lot of money.

When he came back from the capital, he only had 20,000 gold coins with him. Training the new army cost a lot, and there would be more places to use the money in the future, so he had to keep a sum of gold coins on his side.

This year's situation is not bad. Although the number of barbarians went out to rob a lot and the frequency was very frequent, they still couldn't gather an army of 100,000 to go out to rob like they did twenty years ago.

The temporary camp where the new army was stationed suffered no less than dozens of attacks, and most of them were night attacks.

Night has always been the friend of the savage, for men sleep and they wake; men cannot see darkness, but they can see in darkness.

The number of barbarians who died at the hands of the new army was no less than four thousand, and the number of barbarians who died at the hands of Simon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was no less than seven thousand.

The temporary camp was like a nail, firmly nailed to the front of the high mountain collar. Every barbarian tribe who wanted to go to the high mountain collar to rob could not help but want to pull out this nail.

When not together, the savages were indeed, as Deborah said, a mess.

Even though more than ten thousand barbarians have been killed in the temporary camp, there are still tribes of barbarians who don't understand the situation and are eager to remove this nail leading to the high mountain collar.

As a result, they were all dead, half of them in the hands of the new army, and most of them in the hands of Simon. This small tribe of hundreds or a thousand people has no way to compete with master mages.

Amidst the endless raids, the second batch of recruits was trained and the entire new army was expanded to a battalion.

Simon served as regimental commander, Harris served as battalion commander, Boulder was still deputy, Siegel became company commander, Galken and his retainers became platoon leader, and Glennan, the reserve backbone, was officially promoted to squad leader.

The number of people has only tripled, but the combat effectiveness of the new army has increased by more than ten times. If the new army of 300 people faces ten times the regular army, Harris can guarantee to win back.

Simon didn't believe his assurances.

Because of the existence of extraordinary power, the advantage of thermal weapons is actually not that great.

Once the professionals in the regular army gather to raid the new army, which is basically ordinary people, the soldiers of the new army will be scattered and disrupted in an instant, and finally harvested.

Therefore, Simon was still not satisfied, so he ordered Boulder, the deputy battalion commander, to recruit 700 soldiers in the high mountain territory, preparing to expand the new army into a regiment.

The Hawke family's reputation in the Alpine Territory is deeply rooted, and these recruits from the Alpine Territory are better trained by Simon.

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