Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 955 Summoning Thor's Hammer

Zi La La~~

In the first-level S.H.I.E.L.D. base in New Mexico, sparks and lightning were everywhere at this time, as if it had suffered an electromagnetic attack. Although the entire base seemed to be under attack, the people in the base were actually in order and there was not much panic. The researchers with little combat power quickly ran out of the base under the protection of the soldiers, while the remaining people rushed to the center of the base while extinguishing the open fire. Obviously, this isn't the first time they've experienced this.


"Hey! I thought it would be stable for a while, but I didn't expect something went wrong, and this time it was more powerful than last time!" A middle-aged researcher complained while running out under the protection of the soldiers.

"Have you not been mentally prepared for a long time? This thing is not a conventional weapon after all, and it is normal to have these reactions. However, after such a long period of research, we finally have some results." After hearing the middle-aged researcher's complaint, An old man walking in front of him spoke calmly.

"Well, I know, but I always feel that we may not have much time left." After hearing the old man's words, the middle-aged researcher responded and continued.

"Don't worry, when it calms down again, we can continue to study it. Perhaps, before it riots next time, we will have found a way to control it." Ignoring the worries of the middle-aged researcher, the old man continued.

Under the day and night research of this group of senior researchers, the Thor's hammer that Thor left in New Mexico really taught them something. However, without detailed information on Asgard, their research speed is very slow, and so far they have only decrypted one percent of it.


Just as the old man finished speaking, a violent roar came from the center of the base behind them. Then, a black object suddenly rushed into the sky in a bolt of thunder.

Zi La La!


In the violent thunder, the black object flew quickly towards New York. Needless to say, this black object that releases thunder and rushes into the sky is Thor's hammer, which has been studied by S.H.I.E.L.D. After a long period of silence, this Asgardian artifact finally responded to someone's call.

"Old...teacher!...The hammer flew away! It really flew away!" The middle-aged researcher shouted with a trembling voice as he watched Mjolnir fly away.


However, after the middle-aged researcher finished shouting, the old man who had also seen this scene was so excited that he fell down. If Thor's hammer really escapes, their research will be completely in vain. Such research results are not enough to establish a systematic theory.

"Teacher!!" Seeing the old man falling straight down, the middle-aged researcher shouted worriedly and rushed over to support him.

"Notify the headquarters quickly! We need support!!" The old man said excitedly after taking a breath and being supported by his students.

"The situation here has been sent to the headquarters as soon as possible." After hearing the old man's words, the captain of the combat team escorting them immediately replied.

Now, they no longer have to retreat. The culprits who caused chaos and various electrical riots in the base have left, and the base will soon return to normal. However, the S-class item left again, and it left at such a fast speed that the chance of getting it back was slim.

"Must...must! Get it back!" After saying this, the old man finally passed out because he was so excited.


Just when such a chaotic incident occurred at the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first-level base in New Mexico, and when Mjolnir, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly flashed with the power of thunder and rushed out. Thor, who was in his apartment in New York, was walking back and forth in the living room of his apartment. As he walked, Thor's expression kept changing.

"Hey! Why did Mjolnir respond so positively to my summons this time? I obviously haven't fully recovered the power of the God of Thunder yet!" Pacing back and forth in the living room of the apartment,

Tony's eyes flashed with some light blue light, and he whispered to himself in a low voice.

Apparently, Thor was responsible for the sudden riot at the New Mexico S.H.I.E.L.D. research base where Quake suddenly rioted and then rushed out of the base and flew away. After Jane Foster hung up on Thor and then blocked him, Thor, who couldn't understand the woman's temper, stopped contacting Jane Foster for the time being, and instead tried to summon his own Thor again. Hammer: Mjolnir.

This summons also surprised Thor. Originally, he thought that this summons would be the same as the previous ones. Thor's hammer would not respond much. At most, it would only send out some thunder as before. That’s all. However, in Thor's induction, this time his call received a very obvious response from Mjolnir. Now, Thor could feel Mjolnir rushing towards him quickly.

"Haha! It seems that returning to Earth this time is a very correct choice. Otherwise, I don't know when I will be able to renew my production capacity and summon Mjolnir back!" He made sure that his Thor's Hammer was indeed flying towards him quickly. After arriving, Thor couldn't help but drink happily.

Then, Thor quickly walked to the window of the living room. The direction where Thor's hammer flew happened to be this way, so Thor could see his long-lost hammer at the first time.


While Thor was standing by the window of the living room waiting for Thor's hammer to return, in the apartment opposite Thor's apartment, the team that had been arranged by SHIELD to monitor Thor had also listened to Thor's self-control. Talk to yourself.

"Captain, what does this S target mean? He seems to be talking about summoning something?" With the headset on, Thor's self-talk was heard, and one of the team members asked the captain next to him in a low voice.

They were unable to monitor anything when Tony was there before, and their equipment returned to normal only after Tony left. In other words, Tony doesn't mind their surveillance of Thor.

"What is summoning? Is he a magician? Isn't it said that he is an alien who is friendly to the earth?" After hearing the answers from the team members, the bored captain muttered. Then, he took an earphone and put it on.


Just when the captain had just put on his headphones and was about to listen to what Thor was saying across from him, there was a sudden roar from high in the sky in New York, as if a thunder struck out of thin air. Moreover, this thunder is still approaching quickly.

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