Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,191 Father and son finally meet

On the state highway leading to Colorado outside New York City, a cool blue sports car was speeding on the wide road at a speed of more than 100 yards. In the driver's seat is Star-Lord, who has changed into a casual suit, and in the passenger seat is Gamora, whose skin color has changed.

After wandering around the international metropolis of New York for a while, Star-Lord took Gamora to the place where he lived when he was a child. Although Star-Lord no longer knows how many people are related to him in the hometown he left when he was very young, he always wants to go back and take a look.

Moreover, when Star-Lord left, his mother had just died of cancer, and he came back this time to pay homage to his mother. Perhaps, he can also tell his mother that a man who claims to be his biological father has come to find her.

While this cool blue sports car was racing, some cars that looked like passers-by were following behind it. These cars following Star-Lord were all arranged by SHIELD. They wanted to ensure that Star-Lord and Gamora were always within sight and that emergencies could be resolved in a timely manner.

And just as Star-Lord and Gamora were enjoying the scenery on Earth that was different from other advanced civilization planets in the universe, a white light suddenly flashed high in the sky above their heads. Then, a figure appeared out of thin air on the road in front of Star-Lord.

"Fuck!!" The next moment he saw that figure, Star-Lord cursed and slammed on the brakes.

Squeak! ! !

Under rapid braking, the high-quality tires skidded black marks on the ground. Then, he stopped just before the figure. If the cars in Tony's garage weren't all high-end, ordinary cars would have hit him long ago.

When Star-Lord suddenly stopped due to a blocker appearing in front of him, the SHIELD team following him also quickly stopped. Of course, their identity was directly exposed in this room. However, Star-Lord didn't care. Maybe he always knew that direct actions were being monitored.

After stopping the car, Star-Lord, who was sitting in the driver's seat, took a deep breath and then looked up at the person blocking the road ahead. In fact, when that person appeared just now, Star-Lord already knew who he was. It wasn't anyone else, it was actually the Ego who had appeared in the universe before and claimed to be his father.

"Hello, Quill, I heard your name was this." When Star-Lord looked up, Egg, who was standing in the middle of the road, looked at him and said with a smile.

Hearing Ego call his name, and the tone was so amiable, Star-Lord suppressed some light in his eyes, "Ego, this is your introduction before."

"It seems that we already know each other. Nice to meet you, Quill." Hearing Star-Lord's response,

Egg continued to smile.

"Are you going to just stand in the middle of the road? This will cause traffic jams." Without further nonsense, Star-Lord pointed to Egg to look at the cars parked behind him and reminded him.

After Egg appeared, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hiding in the car had already taken out various instruments and started filming and monitoring the area. Star-Lord didn't care. Anyway, he knew what kind of organization SHIELD was, and it didn't matter if he came back and was monitored this time.

However, the conversation between him and Egg about father and son could not be carried out here, let alone being monitored by SHIELD. Other things don't matter, it's better to resolve these private matters privately.

"Of course, would you like to go up there with me?" Hearing Star-Lord's words, Egg nodded and pointed at the top.

Above, the pure white spaceship was suspended in mid-air. The oval shape didn't look threatening at all, so the SHIELD teams on the ground were still in the car and didn't come out.

Looking up at the pure white spaceship above, Star-Lord nodded silently, "However, I have to take Gamora with me, she is my girlfriend."

"Oh, of course." When Star-Lord said that Gamora was his girlfriend, Iguodo glanced at Gamora before replying with a smile.


Then, Egg reached out and waved forward quickly. Then, his figure, Star-Lord and Gamora sitting in the sports car turned into three rays of light and rushed into the pure white spacecraft above.


After Egg entered the spacecraft with Star-Lord and Gamora, the pure white spacecraft accelerated instantly and disappeared directly in front of the SHIELD agents on the ground. When they hurriedly ran out of the car, the spaceship was already gone.

"Captain! The target is missing. It is suspected that it was taken away by alien technology!" Staring at the direction where the pure white spaceship disappeared, the leader of the special agent team following Star-Lord directly dialed Captain Rogers' communication and reported quickly.

"What kind of alien technology is it?" After hearing the report here, Rogers on the other side of the communicator asked calmly.

This is the purpose of filming the secret agent team following Star-Lord and the others, because there will always be some unexpected things happening. Although Rogers and the others may not be able to prevent these accidents from happening, they must always know and then there will be a solution.

"It's a white oval spaceship, and there's an old man. I've sent you the image data I've captured!" Hearing Captain Rogers' inquiry, the team leader here answered and recorded the image he had just taken. The screen was sent.

After receiving the image data sent back, Rogers was silent for a few seconds, and then Rogers' voice continued to come over, "Give up tracking, I will send others to follow up. Come back."

"Yes!" After agreeing, the team drove back towards New York.

As for the sports car that belonged to Tony Stark, none of the SHIELD agents touched it. Tony's sports cars are all equipped with Jarvis's intelligent systems. Therefore, even if Star-Lord and the others don't come back, this sports car will not be lost, and they may drive it back later.

When Rogers asked the team following Star-Lord to go back, Ego was entertaining Star-Lord and Gamora in the spaceship. The decoration in the pure white spaceship doesn't look like a spaceship at all, but more like a simple room. The main color of the interior and exterior is pure white, with no other colors and no technological equipment.

"This is my maid. I have some sleeping problems recently. She is an expert in treating this." When Star-Lord and Gamora saw Mantis, Egg briefly introduced her.

"Hello, I'm Star-Lord, and this is my girlfriend, Gamora." After briefly looking at Mantis, Star-Lord also introduced himself and Gamora.

By this time, Gamora had returned to her original dark green complexion. As both women, Gamora warmly reached out and shook Mantis's hand.

"You are a little nervous..."

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