Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,160 Dormammu appears!

After the E-class aerospace battleship circled around the back of the moon and discovered the lunar probe launched by the United States, Jarvis had already sent a message back to Earth in accordance with Tony and Captain Rogers' wishes. Therefore, the next moment when the lunar probe transmitted the news of the two spacecraft it had detected back to the earth, before the astronauts could recover from the shock, another piece of news made them sluggish.

Didi didi!

"Why is the alarm still sounding! Turn it off quickly! That's our Earth's own spacecraft! Why are you nervous?!" Just when the alarm bells were ringing at the NSNA headquarters in the United States because of the news sent back by the lunar probe, I stood at the general command podium. The lieutenant general commander behind shouted loudly.

However, although the lieutenant general tried his best to appear calm, his slightly trembling voice and tightly clenched fists showed that he was not so calm at this time. After the lieutenant general shouted, the absent-minded staff in the entire command hall came to their senses one by one, and then began to hurriedly turn off the alarm.

"SHIELD...Stark...things have finally changed today!" Looking at the busy group of people in front of him, the Lieutenant General standing behind the commander's podium said softly, his eyes flashing as he looked at the message on the screen in front of him. The words arrived.

In addition to the NSNA of the United States, all countries and forces on the entire planet that are qualified to explore outer space and conduct space operations have received news from the E-class aerospace battleship. After receiving the news, their behavior was similar to the situation inside the NSNA headquarters.

Moreover, after confirming the authenticity of the news, the top echelons of every country and force convened internal personnel as quickly as possible to start a strict and serious meeting. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark already have spacecraft that can sail in the universe. I believe the controllers of those countries and forces will not know what this means.

Just as the E-class aerospace battleship and Dawn quickly returned to Earth, a special atmosphere quickly spread throughout the Earth. It can be said that what Captain Rogers expected is happening. However, in the end, which direction this atmosphere will lead to some things depends on the subsequent development.

Therefore, when the satellites slowly rotating around the earth pointed their cameras in the direction of the moon, Star-Lord and others in the E-class space battleship and Dawn were very calm. Perhaps, when they return to Earth, there will be many people to greet them.

However, while everyone was thinking about what might happen after returning to Earth, Lin Rui and Peter had already walked to another glass wall and were looking at the starry sky outside with serious faces. The direction Lin Rui and Peter were looking at was not directly facing the earth, but a little off. However, there was nothing in that starry sky at this time.

"Peter, what do you feel?" Lin Rui asked Peter while standing next to the glass and looking seriously outside.

"have no idea,

A looming danger. "Hearing Lin Rui's question, Peter replied with the same serious tone.

"Is it the kind of danger facing Dormammu?"

"It seems...a bit similar!"

"It can't be...it's really Dormammu!"


While Lin Rui and Peter were standing nearby discussing quietly, bursts of irregular space energy suddenly appeared in the empty starry sky in the direction they were looking just now. Then, several intermittent space cracks appeared, as if the stable space was torn apart abruptly.

These space cracks are very small, much smaller than the space cracks Lin Rui just created using the Rubik's Cube. However, streams of black mist quickly poured out of these small space cracks. This is Dormammu's dark energy!

Although the space cracks are small, there are many in number, and the black mist pours out very quickly. Within a few seconds, the gushing black mist gathered into a small black mist in the nearby starry sky. Of course, the one here is not big and is only compared to Dormammu's complete body. If we look at the volume purely, the gathered black mist is already as big as half the moon.

After the black mist gathered into a volume as large as half the moon, it stopped flowing out, and those small space cracks quickly disappeared. Then, the inside of the black mist twisted and rolled rapidly, and a large dark gray face quickly appeared. It was the face of Dormammu.

I don’t know what method Dormammu used to get rid of the Ancient Master. The three of God King Odin and Ego appeared near the earth, and they happened to intercept in front of the E-class aerospace battleship and the Dawn. Based on the previous situation where Lin Rui and others teamed up to deal with Dormammu, they had no chance of winning.


After Dormammu's big face appeared, he first glanced in the direction of the earth, and then turned to the E-space battleships and the Dawn that were flying quickly towards the earth. Then, Dormammu, who was much smaller in size, did not choose to rush to the earth immediately, but pounced on the two spaceships.

Didi didi!

"No! Dormammu is really here!!" When Dormammu appeared from the space crack, Lin Rui shouted loudly as the alarm sounded urgently inside the E-class aerospace battleship.

Hearing Lin Rui's roar, Tony and others, who were just standing in front of each other looking at the earth, all ran towards this side. Then, they saw the formed shrinking Dormammu rushing towards them quickly. Although Dormammu at this time did not look as big and terrifying as before, it was still enough to swallow them.

"Jarvis, can you hide away?" Tony shouted quickly without asking Lin Rui why Dormammu still appeared here.

"We can't avoid it. The opponent is faster than us." After Tony asked, Jarvis's voice came out immediately.

"Damn it! The energy of conventional laser weapons has reached its bottom, and other missiles cannot exert much power in the space environment!"

In the previous round of battle, the E-class aerospace battleship had already unleashed its full combat effectiveness in the cosmic environment, and most of the remaining weapons could only exert their great power in the atmosphere. And facing Dormammu who was charging at him again, should Lin Rui and the others be allowed to rush out and use their lives to block it? This time, there should be no one like Master Gu Yi coming to save them.

"We don't have any weapons here!" Without Tony asking, Star-Lord's voice came out in the cockpit, and the situation on the Dawn was even worse.

Both the E-class aerospace battleship and the Dawn have run out of weapon energy, and cannot even release the most basic energy shield. This time, they may really not be able to escape.

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