Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,158 The Backside of the Moon

Technology geeks also understand world events, not to mention events related to space transmission that can shock the entire earth. From what was shown on the screens just now, the spacecraft clearly rushed out from a space crack. And if Scott had read correctly just now, there should be a dark starry sky opposite the space crack. In other words, this aircraft that came out of Stark's secret base and looks like a sci-fi aerospace fighter can actually travel directly through space rifts.

"Does it mean that... Stark has mastered mature space teleportation technology?! Impossible! How is this possible!!?" Sitting on the chair, Scott was continuing to be shocked by what he had just seen.

"Impossible! How is this possible? ...No! I want to watch the replay!" After muttering a few words nervously, Scott suddenly sat up straight from his chair and shouted.

Click, click, click!

After yelling, Scott lay on the table and typed quickly on the keyboard. Soon, Scott recalled the memory of the cameras monitoring Stark's secret base. Then, Scott directly used all the screens on the entire wall to create a large screen to play the scenes he had just recorded.


Then, the picture started to play, and Scott stared at the picture that was magnified many times in front of him without blinking. When the central location of Stark's base could be seen through the shaky camera, Scott's breathing became much lighter, because he knew that the spacecraft appeared from that location.

However, Scott, who deliberately turned on slow playback, did not wait for the spacecraft that rushed out quickly. Instead, a somewhat familiar figure slowly appeared in front of him. As if it had special powers, the figure slowly flew up from the center of Scott's base, and continued to fly high into the sky!

"That's it!!!..." Looking at the familiar figure, Scott's expression was even more shocked than when he saw several E-space battleships rushing into the space crack just now.

"Phantom Knight?!" After being shocked for a few seconds, Scott finally gasped and called out the name in his heart.

It turned out that Scott did not recognize Lin Rui as one of the two people who helped him deal with Darren Cross. He just recognized the Phantom Knight wearing the Phantom suit. After all, Phantom Knight is still very famous now, and Scott, a technical geek, also knows it.

After recognizing that the man who flew up from the core of Stark's secret base was the Phantom Knight, Scott watched the video playback more seriously. Although Scott also knew that Phantom Knight was a very powerful superhero, he was still surprised to see him flying out of Stark's secret base. Is there really any special relationship between Phantom Knight and Iron Man Tony Stark?


Scott saw that when the Phantom Knight was flying high into the sky, the spacecraft flew up behind it, obviously following the Phantom Knight. After that, the Phantom Knight stopped after flying several hundred meters in the air. If it weren't for the cameras Scott and the others installed on those insects, they would not be able to capture the images clearly at this distance.

After that, there was a scene where Lin Rui took out the Rubik's Cube and opened the space crack. Because Scott didn't watch it from the beginning, and he didn't see it at the beginning, so he didn't notice that the space crack was How did it appear? But now after watching the slow playback, Scott discovered that the space crack was actually caused by the Phantom Knight.


After the space crack appeared, the subsequent scene ended quickly even if it was slowed down. The E-class aerospace battleship with explosive speed rushed into the space crack in a flash. After that, before the space crack could close, all those cameras were damaged.


After the entire wall in front of him changed back to snowflakes, Scott took a long breath and leaned on the back of the chair. Pressing down his mind to watch the playback again and slow down, Scott felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary. So, after calming down his excitement, Scott took out his cell phone and started calling Professor Pym.

Just when Scott was shocked to see Professor Pym contacting Professor Pym because he saw the E-class aerospace battleship rushing into the space rift, a strong space fluctuation came out in the starry sky with the moon facing away from the earth. Then, a spatial crack was torn open abruptly. The next moment, two streams of light rushed out from inside. It was the E-space battleship and the Dawn that had returned from a light-year away.

After rushing out of the space rift, the E-class aerospace battleship and Dawn quickly slowed down and finally stopped in the starry sky. When the two spacecraft stopped, the space crack had disappeared.

Didi didi~

"The position has been determined. We are now on the back side of the moon." Jarvis's voice came out before the E-class aerospace battleship stopped and everyone in the cockpit had not reacted.


After Jarvis spoke, there were sounds of unfastening seat belts coming from the cockpit. Then, Tony and the others, who had just tied themselves tightly to the seat belts, regained their freedom. Lin Rui was standing in the center of the cockpit at this time. Compared with the exhaustion after the space rift opened from the earth, Lin Rui now feels pretty good, just very tired.

"The location we came back this time is not bad. It's on the far side of the moon. At our speed, it won't take long to get back to Earth." After hearing the location reported by Jarvis, Tony looked at the situation outside and said.

"Well, let's go back now. However, why don't we send some messages to the earth first? Otherwise, they will probably regard us as aliens, and it will be bad when the time comes." After Tony spoke, Captain Rogers also spoke.

For the current earth, if two spacecrafts fly in from outer space, it will undoubtedly be the human figures that cause panic. After all, the dark elves launched an invasion of the earth not long ago, and those terrifying spaceships also caused some panic to the people of the earth. However, there was no trace of worry in Captain Rogers' tone, but something akin to pride.

Perhaps, in Rogers' view, the fact that SHIELD returned from the universe in a spaceship was shocking enough. When the large and small forces on earth see this scene, they will definitely be completely shocked. The fight on the earth is nothing to SHIELD. They have already moved beyond the earth and started to enter the universe.

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