Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,111 Loki’s Strength

{ }? After a muffled sound, a figure fell from the individual aircraft in mid-air. Not Loki, but the mobile suit who whipped his leg. I don’t know what happened at that moment. Anyway, this powerful mobile suit fell unconscious from his personal aircraft after taking a move, while Loki occupied it with a cold look on his face. That single-soldier aircraft.


After the mobile suit that fell from a high altitude due to Loki's sneak attack fell unconscious for more than ten meters, two mobile suits quickly flew by in individual aircraft, and one of them picked him up and put him back. Fixed it behind him. After a brief inspection, the rescuing mobile suit also breathed a sigh of relief. The rescued mobile suit was not dead yet.

Then, except for the rescue mobile suit, the other mobile suits and the surrounding Iron Man all rushed towards Loki's position. Since the collective fire attack is not effective, they will look for each other's weaknesses in the battle.

Bang bang bang!

Next, Loki fell into the joint attack of Tony's Iron Man team and SHIELD mobile suits. Even though Loki was very powerful, under the attack of so many Iron Man and mobile suits, he was still hit by various firepower from time to time, and the aura of Asgardian nobility on his body was quickly wiped away. However, even if there were bullets and energy beams attacking Loki every moment, he was still in a state of embarrassment, but he did not suffer any damage.

As Thor said, Loki is a hybrid of Asgard and Jotunheim. His racial talent is very powerful. Loki's physical strength alone cannot break through ordinary firepower. of. Therefore, even if Loki is temporarily suppressed, it is actually not a big problem because he can always withstand it. Moreover, Rocky is a person who is very capable of looking for opportunities, and he will take advantage of all conditions that are beneficial to him.

Therefore, after Loki was suppressed for nearly a minute, he suddenly rushed to a higher position and threw the scepter upwards. Then, from where the scepter was flying, a dark cloud instantly gathered over, just like the one summoned when Thor and Lin Rui fought before. However, unlike Thor's summoning of dark clouds, Loki summoned dark clouds with magic.


The dark clouds that gathered in an instant quickly enveloped Loki, the Iron Man and the mobile suits, and then bursts of thunder roared from inside. Loki, suspended below the dark clouds, raised his right hand that threw the scepter high, his eyes flashing with dazzling blue light. When the thunder in the dark clouds above became stronger and stronger, Loki suddenly waved his raised right hand downward.

boom! Crackling!

With Loki's wave, the thunder that was brewing inside the dark clouds instantly struck down, striking the Iron Man and mobile suits below indiscriminately.

In addition to magical life magic, Loki can also use thunder magic for group attacks.

Because Loki's attack this time was very unexpected, and the formation of dark clouds in the sky was too fast and too unexpected. When those thunder struck down, no matter how fast Jarvis reacted, he couldn't control all Iron Man to dodge. The same goes for those mobile suits. Although they were assisted by the Maya intelligent system at SHIELD headquarters, they did not escape this fast and huge-range attack.

Bang! Bang bang bang!


Therefore, when Loki's thunder attack ended, there were not many figures left in the sky. In addition to Loki himself, there are still three Iron Man units left, and there is only one mobile suit left. As for the situation of the Iron Man and mobile suits that were shot down by the thunder, probably only Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. themselves know.

"No. 13! Withdraw! This is no enemy you can deal with!" Just when the mobile suit that survived the thunder attack stood firmly on his personal aircraft and stared at Loki ahead, there was a sound in his headset. Suddenly Captain Rogers' voice came.

"Then!... My teammates!..." Upon hearing Captain America's order, No. 13's eyes flickered, and he replied with a trembling voice, holding a laser gun tightly in his hand.

Under that kind of thunder attack, even these mobile suits with strengthened bodies would definitely not be able to withstand it. Therefore, although every mobile suit has undergone rigorous training, they must obey the orders of their superiors absolutely. But watching so many teammates fall, No. 13, no matter how good he is, cannot be emotionless at all.

"Retreat first! The others were only injured, not sacrificed!" After hearing the words of No. 13, Captain Rogers understood instantly and said.

"Yes!" Captain Rogers answered, and No. 13 had no doubts.


The next moment, No. 13 had quickly rushed out of the battlefield in a single-soldier aircraft. Then, the only ones surrounding Loki were the three Iron Man machines controlled by Jarvis that were not destroyed by the thunder attack.

"Jarvis, what do you think? If that doesn't work, retreat and send out the big guys to deal with him." When Mobile Suit No. 13 was evacuating, Tony was floating on the edge of the battlefield communicating with Jarvis.

"The power system is severely damaged, but the main body is not severely damaged. If bioenergy is activated, each steel suit can maintain more than 60% of its combat effectiveness." After Tony asked, Jarvis quickly answered road.

Although the newly upgraded steel suit is not a complete semi-biological mechanical suit like the one worn by Tony, it is still equipped with biological energy. Therefore, after Loki's thunder attack destroyed the power system of the steel suit, the biological energy system that was not activated at the beginning remained intact.

"Is it now revealed that the Iron Suit has a bioenergy system?..." Hearing Jarvis's answer, Tony hesitated.

Although you shouldn't hide when facing a powerful enemy, Tony always wants to hold more trump cards and surprises. Today he has already exposed a giant steel armor. If he exposes the bio-energy system again, Tony will feel a little bit at a loss. At least, there will be no surprises in the future.

"Sir, Captain Rogers has dispatched the Avengers." Just when Tony was struggling here, Jarvis reminded him again.

"Oh? Really? Then let's activate the bio-energy system. We can't stop in the middle of the fight! Jackson's anger hasn't been exhausted yet!" Hearing Jarvis's reminder, Tony suddenly He said with a change of subject.

"Yes, sir."

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