Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 500: Dark Blue Hellfire World (5)

The ability of Yaocha's words and observations can be seen. After seeing Locke's impatience, Yaozhi entered the theme and said, "Our tribe has some gifts for adults."

The wings on Yao's back vibrated slightly, and a certain frequency of sound waves was transmitted to the outside. A team of thunder locusts that had already been prepared carried two large boxes and walked in.

Locke didn't move, and continued to watch them perform.

After the box was put down, there was a dull sound, and there was still a lot of stuff inside.

Under the direction of Yao's eyes, one of the thunder locusts cut with his arm knife, and the box opened, revealing a pile of purple bamboo poles inside.

"Zihuang Bamboo?" Locke's eyelids moved slightly, and several magician wives were beside him every day. His knowledge grew stronger and stronger. This kind of magical plant with water and thunder elements inside was deeply loved by some magicians.

However, the value of Zihuang Bamboo is also relatively low, which is slightly more precious than Leizhu made by the Thunder Locusts outside, but it is also limited.

Another large box was also quickly opened, also a full box of purple bamboo.

"Sir, we want to use the amount of purple bamboo to pay for the amount of blood locust stone." Yao said to Locke.

In layman's terms, it is to increase the number of tribute of Zihuang Bamboo, hoping that Locke can reduce the number of tribute of their blood locust stone.

Locke patted the bamboo chair with his finger and did not give an answer quickly.

It is up to him to collect materials from all races in the Magnetic Suspended Mountains. It is up to him to decide how to ask and who to collect. Locke only needs to do a good job of summing up the total amount of materials requested by the Knights Palace when the floating ship in the Iron Fortress arrives in each quarter. Just complete.

Locke can help Yao Yao, it won't cost him much, the point is how Yao thanked him.

These two boxes of Zihuang Bamboo are gifts for Yao. It seems that in this tribal territory, the production of Zihuang Bamboo is very high. It can provide such a bribe and can replace the supply of blood locust stone.

"Blood locust stone you can pay half of the amount every quarter, but Zihuang Bamboo will double the amount of payment." Locke said in an undoubted tone.

"Okay." Yao said quickly.

Before Locke came here to take office, Yao's tribe colluded with the last knight stationed. Everyone needed what they wanted, and it was no big deal.

The blood locust stone can increase the survival rate of the thunder locust larvae and is the most important material of the thunder locust tribe.

The reason why their tribes also suffered heavy losses in the volcanic eruption a month ago, but they can still make up for the payment of Lei Shishi because of their large population base.

Enough blood locust stone powder feeds thunder locust larvae, in addition to the survival rate of the larvae reaching 70%, it can also enhance the thunder locust physique.

As for Locke’s request to double the amount of Zihuang Bamboo, in addition to filling the gap of the blood locust stone, it is also convenient for him to be included in his pocket.

This is an unspoken business. Although Locke is the manager of the Knights sent to the Magnetic Suspended Mountains, he can't blatantly contend against hundreds of thousands of creatures in the Magnetic Suspended Mountains.

Too much is done, causing dissatisfaction above, or causing people to talk about life, so that the next quarter's material delivery amount does not meet the standard, and some are the hardships that Locke has to eat.

After a short break in Yao's tribe, Locke left and moved on to the next tribe.

On the way, Locke pointed to the Yao tribe who had just left and said to An, "Remember, the tribute of the blood locust stone in this tribe will be reduced by half, and the volume of Zihuang bamboo will be doubled!"

An Mou nodded his head and wrote down the matter.

No matter in which plane, if you want to mix well, you really need a flexible head.

It is said that the Thunder Locust family has low intelligence. In addition to fertility and combat effectiveness, other indicators are lower than those of the Redmond, but Locke does not think so today.

The leader of the thunder locust tribe is much smarter than the previous leaders of the Redmond tribe who don't understand the flexibility.

The Maglev Mountain is big and big, and small and small. Locke thought that he could complete the task of collecting Lei Shishi from all the tribes in one day. He did not expect to be busy for two days before he finished all the tribes.

It is also the strong suppression and command of many slave creatures in the past two days, so that all the intelligent indigenous creatures in the magnetic suspension mountain have known this newly arrived first-level knight.

Returning to the hilltop residence, Locke was exhausted, but he did not rush to rest, but patiently listened to the report and summarized the gains of these two days.

The entire magnetic suspension mountain range, nearly a hundred tribes, hundreds of thousands of creatures, Locke is the first time to manage such a large place

And have such high authority.

"There are a total of 98 ethnic groups, with fifty-six completed payment. Thirty-seven tribes ensured that they would make up the payment within the next three weeks. Only five ethnic groups said that they could not be completed," An Xiangluo reported.

The situation of the five ethnic groups, Locke is roughly clear, is located in the center of the eruption of the volcanic group. Without all the genocide, they are lucky, and the casualties in the group are heavy. It is useless for Locke to force them.

He can't make these races out of thin air for these races.

"The payment of those five races can be lowered a bit as appropriate." Locke said, touching his chin. "You need to find other races to make up for the shortage. The payment of the five races will be spread out evenly. They can also be completed."

"Yes." Ann answered.

Locke’s approach made Ann feel that this knight was not as brutal as she had imagined. At least in some details, Locke did better than her predecessor, at least did not complete the five real missions. Race, forced to a dead end.

There are also some of An's subjective wishes, because three of the five ethnic groups that cannot complete the payment task are of the Redmond.

Ann is a kind Redmond girl.

Waving his hand to let Ann leave, Locke had the leisure to lie down and rest for a while.

The task of stationing in the Magnetic Suspended Mountains is not tiring. He only needs to pay attention to the materials handed in every quarter. Lei Chishi is the top priority, and there must be no sloppy.

The importance of other kinds of materials is at the first level, such as the two boxes of purple bamboos that Locke took bribes, and the blood locust stones that the thunder locust tribe badly needs.

With a light blue stone in his hand, Locke, who was practicing the wind-style grudge, can clearly feel the energy of the thunder and fire in it. What is the reason for the thunder and blaze?

Observed for a long time, found nothing. Locke is not a person who likes to be horny, and can't figure it out if he can't figure it out.

He will have another year to stay here next, some have time for him to explore, and when he first arrives in the alien plane, in addition to completing the tasks given by the Knights Hall, he has his own plans.

In the dream, Locke dreamed of women who were far away in another plane.

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