Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4983: Cheating Guevara

"Life~ Money comes first!" A lazy and solitary voice came from the spacious and resplendent office.

I saw a humanoid creature with a height of less than two meters lying on the magic bench, next to two peacock beauties from the orc world, gently pressing his shoulders.

The person in front of him is the one who stole Guevara.

It is slightly different from the image many years ago. At this time, Guevara's round belly bulged slightly.

What is surprising and surprising is that this guy has already broken through the sixth level of life.

I have almost never had any decent fighting experience, and I don’t know how many rare resources and wizarding world alchemy potions I have at hand, making Guevara’s age obviously not young, but it still doesn’t feel too old. feel.

If you ignore his amazing wealth and deep connections in the Wizarding League, he is just an ordinary middle-aged wretched god.

Including his sixth-level life level is also bluffing. I really don't know how this kind of guy breaks through the life shackles. In terms of actual combat power, maybe the fifth-level fearful crocodile king can handle him in the future.

What makes Guevara really outstanding is not his fighting ability, but his ability to escape.

And this guy prefers to kill each other with money in recent years, rather than going into battle with people himself.

The eighth-level King of Xinghuan from the world of the universe opened a new door for Che Guevara.

Although every time I paid for it myself, the two beards would keep shaking with pain.

But the feeling of crushing opponents in this way is really cool!

Apart from Guevara's real family background and how many good things he has in his treasure bag, the biggest factor for Guevara to gain a firm foothold in the wizarding civilization is actually his relationship with many real powers in the wizarding civilization. close personal relationship.

It is said that the city owner of this star city of Reno, the seventh-level true spirit magician Bev, is one of the biggest supporters behind Guevara.

In addition, this guy also has a good relationship with tyrannical existences such as Elune, the **** of elves in the Wizarding League, Odin, the king of the Titans, and Qingtian, the giant **** of the mountains.

In short, this is a mysterious guy who is backed by many Dominion-level creatures.

It is no wonder that there are so many alliance gods, as well as the local fourth-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world, who often come to him to inquire about news and buy information.

A huge magic element screen in the office shows the lively atmosphere in the black venue at this time.

The entry ticket of 100,000 magic coins has indeed scare away many shy alliance exotic gods.

But it is also the high price and the good word of mouth that make more and more wealthy and powerful wizards and civilizations come here.

"Are 100,000 magic coins a lot? If they get valuable information in my venue, just in return, it may be ten times what they paid!" Che Guevara used a disdainful tone to face him The two peacock beauties next to him said.

It's a pity that these two peacock beauties in front of them only have the second level of life.

In the face of the tyrannical existences in the conference hall who have reached the fourth level or above, the two of them don't have the courage to criticize others.

As for how much is 100,000 magic coins... These two peacock beauties sold themselves to Guevara from the orc world, and it seems that they spent less than 1,000 magic coins for stealing Guevara.

The 100-fold consumption gap also highlights the huge gap between low-level creatures and middle-level and high-level creatures.

Che Guevara is indeed very proud recently. He is proud not only because he has broken through to the sixth level of life, but also because he has found a new goal and the value of life.

The petty thievery business of the past is no longer suitable for people of his "class".

Although Che Guevara couldn't tell which class he belonged to, it was obvious that his contacts, status, influence, and wealth today were by no means comparable to those of ordinary alliance alien gods.

"I want to create the largest auction and trading venue in the wizarding civilization, right in this star city!" Che Guevara swore to Ms. Bev, the lord of the star city not long ago.

Locke is the master of stealing Guevara, so Bev is also the young master of stealing Guevara.

Facing this interesting foreign **** who had been following his father for hundreds of thousands of years, Bev just chuckled a little while he was busy, and then granted him a piece of land in the western district of Star City.

The black venue is only a preliminary idea to steal Guevara's grand plan and ambition, and it is only a means for him to attract popularity at this stage.

Even in order to attract more foreign gods and local powerhouses in the wizarding world to pay attention to his venue, Che Guevara also used his personal connections to spread a few secrets in the venue that only creatures above the sixth level can know.

Sure enough, as soon as these tricks came out, his black venue instantly became famous in the Wizarding Union.

In particular, those fourth- and fifth-level exotic gods and wizards in the wizarding world have become his largest customer group.

Just before the 8th Wizarding Union Conference, with the admission ticket to the black venue, Guevara collected a huge fortune of nearly 20 million magic coins.

Not to mention, in addition to stealing the "inside information" spread by Guevara in the black venue, there are also corresponding small auctions and trading events going on.

These stealing Guevara can get a cut from it.

With the continuous development of wizarding civilization, the value of magic coins and the prices of the wizarding world are also constantly fluctuating.

Taking the fourth-generation space fortress, which is currently the best selling, as an example, the selling price of the wizard civilization in front of the stage is 7.68 million magic coins.

That is to say, just by stealing Guevara's operation, the amount of money he made was enough for him to buy three fourth-generation space fortresses with the full amount.

No wonder Guevara's name as "God of Thieves" has been getting weaker and weaker in recent years, on the contrary, more and more allied gods call him "God of Wealth".

However, in a business like money lending, Guevara was not covered.

In addition to the fact that its principal is not necessarily enough, more importantly, this core business has been completely monopolized by the Wizarding League.

It is estimated that only he himself knows how much money Guevara has stolen.

A thief Guevara and a storm dragon, they should be the most mysterious guys among all Locke's men.

Few people can match Guevara's contacts and influence in the Wizarding League, but in the wizarding civilization, there are still some people who have to be careful with him.

No, as the element light screen in front of him shook for a while, Guevara, who was lying comfortably in the first second, jumped up instantly the next second.

The disdain and arrogance on his face turned into a warm smile in an instant.

For the real powerhouse and the real power of the wizard civilization, Guevara, who is an exotic god, never let go.


As suggested by many readers, Xiaodou will try to write 5,000 chapters.

At the end of this month, the new book should be able to meet with you.

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