60 pieces

‘What is he?’

Does it mean that he is reluctant to exist by himself?

Before that, are people right?

Her black body was completely dark enough to be described as black, and her blood-red eyes wouldn't turn that red no matter how bloodshot she was.

Park Hyunsoo saw the dagger the child was holding.

“Is that yours?”

The child responded by nodding his head.

“Then are you the owner of this place?”

Is this little child the owner of such a terrible place, where the corpse is the mountain and the blood is the lake?

It was difficult to even say a joke.

However, it was strange to say that the child was no longer the owner of the dagger.

As if Park Hyunsoo was right, the child nodded.

Curiosity about the child rose, but he suppressed it. He now had something to do before curiosity.

“Let me ask you one thing.”

- If you stop.

The boy said, holding the dagger tightly in his arms.

Park Hyunsoo lowered his still outstretched hand.

His thoughts, which seemed to have been split in two, merged into one.

Simultaneously, another hand made with willpower was scattered in the air.

“Are you okay?”

-Huh. What's your request?

The child asked in an innocent voice.

I couldn't see his expression, but I could feel the child's reassurance.

“Get me out of here.”

-… … .

"can not?"

-you can do it.

“Then do it.”

- But, you can't.

He said he could do it, but he couldn't.

Park Hyunsoo furrowed his eyebrows.

-Someone wrote me to kill you. Then you can't get out of here.


-By the way, you don't die easily, do you?

"right. I do not die easily.”

- Second.


- You don't die from me. it's the second

The child answered with curious eyes.

Then he mumbled as if talking to himself.

- There were other people besides you.

“I don’t know who that man is, is there any way out?”

-there is. But why not?

“Then I can’t help it either.”

If the other person doesn't listen to your request, stop if you don't listen to the other person's request either.

“I will take it from now on.”

So the child doesn't even look at it.

- There's no point in stealing this!

“You have to steal it to know, right?”

Park Hyunsoo was focused as he did before.

His inner strength was released and he wrapped both hands around him.

And he used the will.

Thoughts split apart, and the split thoughts were connected to the two hands made of qi.

Park Hyunsoo stretched out his new hand, as if manipulating another ego.

[Heavenly Demon Ball]

[Lee Ki-gwon]

[Geum Nasu (擒拿手)]

Control was not easy.

He came to use the will without going through the proper procedure, so it is impossible for him to have a high degree of perfection.

No matter how enlightened he was, he was sloppy.

If Chungyeong had seen it, he would have kicked his ass, saying, ‘What kind of right is that?

But that was enough for him.

Because what Park Hyunsoo was trying to do in the first place was a void.

- Stop it!

the child shoutedAs if responding to that call, the bodies around them began to rise.

This is a child's world.

In other words, the child was the god of this world.

But Park Hyunsoo raised an eyebrow.

“That’s all.”



Lee Ki-gwon grabbed the blade part of the dagger.

The transparent qi began to turn red.


“What, what?!”

An unknown memory crept into Park Hyunsoo's head.

* * *

"This place?"

Park Hyunsoo narrowed his brow as he looked into the dark basement.

Previously, I went to a world stained with a mountain of corpses and a lake of blood, but this time I was moved to a prison-like place that looked cramped at first glance.

“It’s very squishy.”

The characteristic dampness and musty smell of the basement stung his nostrils.

Park Hyunsoo started walking to figure this out.

Whether the basement was actually a prison, there were a lot of rooms blocked by iron bars.

But no one looked like a prisoner.

There was no gossip.

It just didn't feel popular.

how far did you walk

A faint light could be seen in the distance.

Park Hyunsoo walked over there.

“What is that?”

And he found a huge prison at the far end of the basement.

Inside, something was tied to dozens of very thick chains.

was not a person

I got close and looked at it.


This is the dagger the child was holding.

I grabbed the prison door because I thought that would be a clue to my escape.


The door was not locked.

“It’s fake.”

Or did you think no one would come in here?

I don't know why, but for Park Hyunsoo, it was a hoax, so he went into prison.

[Jim doesn't look at you.]

And an unfamiliar voice was heard.

Park Hyunsoo felt the hairs all over his body stand up.

It's probably a dagger's memory.

‘The author.’

An old man in a black fur cloak stands in front of a dagger.

No, the dagger was no longer a 'dagger'.

A dark-skinned, red-eyed child was holding the old man's crotch with tears.

- Si, I don't like it. I don't want to kill anyone!

[Be Jim's hidden tooth. That is your destiny.]

The child shook his head and cried.

- Please don't... … .

The old man ignored the child's words and placed his hand on his head.

The child felt pain and twisted his body like a seizure.


Park Hyunsoo reached out to grab the old man's arm.

But it's an illusion.

[You are Jim's]

The child stopped crying.

The child's body was crushed to dust.

There was a single dagger left with no rust, and the old man raised the dagger.

[That's great.]

The old man raised the dagger in the air with a satisfied face.

Numerous chains protruded from the wall and bound the dagger.

[That power will be of great help to Jim, child, don't you suffer.]

Those were the old man's last words.

The illusion disappeared and Park Hyunsoo returned to reality.

He saw a dagger tied to a chain.

It was rusty and a red flag lingered.

“… … devil."

I remember the first time I saw the child.

When he tried to take the dagger, he screamed at him to stop.

It wasn't just that he didn't want his things taken away.

Because he was taken away once.

He didn't want to go through that kind of suffering again.

“Free yourself from pain.”

Heavenly Demon's inner spirit was leaking out.

Black Kanggi wrapped around Park Hyunsoo's hands.

“You can break this down.”

He grabbed one of his chains, remembering the old man in a fur cloak.

The thick chains were very hard.

And it was as cold as ice.

How long have you been stuck with this?

The silver blade is red enough that the time will never be short.

Park Hyunsoo grabbed his chains with both hands filled with Kang Ki.

Fit geek!

Sparks bounced between the connected rings.


His arms swelled with muscles.


The chain broke like a rupture.

“For once.”

There are about 40 left.

He immediately grabbed another chain.

* * *

The child was looking at Park Hyunsoo holding the dagger and not letting it go.

He had been in that state ever since.

However, if this strange hand holding the dagger could be released, it was not.

didn't even budge.

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

- Hey, let this go.

It would make me feel a little more comfortable if I could give you an answer.

It was like he was dead, so I was even more anxious.

I tried to do something with Park Hyunsoo using the corpses, but the corpses were actually so weak that walking was the limit.

It wasn't like that before.

The child cried as he remembered the old man who made him like this.

- Let go... … .

It was when the child pulled his dagger with a weeping voice.

-… … !

The child's eyes widened, and he looked at his own chest.

The frustration that had not gone away since that day disappeared.

How did this happen?

The child quickly raised his head to look at Park Hyunsoo.

“Whoa. I’m going to die hard.”

He grinned and dropped something in his hand to the floor.

-that… … ?

“Has the frustration subsided?”

- Yes, you?

What fell out of Park Hyunsoo's hands.

It was just part of the chain that bound him.

Park Hyunsoo said to his astonished child.

“Brother, you suffered a bit.”

- Really, really?

“Nothing will hold you back.”

-Nonsense. How did you make it?

“Why not?”

It was quite difficult, but it was doable.

“It was a lot of trouble.”

-… … .

“Now you are free.”


As if he had heard something unbelievable, the child repeated the word freedom.

And water filled his round eyes.

-freedom… … !"okay. freedom!"

He was born from the dead and never once enjoyed freedom.

He always used unwanted powers for the sake of others.

It was painful.

I always regretted being born.

But it's the first man I've ever seen.

The man who tried to steal me.

-freedom… … !

Then, suddenly, I remembered the face of the old man who had made him like this.

-Oh, no.


-No. no freedom Uncle, uncle will come.

“Are you talking about the old man?”

- Uncle... … Uncle is the real death. I can't go against that person.

An overwhelming fear that permeates like a bone.

It was such a terrible thing that a child who was free would give up his freedom.

Park Hyunsoo saw the old man as an illusion.

I couldn't see his face exactly, but the intimidation was enormous, despite the fact that it was an illusion.

But that was not the only way to suppress freedom.

"it's okay."

- You don't know. i don't know uncle

True death, which has subdued even a child born in death, is not something mortals dare to evaluate.

“Who the hell is that person?”

- You are the king. The king who rules everything. king.

"king… … !”

A being at the apex of a force that creates a portal on Earth and threatens humanity.

Jerye-yong said of him.

‘Extremely strong.’

The ritual dragon was a powerful enemy that could not be easily defeated even by all S-class hunters.

He expressed that such a being was incredibly strong.

‘The king is the one who made him that way.’

Sweat welled up on his hands.

You'll have to fight something like that someday.

The problem is that there was also a questionable existence that the teacher met in the fragments of paradise.

Thinking that there was even a being who might even be stronger than the King, Park Hyunsoo suddenly became dark in front of his eyes.

Park Hyunsoo shook his head.

That's not something to worry about right now.

- There is no one who can defeat you.

“Why not?”

-You endured my death, but the king rules death. different dimension

"no. It’s no different.”

Now Park Hyunsoo himself might have been lower.

But he didn't last forever.

“I will catch him.”

- Impossible.

"Is it possible. Because for me, there is a greater teacher than a child named King. As long as you keep learning under him, the King.”

The kid thought Park Hyunsoo was rationalizing himself with strange words.

But what do those straight eyes mean?

Do you really believe it will happen?

“I will be the strongest man ever.”

The child felt his skin shiver.

“Let’s go out with me.”

-However… … .

“I will be your fence.”

-I… … .

“Lend me your strength in return.”

Park Hyunsoo held out his hand.

Can I trust this hand?

Could it be that you deceive yourself with sweet words?

The child did not readily grab his hand.

The long experience scares the child.

But the worries did not last long.

Park Hyunsoo smiled as he saw the little hands clasping his hands.

"name is?"

- Harley.

“Okay, Harley. Let’s go.”

A ray of light flashed across his corpse and blood-stained world.

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