Traces of the Awoken were felt in the place where the murder took place.

That means that the killer's identity is most likely an Awakened, and the Awoken who would do such a thing was most likely a Dark Spirit.

This fact has not yet been disclosed to the public.

It will be announced after the fact check is complete.

However, Lee Min-ah was convinced that it was a dark spirit.

And so did Park Hyunsoo.

[Maybe it makes sense.]


[Those who do dark machines. According to the woman who spoke on the phone, did she have something that neutralizes abilities?]


Earlier, while on the phone with Lee Min-ah, I heard the news from the battery commander.

The reason why black lightning was able to defeat the flame king Armand.

It was thanks to the nonsensical item that neutralizes the power of the Awakened along with carelessness.

I don't know where you got that.

[If it were him, he would never have left the S-class Hunter alive. And he wouldn't have thought he'd miss him too.]

“It would be.”

Items that neutralize abilities could kill even S-class hunters if they seized the opportunity.

But that was when I didn't know, and even knowing the existence of the item, I was able to cope with it to some extent.

Indeed, Armand assured him that if he had known, he would not have suffered.

I don't know if that was the loser's excuse or the truth, but if Park Hyunsoo knew it too, he was confident he wouldn't be defeated.

“Did you say it takes time to activate?”


“If you don’t be vigilant.”

[If you didn't know, you wouldn't know, but if you know it, there's nothing more stupid than that.]

At the teacher's words, Park Hyunsoo nodded slightly.

An item that steals abilities.

I have a question here.

“By the way, can that item take away all of my power? For example, inside air.”

Park Hyunsoo's ability is 'listening', but his power came from a completely different place.

The increase in attack power due to the ‘Hunsu Listening’ effect may be neutralized, but other powers were unlikely.

You can't be sure until you experience it yourself, but if it actually appears in front of you, it's enough to finish it before then.

“Anyway, we should go to the place the association said. Everyone will be waiting.”

Counter-terrorism countermeasures unit.

It was an elite unit formed by gathering only elites from the Korean branch due to the Dark Spirit terrorist incident.

Since they were literally elite, I heard that there were not many of them.

We didn't know until we personally checked the number of personnel attached to the top secret.

[Why did you turn down the job?]

Chungyeong asked Park Hyunsoo, who was walking.

Lee Min-ah proposed to him as the deputy commander of the countermeasures unit.

The reason was simple.

It was because he was an S-class hunter, and Ha Yoo-rak is currently unable to use his powers.

But Park Hyunsoo refused.

“I still feel uncomfortable in such a place.”

[Didn't the principal tell you?]

"I know. You don't know when you're weak, but if you're strong, don't be under anyone."

[Heaven is such a place.]

“I’m not even a celestial demon yet. And once you become a captain, there will be restrictions on your movements.”

I'm going to go ahead and say it, but Park Hyunsoo was thinking of getting an independent OPCON.

It was good to move with his troops, but what he needed was the authority to move alone.

In fact, he did not care if he moved alone without being tied to the association.Because he was an S-class hunter.

However, the association's help in the information field was essential, so it was natural to cooperate with them.

[So you're saying you're just going to omit the information?]

"haha. That’s how it is.”

[The weak guy.]

“It’s efficient that way.”

When an S-class hunter is attached to somewhere and moves, the power efficiency drops.

The association will understand.

“I will run before it is too late.”

As Park Hyunsoo slammed the ground, his new model swish- disappeared.

* * *

Among the hunter teams excluding the association and the guild, the hunter team ‘Blue Dragon’, said to be the strongest in Korea, was gathered in the basement of an unknown abandoned building in Gangbuk-gu at the request of the association.

It was the first time since the appearance of the Astral Wizard about a month ago that the association was called.

Roughly speaking, it was said that it was related to the Dark Spirit that terrorized Paris this time.

The leader of the Blue Dragon team, Gaon, lit a cigarette and blew out smoke.

“Why are you calling me to such a remote place? It seems to be a rather covert operation.”

“I hate it because it’s squishy here.”

The bee snorted and expressed displeasure.

The hawk was sleeping on the dusty desk.

The ant was lying roughly on the floor, yawning droopy, and the cheetah was roaming the basement to see what was missing.

Gaon held his cigarette with his index and middle fingers, looking at his different subordinates.

“I haven't heard the name, but they said a few more people would come here. I said I should team up with them. I said that I would tell you the exact strategy at that time, so bear with it even if it's nasty."

“Didn’t you hear about Fay?”

“You didn’t even tell me what was going on. Would you tell me?”

The ant answered the bee's question.

The bee shook his head as if he was going to do that.

At that moment, I heard the sound of the door opening from the side of the stairs.

“Who has come?”

In case of any unforeseen circumstances, everyone had their own weapons.

The sleeping hawk also stared at the stairs with sharp eyes as if he had slept.

With a rattle, someone appeared in front of the door they were in.

Half of his body was covered in darkness in the basement, making it difficult to see his face, but for all of the Blue Dragon team, this darkness was nothing.

“I heard that there will be people when I come here, so this is the one. Isn't that Blue Dragon Team?"

Appearing in the dark was a man in his 30s holding a fan in his uniform.

Gaon's eyes widened when he saw him.

“Im the master?”

“It’s been a while, Gaon.”

“Are you also summoned?”

“Because I am a freelancer.”

A person called Dosa Lim laughed haphazardly.

Gaon had worked with him a few times, so he knew just how great his abilities were.

Although he is an A-class, he has definitely grown up compared to his S-class, but his unique amulet was unrivaled enough to be unmatched.

He did not belong to any group and was active alone, so he lacked the above title, but Gaon knew him better than anyone.

He was one of the best awakened people in Korea.

But he didn't like the association very much, he knew he was only registered as a hunter and he rarely receives their commissions.

“Korea is dangerous, but we cannot stand still.”

“It is an honor to work with you.”

“I am honored to be reunited with the Blue Dragon team.”

Dosa Lim greeted Gaon and even greeted the rest of the Blue Dragon team.

“More than that, is this the end?”

“The people who made Paris to that level don’t have enough people like this.”

No matter how many hunters that eat raw meat in Korea, the scale of this mission was different.

It's not about fighting monsters.

It is to deal with terrorists who are trying to destroy Korea.

Those were the terrible terrorists who had already completely sank Paris.

“When I heard that King Yeom-dong had suffered, my eyes were dizzy.”

“In a way, it was the pinnacle of an ability line like yours.”

"right. It’s hard to imagine him losing to someone.”

Master Lim's ability was a talisman, but among them was telekinesis.

Of course, he was not at a level comparable to Armand.

Still, he had a certain amount of respect because he was of a similar lineage.

“Anyway, I hope it ends with rain.”

“You felt it too. Nausea.”

All the Blue Dragon team nodded at the word ‘discomfort’.

It was the same with Dosa Lim.

He said with a bitter face.

“I was looking for divination as an amulet just in case.”


“The great evil.”

Even if it's just a superstition, it's a different story if the person who used the fortune-telling was a magician.

Gaon's face darkened.

The great disaster meant that the future of Korea was very dark.

That said, the possibility that Dark Spirits would attack this place was very high.

“The time is.”

“I don’t even know that. But shouldn't we do our best?"


It was then.

An unfamiliar voice pierced the conversation between the two.

Gaon felt chicken flesh growing all over his body.

The rest of the Blue Dragon team with the sense of a beast did the same.

I deceived the senses of the beast and arrived here.

Master Lim had nothing to say.

Without even looking away, they waited for the next voice to be heard.

“No matter what they do, do your best to stop them.”

A comfortable, powerful voice.

Dosa Lim shifted her gaze to the place where the voice was first heard.

There was a young man squatting with a confident smile.

And after that, I felt something invisible but very huge and huge.

At least Dosa Lim herself was a huge spirit body that she couldn't even guess.

Master Lim opened his mouth without realizing it.



At that, Park Hyunsoo asked back with a slightly startled tone.

“I feel a spirit behind you.”

It was hazy, but it was clearly felt by the Master Lim, who was dealing with spirits.

But to be called a god.


Unsure of the tone.

All of the Blue Dragon team looked at Master Lim with a face asking what they were saying, but only Park Hyunsoo muttered with a smile on his face.

“I can see it.”

[He is a man with a very good spiritual sense.]

Chungyeong chuckled as he saw Dosa Lim looking at him with a shocked face.

* * *

“You must not make a mistake this time.”“I am very worried.”

“Keep in mind that your mistake has caused the plan to go this far.”

“Anyway, everything is meant to fall into our hands.”

At Pierrot's words, the black lightning Henrik looked at his hand.

Three small bombs small enough to fit in his hand.

All of them were attached, so with just ten, a 10-story building could be easily torn down.

I had thousands of such things.

In addition to various firearms, missiles that could directly hit Seoul were prepared.

Everything was done to kill the Korean hero and new S-class hunter Park Hyunsoo.

“Currently, Park Hyunsoo can be seen as the biggest pillar in Korea. If we kill him, I am sure that the foundation of the Republic of Korea will be shaken greatly.”

It has only been two months since he awakened, but his appearance was so overwhelming that he was a superhero to the citizens.

But what if a superhero dies right before your eyes?

What if it hangs in the middle of the main road in the form of a ghastly corpse?

Korea is not alone in feeling despair.

It was evident that all the worms in the world were afraid of them and trembled in terror.

“This time, we also prepared more firmly, so a disaster that can’t be compared to Paris will strike the world.”

“It’s easy to say.”

“Kuk. You worry too much. And because you know this.”

Henrik took out the ability neutralization marble 'Carm'.

“Do you think you can handle it?”

Even an S-class hunter cannot escape from Kam's sphere of influence.

No matter how hard I try, I can't.

Piero snorted at Henrik's words.

“You are an idiot.”


"If Armand had known of Cam's existence, you wouldn't have been standing in front of me by now."

"Hey. Aren't you underestimating me too much?"

“You are underestimating. Kam's power is great, but it's not absolute. If you had made it not activated, Armand would have torn your limbs to pieces.”

“But I did.”

"And he survived and informed all the hunters of Kam's existence."

Henrik was the one who finally shut his mouth because he had nothing to say.

Instead of making excuses, he said, wiping the dust off his black coat.

“I’ll show you the results.”

“I wish you success.”

“I want you to enjoy looking inside the doll. let's go."

“I thought I was going to die of boredom waiting.”

“Shut up. Before you cut your throat.”

Henrik shuts Rafil in the grumbling red Mohican hair.

Rafil grumbled for nothing, and made a portal to Korea with a spray.

“Guild members.”

“Everyone has been placed where they have been assigned.”


“It’s half done.”


“Then let’s go.”

Rafil plunged himself into a portal made of spray.

Henrik followed him, and soon he could see a panoramic view of Seoul flashing with colorful neon signs.

As if enjoying himself, he took a deep breath on the tall building.

“Tomorrow night. From then on, it started moving in earnest.”


Only one more day until the Dark Spirit's terror.

Raindrops began to fall little by little from the dark cloudy sky of Seoul.

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