Heavenly Calamity

: Testimonials

I wanted to drag in for a few days and try to get as close as possible to the new book, in order to save the popularity as much as possible, but think about it.

"Scourge", the book is about 2.5 million words, starting from May 17 last year, today is May 18, just happened to be the first anniversary.

This book is seamlessly connected with "Dark Blood Path", but it is the same as the previous book, at least 6,000 words per day, without breaking off, never changing, without leave discipline, the book is good or bad, it is a matter of personal ability, but in Attitude, as a student, as a part-time writer, I dare say, I try my best, I am not lazy!

After writing two books, I learned a lot.

Here I want to say something.

In the eyes of friends and relatives, Youzi has been desperate.

University military training for half a month, under the hot sun, from morning training to night, everyone will be tired in the bedroom, but the wanderers still sleep all night.

Once the eye was ill and had a minor operation to make you a one-eyed dragon for a while, but it didn't become a reason to break it.

Last semester, you went to the northwest for sketching. In just three weeks, I went through four provinces of Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, and Gansu. I drove more than ten hours a day, visited dozens of places, and stayed in more than a dozen cities. I still insist on updating.

The last time I had a pharyngeal hemangioma went to Shanghai for another operation, which started at six or seven, but the night before the operation, I coded to nearly two o'clock. After returning home, the wound became infected, and the fever once reached forty degrees. It was winter, and the relationship between high fever was even colder. I was almost unable to stand. I even held the computer and sat in the bathroom with the Yuba. word.

Similar experiences too.

Not one by one.

It can be said that every network writer is not so easy. If you don't really like to do this, it is usually difficult to persist for a long time. Because I care too much, I value feathers so much that I don't want a little breakage.

Not long ago, when I was chatting with a friend, I had new insights.

In fact, there are two types of dedicated writers. The first is like me, who keeps dying, and I want to keep out 6,000, so that everyone can see updates every day. The second is not to write a satisfactory plot, not to write a satisfactory text, never update, often break the update, the update is basically stable, the update amount is very small.

I thought about it, maybe the latter is the real dedication, because for a writer, the most meaningful thing is not how many words to write, not the stable update, the ability to shape a good story, shape a character, write A good story.

Looking back for two years.

Youzi is in large part digging into his horns, sometimes he has no idea at all, but forces himself to complete daily tasks. Compared to those who update slowly but can write good plots, this perfunctory approach is not desirable!

This is why the two books are clear and well-organized in the early stages, because they are not full-time, they are always rushed in time, and it is difficult to focus. I thought about how to write before the beginning of the book. When I wrote to a certain degree, I ran out of thoughts, and because I was studying things, I did n’t have enough time to think, review, and write unknowingly.

The most troublesome thing is that this kind of thing often can't be found in time. When you suddenly wake up, you feel that you have changed and want to change. It is too late.

I do not escape my shortcomings and weaknesses.

I am not particularly gifted.

Without enough thought and layout, I can't grasp the context of the long story.

After all, Scourge is still out.

The two books allow you to learn a lot, but this is just the beginning. I believe that I will gradually learn, improve the defects, and gradually improve.

The new book "The Emperor of the Art" will be released on June 6th on the Chinese website.

This book was conceived before "Scourge". When I wrote "Dark Blood Path", I read the manuscript to the editor and got a good evaluation. However, You Zi has an unstable foundation and is not mature enough. The editor is also not mature. It is recommended to transform too early, so she put aside this book and created another contemporaneous work of the same theme, that is, Scourge.

However, "The Emperor" has not been let down for a long time, and it is time to come out and meet everyone.

In addition, "The Emperor" is the only book published by Youzi so far, which can be regarded as a breakthrough. Because I have already been writing it, one after another, there are currently nearly 300,000 words in the manuscript. Unlike the previous two books, each chapter of "The Emperor of the Emperor" is written as much as possible as the first chapter. Every character is strenuous. To describe it with your heart, each plot line will be prepared to write a good outline, so as to avoid the situation of writing the back and forgetting the front.

If you are interested, I hope that on the opening day, I would like to support you.

That's all for this.

Not much to say.

I dare not say that I will write a divine book, but it will definitely improve!

See you next book!

(There is no need to hurry to remove this book. If you have time these days, you will write a few postscripts to explain the things after the ending. It is also convenient for everyone to report on the new book.)

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