Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 495 Convincing Gibson

Sure enough, I heard Mel Gibson say: "You know, I am a Catholic, I have a devout belief, but Hollywood... I hope to make a movie about Jesus, and combine Catholicism, Judaism and Christianity. Repeatedly clear, let more people understand the relationship and power of faith."

Tang En let out a long sigh.

He guessed right, the project that Mel Gibson came up with was the famous "Passion of the Christ"!

Mel Gibson frowned slightly when he saw Tang En's embarrassed expression, "I don't need much investment, a budget of 25 million to 35 million US dollars is enough. Of course, if you also scoff at religious movies, I can personally contribute."

Religious films have never been popular in Hollywood.

Various teachings are intricate, especially the relationship between Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism. The teachings are full of contradictions and are prone to controversy.

The famous director Martin Scorsese made a religious film "The Last Temptation of Christ" in the late 1980s. As a result, the film experienced many difficulties from project approval, production, distribution, and release.

Even with Martin Scorsese's golden signature, the film only took $8.4 million at the box office amidst huge controversy.

It's a terrible loss!

Since then, major Hollywood film companies have not dared to touch religious-themed films.

From Mel Gibson's point of view, Twain was also afraid that the film would lose money, so after hearing the subject matter of the project, he looked embarrassed and didn't need to mention the specific plot at all.

Tang En shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Mel, you should know me well. I am a businessman, but not a pure businessman. I am also a filmmaker. I will never be stingy about investing in good projects."

This sentence is by no means perfunctory.

"The Passion of the Christ" is too famous, with an investment of 30 million US dollars, the North American box office is 370 million US dollars, and the global box office is as high as 610 million US dollars!

Before "Deadpool", it was the highest-grossing R-rated movie in the world!

At the North American box office, "The Passion of the Christ" is the record holder.

Mel Gibson didn't understand Tang En's meaning, and his expression was shocked, "That's good, I've been preparing for this project for many years, and the script is absolutely wonderful!"

He has been drafting the script for many years, and has even revised several drafts. He contacted the film company several times, but was rejected.

No one wants to touch religious themes.

Moreover, the content of the script...is too sensitive, seriously touching the teachings of Judaism, which is even less likely to have room for development in a major film company ruled by the Jews.

Until later, I met Dunn Walker. .

The year before last, he filmed "Unsinkable" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" for Tang En Pictures; last year, he filmed "Signs of the Sky"; Thoughts from The Passion of Jesus.

Tang En said seriously: "Mel, let me say two things. First, the investment is not a problem; second, the project is not a problem. You are Mel Gibson, and your name is the biggest guarantee!"

It was rare for Mel Gibson to see Tang En look so serious, sitting on the sofa in silence.

Tang En said slowly: "Mel, "The Temptation of Christ" directed by Scorsese failed miserably at the box office. Why? Because he touched the teachings of Catholicism, and Catholicism has unparalleled influence in Europe and the United States. It should be."

The corner of Mel Gibson's mouth twitched, disdainful, "As I said, I am a devout Catholic! It is because Martin's movie questioned Catholicism that I want to use my movie to speak out for Catholicism. "

Tang En shook his head and stared at him, "Mel, you still don't understand! Don't you know? Director Martin Scorsese is an Italian Catholic!"

Mel Gibson's eyes flickered sharply.

Tang En said: "Don't forget, this is Hollywood, Hollywood created by the Jews! Your project wants to justify the name of Catholicism, but there are already serious differences in ideas between the several major religions. You know that you are flattering Catholicism. Will you offend anyone?"

"Jews." Mel Gibson blurted out without thinking.

Tang En's expression changed slightly, "Even Martin Scorsese dare not offend them!"

Mel Gibson said lightly: "I'm not stupid. I've been working on this project for many years. Of course I know the root cause of the failure of the movie. But I think the time is right now. To put it bluntly, I'm the most arrogant person in Hollywood. The number one superstar with box office appeal!"

Tang En curled his lips after hearing this, "Mel, you are too conceited!"

"Is not it?"

"From the star's point of view, you're right." Tang En sighed lightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "But don't forget, a few years ago, Bruce Willis was an action superstar! Jay Ray Bruckheimer is a gold medal producer! Michael Bay is a top director! But now?"

Mel Gibson said: "That's because they met you."

Tang En was angry and funny, "Mel, what I can do, do you think that powerful Jewish group can't do it? You know how embarrassing Kirk Douglas alone made me in the awards season ?"

Mel Gibson dismissed it, "But he's dead."

Tang En said in a deep voice: "But the Jewish community is still the biggest force in Hollywood!"

"I'm not afraid!"

Mel Gibson didn't care.

Tang En pointed at him and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Mel Gibson looked cold, "Twain, let me ask you a question, are you willing to invest? If not, I will find other companies to cooperate. There are more and more film companies now, I believe My project will definitely be filmed!"

Tang En took a deep breath, pondered for a long time, and said: "How about it, you wait another ten years."

"What do you mean?" Mel Gibson frowned.

Tang En said lightly: "I mean, this project will be delayed for another ten years. After ten years, I will invest in you."

Mel Gibson said displeased: "Ten years? No way! I have been waiting ten years for this project."

Tang En slapped the table and shouted: "Mel Gibson, don't forget, my girlfriend Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson are all Jewish!"

Mel Gibson paused slightly.

Tang En waved his hands and said in an unhappy tone, "I'll just say it straight, I won't shoot this project now, and I don't agree with you to shoot it! What do you think you are? Are you the God of Hollywood? I'm not afraid to tell you , such a theme, if something goes wrong, I can't keep you!"

Mel Gibson's temper was very hot, but at the moment his face became calmer and calmer.

He felt the concern and worry in Tang En's words.

Tang En calmed down his emotions, and said softly: "Give me ten years, and you will also give yourself ten years. Ten years later... the sky is as high as the sky, even if the Jewish power is still strong, I have the ability to keep you safe. "

In the previous life, "The Passion of the Christ" has never found an investor. It was Mel Gibson himself who invested in the filming, and he encountered a lot of obstacles and difficulties during the filming process.

After the film was released, it set off a lot of enthusiasm and sold well all over the world.

Many people also converted to Catholicism because of this film.

However, the more popular and influential the movie is, the more the Jews can't bear it!

The year the film was released, Mel Gibson was completely blocked by Hollywood.

Mel Gibson struggled many times, and even took the initiative to cut his salary, but he couldn't get the film contract, and his hatred for the Jews became deeper and deeper.

Later, rumors of Mel Gibson's racism, domestic violence, cruelty on the set, and cruelty to small animals were exposed, and the former Hollywood superstar fell.

He himself was also cannon fodder in Australia.

It wasn't until more than ten years later that he slowly came back and returned to the mainstream vision of Hollywood.

As a friend, Tang En didn't want to see him repeat the same mistakes.

Mel Gibson sat silently in Tang En's office without saying a word, but his face showed no anger, obviously he was thinking hard.

After ten minutes, he finally raised his head and sighed, "If you disagree, forget it."

Tang En was so excited that he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

His appearance finally changed the fate of Mel Gibson!

Today's Hollywood is moving more and more towards the direction of "New Hollywood".

Tang En had reason to be proud of this.

"But... I still have a project." Mel Gibson suddenly changed the topic.

Tang En laughed and said, "As long as it's not religious or sensitive, I'll invest and you can shoot whatever you want!"

He had already figured it out, even if Mel Gibson came up with a project that hadn't appeared in his previous life, he would definitely support him with a stroke of his pen.

Now Mel Gibson is a box office guarantee!

All the movies he starred in are big sellers!

Mel Gibson said: "We have discussed this project before."

"Oh? What?"

"Mad Max."

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