Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 324 Flexible Hollywood

As early as March, Dunn Films has launched five new film projects this year, "Resident Evil", "Juno", "Signs", "Spiderman 2" and "Daredevil".

"Resident Evil" and "Juno" are both in the smooth filming process, especially "Juno", according to the producers, will wrap up in three days.

Nat Shyamalan's "Signs of the Sky" has a budget of 75 million U.S. dollars. Twain himself has confirmed that Mel Gibson will play the male lead, and Katherine Kennedy will be in charge of the production.

"Spider-Man 2" has a mature production team and director. Most of the actors are the continuation of "Spider-Man". The project preparation is relatively simple, and it is expected to start in early or mid-April.

As for "Daredevil"... After repeated negotiations between Christopher Nolan and the production department of Tang En Pictures, the budget cost was controlled at 120 million US dollars.

Because of Christopher Nolan's insistence, "Daredevil" will not be like "Spider-Man 2", where sponsorship fees account for half of the investment budget.

Although he is a new director, Christopher Nolan sticks to the stubborn and conservative characteristics of British directors.

Even so, Daredevil's sponsorship bill was kept under control, not reaching the crazy $80 million of "Spider-Man 2", but it was enough to reach $30 million.

In other words, the actual investment amount of Dunn Films in this movie is 90 million US dollars.

This is definitely a big plus for Marvel's superhero movies!

Marvel's world pattern is aimed at the real world. "Daredevil" and "Spiderman" both live in New York, and they can freely insert advertisements like Coca-Cola and Ford.

Because these are really common in New York.

But Gotham City in the DC universe has many setting restrictions.

As for the actor candidates for the role of "Daredevil", after repeated consultations, Marvel Studios provided a resounding list: Jack Gyllenhaal, Joaquin Phoenix, Heath Ledger, Billy Crudup, Ian Bailey, Cillian Murphy, Christian Bale.

"The age of Daredevil is not suitable for being too young, such as Jack Gyllenhaal, he is only 20 years old this year?"

As the first producer of "Daredevil", Twain is seriously communicating with Christopher Nolan.

"This... Actually, I also think he is not suitable." Christopher Nolan looked a little embarrassed.

Nina Jacobson, the film's other producer, volunteered: "I put his name on the list."


Twain's expression was calm. As the president of Marvel Studios, Nina Jacobson had a lot of authority over the "Daredevil" project.

"Jack's father is the director Steven Gyllenhaal, his mother is the well-known producer Niomi Fonner, and her sister is the actress Maggie Gyllenhaal. Also, Jamie Lee Curtis is his godfather, and Paul Newman is also a friend of their family." Nina Jacobson explained helplessly.

Christopher Nolan frowned and said: "But he simply can't take on such a heavy role as 'Daredevil', whether it is image or age, he is not up to the standard."

Tang En made a downward gesture and smiled, "Chris, don't get excited. The Gyllenhaal family has some influence, so there's no need to refuse it too directly, at least you need to have an attitude."

Nina Jacobson said: "Yes, I put him on the shortlist to give him a chance to audition, and also to give the Gyllenhaal family an explanation. As for whether the audition is successful or not, the core of the movie is the film." .”

Christopher Nolan breathed a sigh of relief, and gained a deeper understanding of the human relationship in Hollywood.

He glanced at the shortlist again, and there was a young man's name on it—Heath Ledger!

The whole of Hollywood knows that Heath Ledger is Twain's friend. A while ago, Twain paid a vigorous visit to the legendary movie star Marlon Brando. In the pictures captured by the paparazzi, apart from Charlize Theron and Penelope Cruz Besides Tang En, there was another one who was Heath Ledger.

Heath Ledger is only one year older than Jake Gyllenhaal, but his image is even less in line with the tall and mighty characteristics of "Daredevil". He can be selected for the shortlist, obviously this is Nina Jacobson He was trying to curry favor with the big boss, Twain.

Of course, Tang En also saw through the mystery here, pointed at the name "Heath Ledger", shook his head and said: "He is not suitable, and he doesn't even need to be given an audition opportunity, just say what I mean."

Nina Jacobson smiled: "Okay, his acting skills are great, but he is still young and needs room to grow."

Christopher Nolan took a deep look at her, and realized a little more.

Nina Jacobson is a direct subordinate that Tang En personally dug out from Disney, and entrusted him with important tasks. It stands to reason that the relationship is very good. But Nina Jacobson was still cautiously flattering Dunn everywhere, expressing her sincerity.

Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder have a very good relationship. The two often communicate with each other, exchanging some understanding of movies and the big environment of Hollywood.

Once, Zack Snyder faintly revealed that he had sent Milla Jovovich, the heroine of "Resident Evil", to Dunn's bed through his fiancée Deborah Johnson...

This really shocked Nolan a lot.

As an American, Zack Schneider obviously understands Hollywood better. He does this, which shows that there must be a lot of truth in it...

After a simple consultation between the three people, in this shortlist, three people who will focus on auditions are drawn: Christian Bale, Billy Crudup and Joaquin Phoenix, Cillian Murphy and Ian Bailey is a secondary candidate.

Tang En has high expectations for "Daredevil", and hopes that this series of movies will not only have commercial success, but also have artistic achievements.

Actor's acting skills are the most important point.

Among the three key subjects under investigation, Jacques Phoenix has the best acting skills so far, and this is also Nina Jacobson's favorite candidate.

But Twain knew that Christian Bale had greater potential and achieved even higher achievements!

"Daredevil" will be a series. Christian Bale is only 26 years old this year. He has enough room for growth and potential, while Jacques Phoenix, who is the same age, has no more breakthrough talents.

What's more, Joaquin Phoenix is ​​American while Christian Bale is British!

Twain certainly didn't need to please the British director Christopher Nolan. He preferred Christian Bale because of economic considerations.

Americans are highly paid, while foreigners... are all wage earners!

It is also Christopher Nolan's movie, "Inception" made in 2010, Leonardo Ricaprio's basic salary and profit dividends, and a total of 59 million US dollars in revenue.

In the more influential "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises" in 2012, even though Christian Bale was already the best "Batman" in history through the accumulation of the first two films, his salary was only 1,000 yuan. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

This is the gap between American actors and foreign actors.

In Hollywood, the best scripts must be selected first by American superstars such as Tom Hanks, Leonardo Ricaprio, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and George Clooney. They picked what was left and distributed it to other actors.

From an economic point of view, market development, acting potential, crew harmony and other factors, Christian Bale is the best candidate for "Daredevil"!

Bell in the previous life was Batman, but Bell in this life can be a Daredevil!

"Christian Bale!" Tang En pointed to the name on the list, and said earnestly, "Chris, if this person does well in the audition... Even if the result is worse than Joaquin Phoenix, he can still break through. You know , I am cooperating extensively with the British film industry, and I hope to deepen our relationship."

Christopher Nolan was so excited that he was about to cry. Tang En's words were an endorsement for him!

In other words, Twain is helping him build his position in the British film industry hand in hand!

There is no doubt that Christian Bale is an excellent actor, he was 13 years old to take on the film of Steven Spielberg.

However, his development in Hollywood has not been smooth. For more than ten years, he has not been able to act as the leading male lead in big productions.

At the beginning, he was the number one male candidate in "Titanic" because he was British, and the leading actor "Jack" was also British!

However, James Cameronin can use Leonardo, an American cream boy, and not use him, which makes him deeply frustrated.

Now, if Christopher Nolan can push Christian Bale to the position of the leading man in "Daredevil", it will be enough to prove his status and ability in Hollywood.

The word-of-mouth and reputation in the UK industry will naturally rise.

In the entertainment industry, making money is very important, but word of mouth is even more important!

Tang En's words are simply a big gift!

Christopher Nolan obviously wants to return the gift, especially after such a long period of understanding and perception, he has a deeper understanding of Hollywood.

Sometimes, people's persistence is far less important than human relations!

Favors represent opportunities!

Hollywood has gathered the best directors in the world. If there is no chance, neither Zack Snyder nor himself will be useless!

The source of this opportunity is naturally Twain!

Christopher Nolan breathed a sigh of relief, with a humble and respectful expression, "Okay, I will pay more attention to him. By the way, what about the leading lady? Who is more suitable for the role of 'Erica'?"

Nina Jacobson glanced at him in surprise, very surprised, this Englishman, has his mind opened up?

A few days ago, because of the issue of sponsorship fees, Christopher Nolan was resolute and opposed placing too many advertisements. You must know that this would be a great economic loss for investors.

Unexpectedly, he has now learned to be flexible.

The choice of the heroine... Even Nina Jacobson didn't think too much about it, everything had to be based on Tang En's personal opinion.

With so many female companions, with limited resources, he must give priority to taking care of his own. This has long been the tradition of Tang En Pictures.

Looking at the commercial blockbusters invested by Tang En Pictures in the past two years, which heroine is not Tang En's woman?

Milla Jovovich wants to play "Resident Evil", and he has to pass this level first.

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