Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 309 Can't cooperate with him!

The awards dinner will start soon, and Tang En is sitting with the crew of "The Girl Who Moved Soul".

Seeing Natalie's smiling face, Tang En asked strangely: "You got the news again, that you won an award?"

"Nonsense, this is the Golden Globe!" Natalie gave him a blank look.

This is the film festival award second only to the Oscars, and it is almost impossible for inside information to happen. Of course, it is not absolute. In the history of the Golden Globe Awards, there have been many scandals of internal operations.

This is also the reason for being despised by the Oscar Organizing Committee and Academy.

"Then why are you so happy?"

"I..." Natalie made a fool of herself, pursed her lips and smiled, and lowered her voice, "Have many women mentioned to you that they want to have a baby for you?"

Tang En was stunned for a moment, and said amusedly: "For no reason, what are you talking about?"

"Hmph, answer the question!"

"Well... there's nothing to hide. Penny told me that she wanted to have an illegitimate child, but I rejected it. Nicole... also hinted at it."

The corners of Natalie's mouth were slightly pouted, revealing a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"What's wrong?"


Tang En laughed and joked, "Do you want to have a baby? It's okay, you are almost 20 years old, and you are not 'Juno', we can have a baby."

"Smelly, I still want to study!" Natalie gave him a charming look, and then curled her lips, "Besides, you don't know my father, if I dare to conceive before marriage..."

"That's easy, let's get married right away!"

Natalie bit her lip and stared at him angrily, "Are you proposing marriage? Humph! I want to go to school, and before I graduate...don't even think about getting married or having children!"

Tang En confessed directly, "Okay, you know, I am a feminist, and I respect women's choices the most."

"Go, go, be a feminist, others don't know, don't I know?" Natalie pinched his arm, laughing and laughing, "You are a complete male chauvinist, and there is Serious virginity complex, isn't it?"

"Huh?" Tang En looked at her with wide eyes.

Natalie snorted softly, "Isn't it? Those women... are all so beautiful, isn't it because they don't satisfy your requirements?"

Tang En smiled, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "That's right, only a good girl like you who gave her body to me cleanly can be the mother of my child. They... are not worthy!"

"You are disgusting!"

Natalie pushed Tang En, her face was flushed, shy, nervous, but also somewhat relieved and proud.

"Do you know why your father is so strict to me, and why I still respect him so much?" Tang En winked at her viciously.

Natalie blushed, turned her head away, and muttered: "Who knows what kind of dirty thoughts you have! Besides, even if my father doesn't control me strictly, I won't mess around with boys outside."

Tang En couldn't help laughing, "It seems that you still understand me very well."

"Ah? Oh, why are you so bad? Get up, I won't sit with you anymore, I hate it!"

Natalie pushed Natalie's arm, her face was rosy and radiant.


The Golden Globes are held in the form of a dinner party, and the guests sit around a round dining table, enjoying delicious food while waiting for the awards.

The best actress in a drama category is relatively fierce, Julia Roberts in "Never Compromise", Nicole Kidman in "The Girl Who Moved", Laura Lynn in "You Can Trust Me" Ni is a popular candidate for the actress, and the veteran actor Ellen Baustin in "Requiem for a Dream" has also been recognized by the industry.

The award presenter was the famous comedian Jim Carrey, who read Julia Roberts' name aloud!

Tang En, who was sitting at the same table, could see that Nicole Kidman's face trembled slightly, and then she showed a bright smile and started applauding.

The Golden Globes are the biggest indicator of the Oscars!

Although the voices of Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts have been very high in the past few months, in the selection of major awards, they are more willing to give the best actress to Julia Roberts, who has a breakthrough in acting.

Nicole Kidman's chances of being crowned this year's Oscar-winning actress have plummeted.

Tang En felt that the atmosphere of the crew of "The Girl Who Moved the Soul" had suddenly changed, and everyone was obviously aware of this. Especially for the Best Supporting Actress award for a while, if nothing else, Natalie Portman will hold it in the palm of her hand without any suspense.

The same movie with different endings made Twain feel uncomfortable, so he got up straight away and went to the "Gladiator" crew next door.

This is against the rules, but Tang En has enough status, no one dares to say anything.

"Can I sit here?"

"Twain? Of course, sit down." Director Ridley Scott's eyes lit up, and he quickly arranged for him to sit next to him, and he also called the heroine of "Gladiator" Connie Nielsen to sit down. On the other side of Tang En, "Connie, come here and have a drink with Tang En."

Connie Nielsen is 36 years old, the age gap is a bit big.

But this is Hollywood, seniority is not based on age or status. As for female stars, as long as they are well maintained, beautiful enough, and attractive.

Besides, this is the mighty Dunn Walker!

Even director Ridley Scott is not qualified to be on an equal footing with Twain.

Tang En shook hands with Connie Nielsen, and said a few perfunctory words without much interest.

He is more willing to communicate with Ridley Scott, "Ridley, I have a hunch that "Gladiator" will become the best picture!"

Ridley Scott shook his head and said modestly: "In my opinion, "The Girl Who Moved Soul" is more likely to win."

"By the way, is there a new project?" Tang En smiled and changed the subject.

Ridley Scott hesitated, a little hesitant.

"Is it convenient to say?" Tang En raised his eyebrows.

Ridley Scott pondered slightly and lowered his voice, "Business secrets, there is a novel I don't know if you have heard of, it's called "Black Hawk Down", a record of real events."

""Black Hawk Down"?" Tang En's eyes froze.

Ridley Scott was curious, "You know?"

Tang En smiled lightly.

too know!

A textbook in war movies!

It's just that it hit the "911 incident" and the war in Afghanistan, and it was released when the people of the United States were traumatized, which led to a dismal box office, and Columbia Pictures suffered a lot.

But these are not important, Tang En cares more about the producer of this movie!

"I heard...the post-production of "Pearl Harbor" has been completed, is Jerry Bruckheimer free?" Tang En narrowed his eyes, his expression not very good.

Ridley Scott frowned, he didn't like Tang En's questioning tone, but he was self-aware and calm, "The copyright of this novel is in Jerry's hands, and Columbia Pictures has already agreed to it." invest."

Tang En's face turned cold, "Director Scott, you don't intend to cooperate with him, do you?"

Ridley Scott is famous in Hollywood, but he is very self-aware, he knows he is a foreigner, he knows this is Hollywood!

So don't look at him once making classic movies such as "Alien", "Thelma \u0026 Louise" and "Gladiator", he has always maintained a low-key, steady, and humble style.

To be a man with tail between legs in Hollywood, humility, humility, and politeness is the only way to be able to call the wind and rain after returning to the UK.

It can also be seen from another example, because "Titanic" was robbed by Twain, Ridley Scott's current status in the industry is higher than that of James Cameron.

But Ridley Scott has made so many movies, and has never won the final editing rights! It's not that he doesn't have enough qualifications, but that he doesn't fight for it.

This also led to classic movies such as "Blade Runner" and "Kingdom of Heaven", which failed disastrously at the box office due to editing problems in the later stage.

Of course, this is also good, that is, Ridley Scott does not have to take responsibility for the failure of the box office, which also allows him to continue to mix in Hollywood after the failure of "Black Silver Fall" and "Kingdom of Heaven" at the box office. .

In contrast, the Asian director John Wu, who has been successful since he entered Hollywood and successfully won the final editing rights, can only pay for his self-confidence. After two films failed, he returned to Asia in despair. .

Hollywood, in the final analysis, is Hollywood in the United States, foreigners are here, and there is no arrogant capital.

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