He Comes From the Void

Chapter 754 Race against time, look at thousands of years.

He comes from Chapter 754 of Void Text Volume, racing against time, with a glance of ten thousand years. Kahn drove the power of the rune cautiously, only using it to repair the huge hole in front of him, not daring to go beyond the thunder pool.

No one could help him, except for him, neither Kai'Sa nor Volibear had escaped from the influence of the black sphere, they stood motionless in place, trapped in a black hole of thinking.

The runes shoot out beams of light like prisms, injecting them into the holes in the world barrier. The surge of energy is receding, and the boundaries of the realm are shrinking.

Kai'Sa and Volibear's sense of purpose returned as Runeterra's deadliest wound was mended.

She looked at the Watchers who had disappeared without a trace, not quite convinced that they had solved the crisis yet.

Excited, she hugged Kahn, but felt that the other person's body was very heavy, almost pressing the weight of his whole body on her. She realized something, but she didn't say anything, quietly being Kahn's support.

But the warmth after the decisive battle didn't last long, and an unprecedented fear descended on their heads overwhelmingly.

A huge void wormhole suddenly opened in the midair behind him. Tentacles that could not grow in nature stretched out from the wormhole, hooked on the exposed mountain rock after the ice wall melted, and dragged out a weird and terrifying body. A huge one-eye burning with flames passed through the wormhole and appeared above their heads. Its huge figure almost blocked the Howling Abyss.

Its size is several times bigger than the monitor that was just eliminated. Could this be another more powerful monitor?

Kahn was stunned, thinking that he had already plugged the loophole, where did this monitor come from?

As soon as the monitor appeared, he aimed his pupils at the most conspicuous Volibear, because next to him was a huge void connecting the two dimensions.

A thunderbolt exploded in the abyss, and the burst of light was not inferior to the burning fire of the watcher's one-eyed eye. Sensing the threat, Volibear immediately landed on all fours and flew towards him.

He had lost his cloak and spear, and fought with claws and thunder.

Facing the menacing giant bear, the watcher only stretched out a smooth tentacle, and slowly stretched out towards the unavoidable Volibear exposed under its sight.

There was only a loud cracking sound like a long whip whipping, and the giant bear who had suffered thousands of knives and guns was bathed in the tragic purple light. His furious roar stopped, and the diffracted light stung Kahn's eyes...

Is that a life form cleavage ray? Why is it the same as dimensionality reduction strike?

When Kahn was able to see again, he found that the existence of the giant bear had been erased. Where he was standing before, a lake with scorched black edges appeared. Inside, the rocks had melted like wax, belching black smoke from dissolved matter, and he didn't see any part of Volibear inside.

Volibear is dead. Even the giant bear was annihilated if it couldn't support a single light, how strong would the full form of the watcher be?

Kahn forced himself to accept this terrible fact, and then he looked at the real culprit who killed Volibear in disbelief, and suddenly realized one thing. After the world barrier was repaired, there was still a watcher, which meant that the watcher It exists in the physical realm itself, and does not come from another dimension. He remembered that he had seen other monitors sealed by Lissandra in his dream. He thought that the seal was still stable, and he would find a way to deal with it after equalization. It was very likely that the monitor had also awakened and received some kind of signal. Arrived.

With no time to think about it, Kahn immediately used the Z-drive to go back in time to the time when Volibear hadn't been killed.

Without Volibear, they can't defeat this monitor, and his mental state has become very weak after using the world rune. If he uses the rune again forcibly, he will go crazy. It is best to let Volibear use the rune Use it as a spear against the Overseers.

But the length of time backtracking is fixed. This restart, the time goes back to the time when they just eliminated the monitors and prepared to repair the world barrier.

Looking at the huge void in front of him, Kahn suddenly realized that something big happened.

As a user of the Z-drive, his energy will not recover as time resets, and now he doesn't have enough energy to fill the hole and repair the barrier again, and the monitor will be born in tens of seconds.

Bad news came one after another, and Kahn felt like he was about to collapse. It was the first time he encountered such a situation where things could get worse after going back in time. Kahn tried hard to think of remedies, but he couldn't think of anything.

It's really useless to panic, but how can you calm down when there is nothing you can do.

Time waits for no one, and before he can figure out a way, the watcher arrives as promised.

Overwhelming fear once again shrouded, the burning bulging eye almost blocked the Howling Abyss, and the moment it passed through the wormhole, Karn felt that he was firmly locked in time.

He found that the watcher was staring at him, his strange and unknowable eyes fixed on him. Before he could react what was going on, the monitor's tentacles slapped down on him like huge waves. And Kai'Sa's consciousness has not yet returned, it seems that as long as he does not repair the hole, she will not wake up, so he can only grab her and hide together.

A few seconds later, the figures of Kahn and Kai'Sa appeared out of thin air dozens of feet away. His eyes were full of shock.

"Why didn't the monitors repeat the previous behavior pattern? Why did they change the attack target?" The new discovery made Kahn even Kai'sa have no time to take care of it, he had to figure out what was going on.

The tentacle slowly retracted, but without its cover, the two of them were completely exposed to the watchers' sight. From the perspective of the two, the burning one-eye is like a black sun, constantly devouring light and heat, and its existence is even enough to devour gravity and time itself.

time. By the way... time!

Kahn suddenly realized that only the existence beyond time can the memory not disappear with time going back!

It knew that it was Kahn who restarted the time, but it couldn't prevent the time from going back, so it killed Kahn, the bug that tampered with time, in the first place.

With a sharper roar, Cyclops shot out an annihilation ray again, and the thick beam of light almost occupied the entire abyss, and even the sky above the abyss was polluted into an unnatural purple, which is only seen in nightmares. The evil light that will appear.

Unavoidable, Kahn took Kai'Sa and fled into the cracks of the world again. Through the world barrier, blurred like frosted glass, they saw how the Volibear melted and evaporated, as if it were not a living being but a phantom that snapped at the fingertips.

Next, it's time for them to think about themselves. It only takes a second or two for the annihilation ray to melt the giant bear, and the longest time they stay here is no more than a few seconds.

And after that, where should they flee? The annihilation ray has no intention of stopping at all, and the watchers' eyes are fixed on them, and once they return to the present world, they will be evaporated immediately.

This is a dead move.

Can only overthrow and start over!

Restarting time again, Karn appeared on the edge of the huge void.

He looked at the world runes in his hands, and decided to give them all to Volibear.

But reality turned against him once again, and Karn found that Volibear had fallen into the same state as Kai'Sa, immersed in the aftermath of the Watcher's self-destruction, consciousness imprisoned in nothingness.

This road is also dead, no one can help him, and the watcher is here again as promised.

The huge tentacle was shot again, without even giving him time to think, Kahn could only try his best to escape, and was forced to die in the cracks of the world again.

The Monitor is not a creature of the same dimension as them at all, it is from a higher latitude! A latitude where everything is empty! The huge gap in strength made Kahn feel extremely desperate.

He looked at Kai'Sa with incomparably complicated eyes, but before he had time to say anything, he had to restart the time again.

Then, he stood on the edge of the huge void again, looking at the abyss in front of him, Ka Enyi realized in despair that now they really fell into an endless loop.

There are two major problems facing him now, one is to eliminate the monitors, and the other is to close the passage. He must use all the resources at hand to try to solve these two problems by going back in time.

But going back in time consumes energy. During the repeated time, other people's energy will be reset accordingly, but his own energy will be consumed normally.

Kahn was exhausted after using the world rune once, and the number of times he could go back was one less. And the monitor transcends time, as the biggest uncertainty factor, every restart will make it change and become more and more difficult to deal with.

If there are too many restarts and the monitors figure out Kahn's routine, then he will surely die.

Yes, in theory, as long as you have enough energy, you can go back in time infinitely. But what's the use of going back many times if nothing changes? Will the Watcher go to the trouble of devouring Runeterra?

Kahn restarted the time again in desperation, this time he still couldn't figure out a way, but the watcher came ahead of time, and the destructive rays further compressed his thinking time.

reboot. Backtracking. Backtracking. reboot.

Again and again, he tried another method after another, but every time he was cornered.

His spirit is getting more and more exhausted, and his thinking efficiency is getting worse and worse. It is estimated that he will not be able to hold on three more times, and even this endless cycle will almost be impossible to maintain.

Is it really only possible to use runes?

The best result is that he wiped out the watcher, closed the passage, and then went completely crazy, turning into a rune puppet. He will be the Havoc of Runeterra, bringing destruction with mad magic.

If you can't break the rules, the dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon.

However, this is already the best result he can achieve alone.

Kahn accepted this fact in despair, restarted the time again, and Kahn stood on the edge of the huge void again. This time, he didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to say what he wanted to say to Kai'Sa, and go to destruction without regret.

He came to Kaisha and hugged her tightly. Tired and helpless, he rested his head on her shoulder, murmuring like a mental patient.

"What should I do, what can I do..." Tears ran across her face and dripped onto her collarbone.

After the Zhenbing melted, it was no longer so cold that he had to cover himself with armor, but his heart was still cold.

He had a lot to say, a lot to say, but there was only so much time, how could he say it all.

In this bottomless abyss, in this almost static time and space. Kahn used the ten seconds before the destruction to miss Kai'Sa, thinking about the bits and pieces of the journey together, and finally, thousands of words converged into a sigh.

"Sorry, I couldn't accompany you to the end..."

The terrifying void breath came again, and the terrifying rays were aimed at him. Kahn put his finger on the Z-drive switch, ready to restart the time again and end this desperate cycle.

But just as he was about to pull the switch, a hand pressed his hand.

"Ka... Sha?" Kahn looked up at her in disbelief, his voice full of hesitation.

In the true darkness, Kai'Sa sensed his presence and regained consciousness. When she saw his tearful face in despair, she empathized with him, and the tears flowed in a blink of an eye.

Even so, she still said to him: "Why are you crying, and there is me."

"I..." Before Kahn could say it, the tragic purple light flooded them.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the gap between the world, and it was Kai'Sa who pulled him in.

He saw Kaisha wiping away tears, sniffling her nose and said to him with a choked voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm still here. If you have any problems, tell us, and we'll solve them together."

From her state, she clearly had no idea what was going on, nor heard Kahn's regretful goodbye. She just saw that he was dying, so she couldn't help but also cried.

"I don't have time to explain, but if you are here, there is another way." Kahn pulled himself together and stuffed all the Z-drive and world runes into Kai'Sa's hands.

"What is it? Tell me." Kai'Sa became serious and immediately entered the state.

"Use the power of runes to expand the channel connecting the two worlds. The bigger the better, go back in time if you understand it." Kahn almost roared out these words, his voice extremely firm.

The tacit understanding developed over the years prevented Kaisha from asking why, and she didn't have time to ask, the pressure between the world was about to crush them.

Time to reboot!

Both the world rune and the Z-drive are back in Kahn's hands, but because Kai'Sa initiated this reboot, her mental state survives, returning to where it all began in a sober state. And because Kahn didn't bring the memory of the last reincarnation, he was shocked to see her suddenly resume action.

"Give me the rune, and do what you have to do!" Kai'Sa didn't know what Kahn was going to do, only knew that time was running out.

Her reminder made Kahn also realize that time and space had changed, and he had to change to implement the plan that could only be realized with Kai'Sa's help.

He nodded, and handed all the world runes to Kai'Sa, leaving only a small fragment of the enlightenment rune for himself.

Before the watcher arrived, he opened the wormhole and moved to the top of the Howling Abyss. Looking around, he saw Ornn standing at the end of the bridge, and immediately flew towards him.

"Ornn! One last favor for me!"

"Not yet resolved?"

The ram with hammer and anvil grunted as he waited by the bridge, proving that he cared about what was going on in the Abyss, too.

"There's no time, don't ask so many questions. If you don't want your brother to die below, then raise the hammer in your hand and break the bridge for me!"

Ornn grunted again, and Kahn said directly: "You heard me right, break the bridge!"

Kahn's commanding tone made Aoun very upset, and he really wanted to question Kahn, did he talk a lot? He was already the least talked. But the situation seemed to be really urgent, otherwise Kahn wouldn't have talked to him like this.

Ornn roared, resisting the urge to slap Kahn flat, raised his hammer and vented his anger on the Bridge of Sorrows.

Under his full swing, a gully was opened at the head of the bridge.

The Bridge of Sorrow was forged by Aoun at the beginning with the promise of the three sisters. It was made of star iron, which is extremely strong, so it can stand on the abyss for thousands of years and can withstand Aoun's full blow without breaking.

"Smash it down! I'm going to use it to smash the watcher to death!" The gigantic Kahn landed heavily on the bridge, making a crazy sound of hitting the bridge, eager to knock it into the abyss.

Yes, the reason why he thought of this method was that the watcher was directly under the bridge. It is impossible to smash the watcher to death, but as long as you can hit it, it is enough.

Seeing him like this, Ornn hurled his hammer across the bridge. This hammer directly broke the pier, and the Bridge of Sorrow sank tens of centimeters as a whole, but the front and rear ends seemed to be stuck by the cliff, and it paused for a while and did not continue to fall.

"Not enough! Didn't you have enough to eat?" Kahn stomped anxiously and yelled again.

Ornn blushed, and hot flames spewed from his nostrils. Angry, he recalled the hammer and swung it at the sound of the bridge again.


With this hammer, the Bridge of Sorrows finally got off the cliff and fell into the Howling Abyss.

Karn fell with the Bridge of Sorrows, the howling mountain wind blowing into his eyes. He arched his wings behind his back and pushed the bridge body down with all his strength.

too slow! The Howling Abyss is at least 10,000 meters deep, so there is no time to fall down so slowly!

How much time does he have left? Kahn took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It took half a minute for Ornn to break the Bridge of Sorrow, and the Overseer was about ten seconds away. No matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't take such a big bridge across a distance of more than 10,000 meters in an instant. .

However, he had to accomplish this impossible feat, in order not to disappoint Kai'Sa!

He regretted it, he didn't have the consciousness of sacrifice.

Karn crushed the pocket watch with his thumb, and the magic that Kieran left in the pocket watch was activated.

In an instant, time and space freeze.

He saw that the snow in the abyss did not continue to fall, but was all still in mid-air, the howling wind also lost its continuity, and the surrounding became extremely quiet. And an illusory clock appeared in his palm, counting down. When the countdown is over, the state of time and space will return to normal.

And he must take advantage of this extra time to close the distance between the bridge of sorrow and the bottom of the abyss!

But in a state where time is still, nothing other than him cannot be moved. Even if it is a grain of snow, Kahn can't push it a centimeter with all his strength, let alone a thousand-meter-long Heavy stone bridge.

There is only one way to change this situation.

Kahn's heart froze, and he stuffed the rune fragments into his mouth and bit them tightly.

He could only hear the sound of teeth grinding echoing in the silence, the burst of powerful magic filled his body, and his eyes shone with blinding white light. Roaring hysterically, he finally pushed the bridge.

It wasn't that Kahn used brute force to push the impossible, but he used the power of the world rune to rewrite the rules to pry the law, so that the Bridge of Sorrow could move with him in this frozen time and space.

Kahn raced against time, first erected the bridge body to reduce the blocked area, and then pushed it towards the bottom of the abyss to accelerate the fall, only for the bridge body that can fall every second to become more impactful.

Because Volibear broke the Bridge of Shadow and the Bridge of Lost along the way before, the falling process of the Bridge of Sorrow was very smooth without encountering any obstacles.

The countdown soon came to an end, the flow of time returned to normal, and the snowflakes fell as usual. However, Kahn and the bridge of sorrow are still some distance away from the end of the abyss.

He has already worked so hard for this, and he is just a step away from success. He will never give up here!

Kahn gritted his teeth, he injected the power of the rune into the skin armor, and urged it with all his strength... A huge wormhole opened in front of him, so big that he could see the other end of the wormhole, and the monitor's tentacles came out again It stretched out from the void wormhole it opened, hooked onto the rock wall and dragged out its body.

"Give it to me! Go back to your world!"

He let out a roar between his teeth, pushed the bridge body with all his strength, and stuffed the entire Shadow Bridge into the wormhole, so fast that sparks sparked in the cold air.

The watcher's one-eyed eye came out of the wormhole, just as he was about to find the bug that had played with it several times and slap it to death, when he heard a sound from above.

Looking up, I saw another wormhole opened above my head, and inside was a whole bridge smashing towards it.

Even the watchers were so shocked that their pupils shrank violently when they saw this scene!

The Bridge of Sorrow, which took away the lives of three thousand Frost Guards, hit the watcher's one eye like a meteorite. The terrifying impact knocked the monitor down, and it fell down together with the rocks that were caught by its tentacles.

And what lies beneath them is no longer the deep bedrock of the earth, but a huge void that Kai'Sa expanded with the power of runes.

Undoubtedly, the monitor was smashed into the hole, and Kahn immediately yelled: "Kasha, close the passage now!"

After his voice, an unknowable scream came from the depths of the huge void. The sound was getting closer and closer, and the unwilling watcher still wanted to break into the mortal realm!

The surge of energy began to recede, and the boundaries of the domain were shrinking, closing successfully before the Overseers could reach their tentacles in.

Kahn could almost imagine the watcher crashing headlong into the unbreakable and incorruptible barrier of the world, full of desires but frustrated.

Collapsing on the rock, Kahn smiled with relief, and met Kai'sa who was also exhausted.

This moment became a moment that each other will never forget.

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