He Comes From the Void

Chapter 751: Tear

Looking at the watcher whose appearance was undergoing drastic changes, Kahn realized a terrible fact.

"It's evolving!"

This kind of evolution is based on the behavior of learning. Monitors are not low-level void creatures who only know how to eat, but with wisdom, they will inevitably make some actions in line with intelligent creatures. And the behavior that best embodies wisdom is learning... This is the most basic behavior pattern of a monitor.

The most obvious of these is that it will manipulate its body, which can be reorganized at will, to deeply imitate what it sees.

During the Great War that year, the monitors had just arrived in the material realm, and they saw the combined army of snowmen, humans, and various creatures at the first sight. In order to adapt to the rules here, it imitated these creatures with horns, fur, and tentacles formed by countless arms. And this kind of evolution is undoubtedly very rough and perfunctory, but now that it sees Volibear, it abandons the weak and mixed structure, and instead seeks to evolve a more powerful body.

This ability is almost exactly the same as Kahn's skin armor, even stronger than his. It can evolve with just a glance, shortening the natural survival of the fittest for billions of years to tens of seconds. But no matter how drastically the monitor's body changes, only its one-eyed part remains unchanged.

Kahn felt that Zhenbing might have suppressed this change, which meant that its weakness had not changed.

The Devourer of Planes has fully awakened, and most of the tentacles have been freed, but only the most core one-eyed eye has not been completely freed, and if you want to get it, you have to take advantage of it now. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to kill the watcher after he was completely out of trouble and released all his power.

Once the monitor is freed, they need to deal with more than just the monitor in front of them.

It is a stubborn stone blocked at the exit of the passage between the two worlds. If it gets out of its position, more monitors will enter the material realm from the void dimension through the passage. The monitor in front of them was as big as a mountain, but its size was still small in their ears. If other monitors were allowed to gather together to encircle them, they would have no chance of winning at all.

"Volibear, do it! Its weak point is in its eyes before it's fully moved again."

Karn wasn't sure if Volibear's consciousness had been captured by the Watcher's one-eyed eye, and he called out to Volibear, who finally made a move.

Volibear rushed straight towards the watcher, wrapped in thunder and fire, and thrust out the spear in his hand with the savage anger. The Overseer's tentacle lashed out from the side, faster than he could, forcing the Volibear to attack the tentacle instead.

The spear sliced ​​open the tentacle, spilling a strange slurry, but other tentacles took the opportunity to penetrate the bear's body as well. The claws at the end of the tentacles bit into the flesh, they pulled, and Volibear felt a tearing sensation all over his body. This pain was reflected in the tendons, and the tearing of the tendons made him lose the strength to fight back. And the hook claws are still going deep into the bone, absorbing the magic and inputting the energy of the void, cutting him off from the thunder and lightning.

Volibear tried to lean forward with his weight, thrusting the spear into the bulging eye, but the tentacles held him with such force that he only deepened his wound.

If it wasn't for the hearthfire cloak that blocked the tentacles coming from behind, Volibear would have them all over his body by now.

The eternal flame from the hearthfire cloak was transferred to the watcher, and the spreading flames immediately covered the whole body. The sizzling scorching sound from those tentacles convulsed with pain. The white shag first shrinks into black bumps, and then disappears completely.

The Watchers became great torches, burning the Hall of the Nine. It did not take any action to protect itself, allowing the flames to burn its combined material parts. This made Kahn faintly feel that something was wrong. He looked at the bulging one eye through the flames, and suddenly found that the black pure ice was melting.

I'm afraid this is its true intention, to use the flames to melt the pure ice on its body, and speed up the speed of the body's escape from the seal.

"The seal is melting, hurry up!" Kahn urged Volibear while creating opportunities for him.

He fired at full force, and the skin armor unfolded many plates, each of which opened a single eye to release a cracking ray. Many rays converged into a thick beam of light, cutting and melting the tentacles piercing into Volibear's body.

One tentacle crashed down, but before he could cut the second one, another tentacle had already launched an attack on them.

The shadow suddenly enlarged and covered the field of vision. Kahn quickly dodged the tentacles that were suddenly shot down, but was still blown away by the air current. A pit was left in place. Although they avoided the blow, they also fell into another dangerous situation.

The arms that fell before did not know when they were deformed and turned into an astonishing number of void creatures. They looked like some kind of arthropod, with sickle-like forelimbs, prominent backs, and gaping mouths that released gobs of mucus.

The two were thrown into the encirclement of these things by the airflow, and without any hesitation in their meandering tracks, they immediately swung their sharp forelimbs and stabbed them.

Kai'Sa jumped up all of a sudden, jumped into the air while avoiding the sharp blade, twisted out the light blade with both hands and fired a string of blue-purple fire bombs. The closest one of them was immediately torn apart, and black pus gushed out. Then she landed beside Kahn, her heels spun around, her fist blade spewed out purple flames, creating a circle of fire to delay the encirclement attack of these monsters.

The firmly fixed armor plates on her shoulders shifted and deformed, the glowing pods cracked open, dazzling light shot out from inside, a series of fiery missiles attacked the dense group of creatures, blasting them into broken limbs .

That bought Karn a little time, but it was Volibear who needed help more than anything else.

His tendons were destroyed, his limbs were bound tightly, and he was unable to use wild brute force. The magic power was drawn again, cutting off the fury of Thunder Bear's spirit. It is entirely because of his unyielding will that he can persist until now.

But if the will can't bring the corresponding power, it's just a useless life, prolonging the torture of oneself. As the Overseer's research on Volibear became more "in-depth", its tentacles evolved more and more powerfully, gradually exceeding the limits of his physical strength.

After a painful roar that resounded through the Howling Abyss, one arm of the giant bear was torn off by the watcher.

The splashed blood splashed down like a rain of blood, dyeing the earth red.

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