He Comes From the Void

Chapter 739 Breaking the City

With the howling wind, Kahn and Kai'Sa moved to a relatively safe position on the edge of the battlefield, where he could see the situation on the city wall.

The city wall was full of heavily armed Frost Guards and Frost Priests waiting in battle. The black armor exuded a chilly air, like a black iron python entrenched on the city wall. And there are thousands of soldiers behind the city wall, they lined up and formed a deep and strong infantry phalanx.

The cold light of steel was reflected in every battlement mouth. From a distance, one thought it was the scales of a giant python, but after a closer look, one realized that they were arrows protruding from siege-level heavy crossbows. The Frost Guards gave up holding hunting bows and used ballistas to fight against the siege bears, not only because the strong wind would affect the trajectory of ordinary arrows, but also the bears' far stronger physique than ordinary people would make ordinary bows and arrows lose their due lethality.

With the ice storm obscuring the view and only being able to see ten yards away, the Frostguard was forced to make changes for the harsh weather. In addition to the heavy crossbow, dozens of catapults were parked on the city wall, and the huge ice stones had already been filled.

Suddenly, the silence of the Frost Guards was broken by shouts from below the city wall. Hearing the cry of his companions for help, the leader of the guardians of the assembly center immediately leaned over to look outside the city wall.

The Frost Guard she sent to guard the bridge has returned, and it is unknown whether it was a failure in the mission or a successful return.

"Frost Guard, how's the situation?" the guardian leader shouted down.

The answer appeared immediately, and the battle roars of the bears were swept into the mortal realm with an avalanche-like momentum, and mottled waves of war emerged on the pale land, and they followed closely behind the returning Frostguard, and slapped towards the icy city wall .

"We destroyed the suspension bridge, but Volibear pushed the mountain peak at the end of the bridge directly onto the main peak, and let the bears rush over!" Hara responded hastily, and at the same time fought back with the weapons in his hands along with the other Frostguards.

The bear man's fangs and sharp claws were already close at hand, and the fur glued together by dried blood was also clearly visible. Their distance was so close that it was even enough to hear the bear man's thick panting.

With their backs against the city wall, the stabbing spears trembled violently, and the long handles were split and broken under the strong impact. They swung their swords, and the blades cut into the flesh, and the black blood splashed on the snow, and then they were trampled hard.

"You have tried your best, come back and guard the city gate with us." After the words fell, the rope was lowered on the city wall, asking them to hold on tight.

Hara Han Bingpo knew in his heart that the gate of the city was blocked with giant logs after they left. The patriarch's order was that the bears must not break through the line of defense. The rope in front of him was the only life-saving straw.

Without saying a word, she grabbed the rope tightly, and then there was a pull on the rope, pulling them upwards.

A bearman slapped its giant claws at Hara, and she had only one arm left to grab the rope and could not fight back, so she could only kick her legs hard against the city wall. By focusing on it, she quickly moved several positions, dodged the attack of the bear's paw, and swung over the bear man's head. But the comrades with her were not so lucky. They were either pulled off the rope by the bear man, or thrown to the ground by the bear man before he touched the rope, and the bloody fangs gnawed into the bone involuntarily.

Hala, who was hanging on the rope, looked at the bloody scene at her feet, her eyes were dignified and lost in thought. The four expeditions to the Howling Abyss gave her unimaginable experiences, but none of them allowed her to experience hell more than this time. a feeling of.

The tide of bearman's war hit the city wall fiercely, and Hara could clearly feel the constant vibrations from the wall bricks, and death was rubbing against her armor.

In the end, only Hara and the other two Frost Guards miraculously escaped back to the fortress, and the Frost Priest who was waiting at the side immediately came over and cast healing spells on the wounded. In Kahn's view, this scene was like a pack of wolves always driving their prey to the right place when hunting. Volibear didn't seem to use his full strength, and everything was just a tease before the real thing.

The bear man's howl was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and the frost guard's battle roar echoed on the towering city wall. With soldiers approaching the city, an epic offensive and defensive battle is about to begin. There has been no such fierce war in the world for many, many years.

The catapults and siege crossbows were fully activated, and the arrows and boulders fell on the crowd of bears, nailing them through or killing them.

"Lissandra is with me." The Ice Crystal Priest cast ice magic, and as he chanted the spell sharply, the tip of the staff gave off a cold light, condensed ice crystals and shot away, freezing the half-bear monsters who were madly smashing the wall Then smashed into corpses.

In an instant, the city wall turned into a meat grinder for flesh and blood, making Kahn's void skin armor ready to move.

The bears didn't know what death was, and they knocked on the city gate over and over again, but to no avail.

Without any siege equipment, they can't break through the thick city walls only relying on their physical body and brute force. The walls of the Frostguard Fortress were specially built thousands of years ago to resist the bear people. Lissandra ordered the Frostguard to maintain the walls on a regular basis in order to hold off Volibear's army one day, and that day finally came.

Kahn observed this scene, and he knew that the helpless situation would not last long, and the strongest combat power among the bears would always appear in the finale. What these gods like to do most is to give people hope first, and then despair.

Sure enough, with a thunder and lightning that pierced through the world, the whole world suddenly and strangely fell into a stillness. The legendary "bearer who has suffered thousands of swords and guns" appeared on the stage in person.

Volibear stands tall in the lightning storm, casting a huge shadow. His appearance stopped the Frostguard's offensive, and the fury of war formed a swirl of dark clouds, which was pressing on the top of the head and getting darker.

From a mile away from the wall, he cast an angry gaze on the wall, and lunged forward on all fours.

The bears parted ways, and the siege crossbow and wand also turned to attack Volibear one after another. The ice spikes and arrowheads as thick as arms pierced its muscles, but they couldn't stop him from charging at all.

He bared his teeth, and lightning flashed. Huge claws tore through frozen soil, and he crushed snow-covered boulders. As he continued to accelerate, the strong wind howled and brushed his thick fur, and his huge body slammed into the city wall like a battering ram!

With a loud noise like breaking the ground and crushing stones, the city was broken.

Volibear knocked out a huge gap in the thick city wall, and the force of the impact knocked the strongest human soldiers flying, causing bones to break, blood and flesh to splatter, and mourning everywhere.

The collapsed boulders, soldiers' corpses and the wreckage of the ballista smashed into the rear position one after another. All these smashed deeply into the crowd in a short breath, completely smashing the Frost Guard's formation.

Volibear rose to his feet again, and he roared toward the citadel, shaking the entire glacier with his roar.

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