He Comes From the Void

Chapter 737: Bear Army

The Frostguard Fortress is a city built in a huge iceberg. Its internal structure is hidden in the glacier. From the outside, only spiers can be seen. People who have never been inside have no way of guessing its whole picture. As everyone knows, those tall minarets are just the tip of the iceberg of a huge fortress.

The city wall of the fortress was built on the mountainside, and the mountain was so steep that it was almost vertical, making it impossible to climb. Only through a suspension bridge connected to another iceberg in front of a door can one go to the depths of the cold and deep main castle.

And on a nearby mountain that cannot be climbed at all, two strange figures appeared out of thin air. It was Kahn and Kai'Sa who had found the best auditorium ahead of time on the bearman's only way to march.

The moment before the big battle came, the wind and snow were abnormally heavy, as if Anivia kept flapping her wings above the Frostguard Fortress and blowing out a strong wind, setting up the battlefield with an ice storm.

The cold here can freeze and brittle steel, and can also freeze the upper and lower eyelids of a person together. Just blinking is full of tearing pain at the corners of the eyes.

But the army gathered here today is a terrifying army of humans, bears and half-bear monsters, led by the resolute bear spirit, it is absolutely impossible to succumb to the bad weather, and it will not be blocked by the weather. On the contrary, their arrival exacerbated the abnormal weather. The morning light never penetrated the overwhelming dark clouds, only lightning pierced through them, illuminating the dark ice storm from time to time.

The violent ice storm blocked the line of sight, and the naked eye could only see a distance of more than ten yards at most. After switching to Void Vision, I could vaguely see a few mottled figures appearing in the direction of the suspension bridge, and a group of frost guards gathered at the bridge head, waiting for something.

And on the city wall not far away are dense figures, more than half of the Frost Guards are gathered there, the voice of the oath is faintly heard in the wind and snow, the old guardian Frost Father is mobilizing before the battle, using the sacred black ice Dip the ink and apply it on the face of every soldier.

"You will not fight alone. We, the shadow children, will never fight alone. Whether in the darkest winter ice field, or in the deepest hidden rift, the eye of Lissandra is watching us, never leave .”

"We were born of ice, and we return to ice." The members of the assembly hall chanted the same prayer in unison.

"With such a loyal warrior, is Lissandra willing to give up just like that? Or is she going to lead them to fight to the death?" Kaisa looked at the crowd intently, and remembered the dream not long ago.

"Until the end, no one knows what the outcome will be, but I'm not surprised by what she did. After all, even her own sisters can be sacrificed, so there's nothing she can't do."

The dark clouds are approaching, covering the sky above the fortress. The white snow and the gloomy dark clouds form a black and white boundary line, which means that the tide of war is boiling and surging.

The two waited in the storm, and a silence suddenly swept over, suppressing all voices under the Kuroshio. The sound of wind, thunder, and oath all disappeared in an instant, and dead silence enveloped everything.

Karn didn't know if Kai'Sa could hear him, but he reminded her anyway: "Volibear is here."

Before they saw it appear, they felt its power first.

The air was charged with electricity, lightning pierced back and forth in the dark clouds, and tiny static sparks began to appear on the warriors' armor, swords and battle axes. They were at a loss for this strange phenomenon. The arc continued to leap and flick between their weapons, and Karn smelled fear.

The strong wind slammed the cheeks with snowflakes, Kahn looked to the other side, and the figure of the bearman appeared at the glacier's pass in front of him, like a black tide flowing over a dam. The almost congealed frost air of the black army spread out over the frosty slopes, limping, crawling, staggering forward.

He saw the spirit walker trapped in a contorted state, the jaw stretched and stretched into a huge mouth full of fangs. Nails faded into claws. It is neither a man nor a bear, but something else entirely. There are also giant, long-haired bears with two jaws, sticking out tongues that are longer than the arms of adults, dripping brown slime like filth that will not freeze.

This scene was like a nightmare. This nightmarish legion was controlled by the undeniable true beast spirit, and every mouth uttered the language of thunderstorm in unison. Spirit Bear will accept every existence that desires power, and the price for gaining power is to sacrifice their souls, and then transform all soulless bodies into lost people, into walking corpses that are tireless and painless, and join the terrifying army of death.

Like the eye of a peaceful storm approaching, the bearmen's advance made no sound. Kahn's attention was focused on one point. Now that the bears had come to the top of the mountain, they had to cross the suspension bridge in front of them to reach the Frostguard Fortress. And if Lissandra wants to fight, this is an excellent defensive point, and the few frost guards guarding the bridge are definitely not just sentinels who came to investigate.

He wants to see how the bears pass this level, and what the frost guards will do.

The bears stood in a messy row on the edge of the cliff. They searched for a while in the ice storm. After finding no other way to the fortress, the bears began to rush up the bridge.

The suspension bridge, which was shaking violently in the storm, was firmly pressed down after the Bearman Legion boarded it. The suspension bridge seemed to bear the weight it had never endured in its life. Also pressed down.

The hunting lord walking in the front didn't notice the frost guards waiting in full force at the bridgehead. The ice storm suppressed his vision within ten yards. They were under the control of the bear spirit, and they only knew to move forward and keep moving forward.

A group of Frost Guards stood neatly at the head of the bridge, and they had been waiting there for a long time. The Frost Guards were uniformly dressed in black armor with sharp edges and corners, covering the whole body, including the mouth and nose, with a pair of sharp angles growing parallel to the helmet, and the armor covered with white frost gave off a cold air.

From Kahn's point of view, this team of Frost Guards is about to run into the bears on the bridge, and they should know what they are facing, but there is no tremor in the hands holding the sword and strong bow, and the legs are under the ground. There is no trace of retreat, like static statues.

Until the hunting lord appeared in front of his eyes, the leading warrior changed the hook ax to hold with both hands, and shouted at the same time: "The lost are not welcome here!"

The bears stopped at the same time, and the hunting lord, wearing only a huge crow feather hood and a bearskin cloak, announced loudly: "I am a bear, and our lord walks with us, the son of ice, offering a sacrifice, and using your life to pay the price. We pay homage!"

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