He Comes From the Void

Chapter 735: Children

After exchanging glasses at the beginning, Kaisha also started to move. If she didn't work hard to cook, three people at such a large banquet obviously couldn't finish it.

I rushed to Demacia in a hurry before, and I didn’t have a good meal along the way, and even when I got there, I took the runes and left in a hurry. I didn’t have any interaction with the locals, let alone try the local specialties .

This made Kai'Sa a little regretful, and when she came back and saw the large banquet prepared by Ashe, she naturally had to let go of her stomach and eat Hesai in a vengeful manner. For example, this way of eating the cut Ernuk meat in the boiling bone broth and then taken out is very popular with her, and it is especially satisfying to eat.

This way of eating was taught to her by Kahn a long time ago. She was taken aback by Ashe, and secretly sighed for her exquisiteness.

It's just that in comparison, Kahn on the side seemed a little less interested, and he didn't eat much.

I am not active in cooking, and I have problems with my head.

Thinking that as a fiancée, it was natural for her to take care of her husband, she scooped up a few spoonfuls of soup and meat for him, and this scene seemed a little strange to Ash. How can there be Zhanmu who feeds the Blood Alliance by hand, doesn't everyone eat their own food, or does the Blood Alliance pick up Zhanmu's leftovers?

And before she had time to point it out, she heard Kahn on the side suddenly say: "I feel that the preparations for Winter's Claw may also be due to this incident."

"How do you say it?" Ashe heard what Kahn said, her thoughts slipped away from the banquet in front of her.

"I think Winter's Claw gave up attacking Avarosa in order to go to a bigger battlefield." Kahn explained: "Without the help of the bear man, how can Winter's Claw organize an attack on Avarosa alone? Sha would also be unable to attack for a long time. But now Sejuani has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as she acts together with the bears, she can easily take down the fortress that is difficult to attack in the Freljord. Frostguard Fortress has accumulated wealth for tens of thousands of years, which is incomparable to ten Avarosas. Just a pure ice weapon in a cold ice vault can arm all the iceborn under her command. .”

Hearing what Kahn said, Ash suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She knew that Sejuani had never had a good impression of the Frost Guard. The Frost Priest interfered with Sejuani's duel for power against her mother, directly killing her mother, and Sejuani didn't even touch her. Incompetent mother. Therefore, Sejuani's attack on Frostguard Fortress is not nonsense.

If Avarosa did nothing and allowed Winter's Claw to grow, it would definitely be a major mistake in decision-making. Then after a while, they'll be no match for Winter's Claw at all.

Thinking of this, she immediately made a decision. "No matter what Winter's Claw is going to do, Avarosa has to deal with it, and we must also enter a state of preparation."

She thought, if Winter's Claw started to march towards the Frostguard Fortress, then Avarosa would also send troops to the battlefield. At the very least, they have to get a share of the pie, and the Winter's Claw family cannot be allowed to dominate.

"That's for sure. You can't take it lightly at any time." The two agreed with her approach. In fact, they don't need to think so much, as long as the enemy doesn't move and I don't move, that's enough.

After drinking for three rounds, Ashe suddenly expressed emotion.

"Actually, I have other concerns." As if she had drunk too much, Ashe's fair face turned red, like a plum blossom in the snow.

"Let's talk about it." Kai'Sa's expression was calm, and she spoke clearly. She won't get drunk as long as she wants to.

"Whether it's from the perspective of a sister or an enemy, I don't want Sejuani to continue to be with the Bearman. The Bearman is far more terrifying than the Winter's Claw. If all the soldiers of the Winter's Claw are turned into bear spirits Lost, then other creatures on this land will suffer."

"We can't help you with this," Kai'Sa said. Under the current situation, even if she wanted to help Ashe, she could do nothing. However, she still gave her own suggestion: "If you can't let go of this matter, then you should ask Udyr about it, maybe it's not what we guessed."

Ashe nodded: "That's the only way to go."

Leaving from Ashe, the two returned to the embassy to summarize the information they had inquired about.

During their absence, Ornn had left the Wyvernback Mountains and returned to Furnace for some time, and the bearmen led by Volibear were also preparing to attack Frostguard Stronghold before winter. And the short summer of the Freljord is coming to an end, counting the time, the horn of attack is about to sound.

With a creak, the bedroom door was pushed open, Kaisha stepped on the floor barefoot with a candle in her hand and entered the bedroom, and gently closed the door.

"It's been a long time. Haven't you slept yet?" Seeing Kahn leaning against the window sill and blowing the wind, Kaisha put the candle on the table, came over and put her hands on his shoulders and kneaded them casually.

"I'm thinking about something." Kahn replied subconsciously, and then Kaisha leaned into his ear and said: "Don't think about it, let's sleep too, and think about it tomorrow."

He turned his head and glanced at Kaisha's slightly smiling pretty face, then at her feet with cold big toes clasped on the second fingers, and replied without thinking: "Okay."

After speaking, he carried her off the ground in the posture of a princess, and did not forget to extinguish the candle when walking to the bed.

"My two children pestered me to listen to stories, one after the other, and it was not easy to put them to sleep, and it would be dawn after telling them." When her feet were off the ground, Kaisha's heartbeat also accelerated , began to say something to mediate the atmosphere.

"It's almost Eternal Night, and the sky won't dawn." Fearing that Kai'Sa wouldn't understand what he meant, Kahn added, "I can wait for you all night."

Kaisha shyly covered her cheeks. If she hadn't been hugged by Kahn, she would have rolled herself into a caterpillar in the bed for a few times. But now she could only pretend to be reserved and motionless until Kahn hugged her into the bed and hugged her into his arms.

"Didn't you pester your father like this when you were a kid?" he asked.

"Yeah, I saw him once after a long time, so naturally I have to let him talk a little more to be satisfied. It's a pity that I forgot to bring a gift for Annie and the others this time."

"There will be a chance to send it in the future." Kahn said.

Having said that, Kai'Sa's face darkened. In fact, she was worried that she would not have the opportunity to tell Annie a story in the future, so she said a few more. However, this worry was immediately diluted by Kahn's question.

She immersed her face in the other's neck, and suddenly heard him ask: "Do you want a child?"

"I..." Kaisha raised her head hesitantly, it was so sudden that she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She felt that Kahn must have regarded her friendliness to children as her love for children, but she was right to think so, as long as she thought about the days when she was a husband and a child, she felt very happy.

For a moment, an urgent expectation and impulse controlled her actions, she opened her mouth but couldn't utter a word, she just put her lips together and kissed passionately, leaving everything to the other party to choose.

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