He Comes From the Void

Chapter 731: Rune Foundation Stone

As Kai'Sa grabbed the world rune out of the hollow of the pillar and was no longer suppressed by the enchantment stone, the world rune burst into bright light, as if celebrating seeing the sun again.

The magical power that is so strong that it can be seen radiates from the red rune cornerstone, wrapping around the rune like a fluttering ribbon. This force is unstoppable, and can easily penetrate the skin and enter the blood. Kai'Sa felt the mighty elemental force rushing through her veins, and the torrent of magic submerged her. Her eyes, mouth, nose... and even every pore were emitting a dazzling red light.

The magic glow gradually faded, and Kai'Sa blinked her eyes vigorously, her expression still a little dazed.

Looking at the rune keystone in her hand, she finally realized why people are bewitched by runes. This power is too powerful, so powerful that a mortal can have a power that can rival a god. And once you experience the pleasure of becoming a god, no one will be willing to give up this power.

"Let go of it." Kahn's cold voice came from beside his ear.

Kaisha was taken aback, and obediently wanted to let go of the rune, but suddenly felt an inexplicable force pulling her. There seemed to be some problems with her mind, her hands couldn't control her, and she didn't want to let go runes.

A voice appeared in her mind, saying that as long as she moved her finger, the man in front of her who was bossing her around would be wiped out. She listened carefully, and suddenly realized that it was her own voice.

She was frightened by her sudden vicious thoughts, and fell into an incomprehensible and unbelievable panic. At this time, Kahn grabbed her wrist. She thought he was going to snatch the rune from her, and instinctively bared her teeth and growled at Kahn, with a ferocious expression like a beast that felt threatened and issued a warning.

When Kahn saw her like this, he immediately bumped his forehead, and his original voice had turned into a sullen growl.

"Let go! Let go! Her!"

Although it sounded exactly the same as the previous sentence, Kai'Sa could tell that this sentence was spoken to the world rune. He wanted it to let her go, not her to let it go.

This fierce voice touched Kaisha, and she began to torture herself inwardly, is it all worth it? Is it worth turning against Kahn for a stone?

They are soul mates who share weal and woe. Could it be possible that the intervention of a rune can destroy the relationship they have cultivated over the years?

No, it's not worth it, nothing can destroy the intimate relationship between them, it is absolutely not allowed to be trampled on.

Finally, Kai'Sa ruthlessly threw away the rune cornerstone, and in an instant, all those suppressed self-awareness returned. Shocked and shaking, she struggled in her mind to understand what she had just done.

"You scared me to death." Kahn hugged her excitedly, his fierce expression softened for a moment, and being able to abandon the rune showed that she was not bewitched.

"I'm sorry." Kai'Sa choked and leaned on his shoulder, nothing could be more fulfilling than this, even gaining unparalleled strength couldn't compare to it.

After a while, Kai'Sa looked at the rune cornerstone with lingering fear. After the rune was thrown away, it relied on its own magic power to suspend in mid-air. The beautiful and magical magic glow it emits is like a flame that attracts moths, luring those who covet its power to reach out to it.

But this scene became particularly frightening to Kaisha, and she realized how risky her actions were just now.

At the same time, she also thought of Ryze's purple skin and the dense runes on it, which was obviously unhealthy. She once heard Kahn say that those are the traces left by world runes on him, and his extraordinary lifespan was also distorted and extended by runes, even though he never used the power of runes.

"Is it because of this terrible mental manipulation that Ryze doesn't let others touch the world rune?"

Kahn nodded and replied: "This power is powerful and uncontrollable. His mentor and students were all bewitched by runes and became crazy, and his hometown was completely wiped from the map because of the rune war."

Ryze was born in Nokoxi thousands of years ago, the predecessor of Noxus. The east side of the Immortal Fortress was originally a large valley, but after being destroyed by runes and sinking to the bottom, a huge half-moon bay was formed, extending from Tiejian Mountain to Longmen, and a large area of ​​land could disappear within a day. The total area of ​​land destroyed by this war is larger than ten Bilgewaters, and the cost is not without heavy.

However, Kahn has always felt that the power of the world rune itself has no distinction between good and evil, the key lies in how the holder uses it. If humans are used in war, it is the root of all evil for the victims.

But the reality is that runes can be used for both destruction and creation. If runes could sink entire continents to the bottom of the ocean, it would be easy to fill the deepest ravines in the world.

It's just that human beings haven't fully understood the power of world runes, just like a child holding a gun, after all, it will harm others and itself.

"Don't go in like this again in the future, or I won't be able to save you even if I have a time device." Kahn pinched her ear, asking her to reflect on herself.

Kai'Sa muttered: "It's right to be cautious, but someone has to use the rune."

What she said was correct, the power of the rune must be activated by human hands. They want to take it to seal the rift, and there is always someone who will take the risk.

"It's better to replace me."

Kahn shook his head, and picked up the rune cornerstone after being mentally prepared, but unexpectedly, Kai'Sa did not have such a strong reaction.

He also felt powerful magic power flowing into his body, but the cornerstone in his hand did not emit a dazzling light that could penetrate the human body.


After several attempts, the situation was the same. The confused Kahn put down the red rune cornerstone and took out another yellow gemstone from the pillar, and the burst of light immediately overwhelmed him.

The strong mental shock made him almost lose the ability to think, he reacted to his surroundings with the little feeling he had left, and stretched out his hand to signal Kai'Sa not to touch him first.

Although Kaisha was worried, she still resisted moving. It took a while for him to gradually regain consciousness. Seeing that the stone in his hand, which had been suppressed by the forbidden magic stone, was emitting light again, he let go of it and put it into the package without Kai'Sa reminding him.

He understood that the light was the impact of the reconnection with the world after being suppressed by the world rune from the forbidden magic stone. And both of them resisted the mental shock, which was enough to explain some problems.

The Void Skin Armor trained the willpower of the two of them, and they didn't have a fanatical pursuit of power. At the stage of initial contact with runes, it was not difficult to let go. But with the use of the power of the runes, the desire to possess gradually strengthened, just like attracting fans, and it was difficult to let go.

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