He Comes From the Void

Chapter 728 Melting Point

After dealing with the bear man, Kahn came to the Feilongbei mountain range again.

Because of Ornn's arrival, all the perennial snow on the mountain has melted, and the top of the mountain has become extremely hot. Standing on it feels like being scorched by ten suns.

But even so, Kahn can still see that there are many people mining on the mountain in full swing, densely occupying the entire mountain.

These are all furnace households who came to help Ornn spontaneously, or believers who wanted to admire miracles. Most of them were from the Avarosa tribe, and some were from smaller tribes. Ornn neither refused nor accepted, and acquiesced in their approach, as long as it didn't disturb him. Even if he only uses his hands, the efficiency of mining is equivalent to more than 10,000 people, so he doesn't care about the addition of these people.

People kept a relatively safe distance from Aoun, and there was an area around him that no one approached. Aoun exuded an astonishing heat, and if he got too close, he would be burned.

When Karn found Ornn, he was refining the ore.

He held a large piece of ore in his hands, and the hot orange light emitted from his hands became more and more intense, until he could feel the heat with the naked eyes, as if it could burn people's eyes.

A miraculous thing happened. The large piece of ore that was originally held in his hand began to melt, turning into lava and flowing down between his fingers, leaving only unmelted black iron in his hand.

The Furnaces were shocked by Ornn's miraculous refining skills. After witnessing the miracle with their own eyes, they shouted loudly and sang the greatness of Ornn. On the other hand, Ornn himself was very displeased with their exaggerated noise, so he ignored them and picked up a piece of ore again to start refining.

"How did he separate the rock from the black iron? Is it magic?" Kai'Sa looked at it with great interest and found it incredible.

Knowledge can change fate. Kahn felt that it was necessary to distinguish her from those primitive natives who didn't understand the truth, so he told her some simple common sense.

He picked up a stone casually, his hands were a little hot, but he could still bear it. He pointed to the stone and told Kasha: "Everything has a melting point. As long as the temperature exceeds this melting point, they will melt. Ornn is using the principle of different melting points of rocks and iron to separate them gradually by heating, not completely. magic."

Talking about science in the magical world made Kahn feel a little inexplicable, but abandoning science completely would make him feel like a barbarian.

Among the means that Aoun just showed, only the part that allows objects to be heated quickly and evenly belongs to the category of magic, but the black iron extracted by this method is only pig iron, which must be refined into stronger steel before it can be used for forging weapons.

"Does the monitor also have a melting point?" Kai'Sa asked.

Kai'Sa's question is not easy to answer, because the living thing is a whole rather than a substance, and the melting point of each part is different. But as long as the temperature is high enough, any living thing will be killed by the high temperature. As smart as Kahn, he guessed her intentions at once.

"Absolutely, it's just that the melting point is not very certain, but it doesn't necessarily need to reach the melting point to kill it. Just like people, they don't need to wait for melting before being roasted to death. But if you want to use high temperature to completely kill the Void Monitor Or, it may only be possible to achieve it by throwing it into the core of the sun."

"Speaking of which, we came to Ornn this time because we wanted him to use the power of the fire of the earth to deal a heavy blow to the watchers."

Kai'Sa blinked in confusion, not knowing what charade Kahn was playing again.

I saw him approaching Ornn on foot, neither wearing skin armor nor carrying Zhenbing. Foehn blows towards his face, and Kahn feels his eyes become dry instantly.

"Spirit of Flame, Hearthfire, and Anvil, can you hear me?"

Aoun looked down at Kahn, and the work in his hand did not stop.

If you want to get along with Aoun, you must learn to read words and expressions, and this difficulty is not so high, because his entire face is almost covered by thick beard, and no expression can be seen.

Seeing Aoun's reaction, Kahn tentatively said, "Do you know that you are building a weapon for Volibear?"

Ornn grunted.

He knew this kind of thing when he thought about it. Those demigod compatriots who could pick up this huge weapon were nothing more than those demigod compatriots, and the only ones who could use weapons were non-Volibear.

Aoun didn't have any idea about this. He never said that he would not forge weapons for Volibear, and Volibear didn't have to be his own loss.

Although there are festivals between them, since they promised to help others, they will definitely do it.

And now, after understanding the importance of this battle, Aoun will try his best to do it well. After all, he will not want to let Volibear die in it because of his own reasons, which will lead to the defeat of this battle. Kahn and Anivia have repeatedly emphasized that this battle must not be lost, everyone must fight with everything.

"Is there time to make the spear before this winter?" Kahn asked again.

"Okay." Aoun said a word. As soon as he opened his mouth, flames spewed out of his mouth, and the surrounding temperature instantly increased by a few degrees.

The heat was so unbearable that Kahn couldn't help but speed up his speech and get straight to the point.

"Is there enough time to make another suit of armor?"


"What about the cloak? Eternal flames can prevent the erosion of the void. I would like to attach you to the cloak."

"It can be tried."

Kahn's proposal seemed very interesting to Aoun, and it was rare that he didn't get angry because of his aggressive demands. I have always used flames to forge weapons and protective gear, but I never thought of adding flames to the equipment. His thinking was opened, and Aoun suddenly felt that he could go a step further in the way of forging.


After leaving Ornn, Karn left the Freljord with Kai'Sa. After explaining all the things that should be explained, it is time to implement the next link of the plan.

They went to Demacia in the south, because Kahn had never been there before, so he couldn't construct a wormhole, and it took more than half a month to cross half of the Freljord to reach Demacia in the usual way.

Then they walked south along the border between Demacia and Noxus, and came to a place called Green Tooth Peak.

As the name suggests, Green Tooth Peak is two parallel and opposite peaks shaped like canine teeth, and because they are covered by green plants and appear green, it is named Green Tooth Peak.

"Where is this place? Why are there so many sentries and guards on the road?" Along the way, Kaisha saw many guards hiding in the forest, secretly patrolling and monitoring this area, which made her feel puzzled.

"The border between the two countries is a sensitive area, not to mention that the founding of Demacia is near here." Kahn's dignified voice came from another tree.

"What is it?"

"Forbidden Stone Forest."

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