He Comes From the Void

Chapter 572: Rocky Area

Although he was told something, Nasus didn't take it seriously at all, he just needed Sivir to continue to live.

He raised the battle ax above his head, and flames ignited under his feet. In the heat of thousands of stars, the Exel Group was all reduced to ashes.

The sky lit up with an unnatural flash again, and this time Nasus was well prepared, showing agility that his huge body should not have, turning around to avoid Rek'Sai's plasma bomb.

A few miles away, Kai'Sa launched a counterattack. Spreading his legs, his body leaned forward, the anger accumulated in the pod turned into spiral plasma shells and shot out.

The plasma hit the area where Rek'Sai was, and Kai'Sa left without looking back. She knew it wouldn't kill it, but it was enough to interrupt the rhythm of its shelling.

A group of people ran and finally arrived at the rocky area, gathering at the entrance of this black rock.

The Exel group chased them from the soft sand to the suggested rocky ground. Their degenerated hind limbs were not enough to support their torsos, making their movements staggering. They could only drag their bodies along the ground with their two forelimbs. Their slow speed makes them easy targets.

"Intercept them here." Ryze released the arcane impact, and the rune energy spread rapidly among the insects, and the powerful magic impact instantly shattered their cores.

Sivir threw Chalikar, and the crossblade bounced off the swarm many times, drawing death trails; Icacia rainstorm fell from the sky, blasting the swarm into pieces of limbs and pieces of meat, and the scorched black smoke immediately swelled emerge.

The raging interdiction lasted only for a while, and a large number of Xai died in front of them, and the corpses piled up into hills. The battle situation was changing rapidly. Exel, who was brave enough to fill in the front line one second, retreated to the sand in the next second.

They dug up the yellow sand to bury themselves, and soon disappeared from the group's sight. After a while, even the quicksand stopped shaking, which showed that they were really far away from the surface.

"Is that the way to withdraw?" Kai'Sa jumped down from the rock pillar, and she blasted the sand with a plasma bomb, but she didn't see a single Exel.

Generally speaking, void creatures' desire for flesh and blood energy far exceeds their own life. They don't even realize that they are alive, they can only feel endless hunger, and naturally they don't cherish their own lives.

"Really left." Kahn said: "Rek'sai knew that it would be useless to invest more, so let them all retreat."


A strange sound made everyone look at Sivir at the same time. She accidentally stepped on a piece of weathered broken bone, making a cracking sound.

"This is a human bone." Nasus said with a glance. He had already returned to normal size when he stepped on the rock and put Sivir down, but he was still more than three meters high.

"Anyone can come to such a deep place? Are the Exel we met just now fake?" Sivir looked behind him, and all kinds of bones were scattered under his feet, leading to the depths of the rocky area. place. She pursed her lips together in amazement. "It seems that there are quite a few living things that have been here..."

"Maybe the body was dragged here after a hunt," Ruiz said.

"Void creatures don't have the nature to store food, they will eat everything they can eat without stopping." Kai'Sa doesn't quite agree with Ryze's statement, only people who don't understand the void will say that.

Normally, they all solve the food on the spot, but there are also abnormal ones, such as Rek'Sai's performance before...

"There are currently no void creatures in this area, but it has always given me a strange feeling. I have felt it since just now." Kahn looked around, except for the whimpering sound from the wind blowing through the rock pillars, it was so quiet. Literally. This is somewhat different from the desolation of the desert. In the former, you can at least hear the slight sound of insects coming from the bottom of the sand, but here it is completely dead.

"The back is the desert, and the front is the canyon. We can only keep going." Sivir rested against the black rock wall. Her skin armor had recovered and she was able to move forward again.

Axel's corpses piled up behind him, and under the scorching sun, the strange flesh and blood began to emit highly poisonous steam, and the stench permeated the air.

"Sooner or later, the pile of corpses will lead to a swarm of insects. It is impossible to turn back. Go ahead and don't let your guard down."

A group of people walked carefully along the rock wall and walked into a canyon formed by wind erosion. The bones under the feet are getting denser and denser. These weathered brittle bones almost cover the entire road, and some of them have even merged with the rocks. Once stepped on, they will make a crackling sound, which makes people stand upright, especially here It was also unusually quiet, the dead silence amplified the sound, and there was deep uneasiness.

Then Kahn discovered the source of his deep uneasiness.

At first glance, Karn thought it was a huge mouth growing out of the stone, with a vicious mist coming out of it. The rock was shattered and reorganized by a strange force, turning into a circle of raised rock thorns, like a mouth full of fangs. The dark and viscous energy is like dripping and flowing saliva.

The entrance of this burrow was so big that it was even enough for Nasus, the tallest in the group, to stand up straight and walk in with his head raised.

"Rek'Sai." Sivir yelled between his teeth, almost gnashing his teeth. Then she looked around, suddenly noticing that the black rock around them was filled with the creature's massive burrows. Whether it's the rock wall or the ground, there are all the entrances of the cave dug by Rek'Sai, like countless hungry mouths facing the sky.

Everyone is aware of a not-so-good thing. "We have broken into its lair."

"Do you dare to go into these holes?" Seeing Kahn and Kai'Sa looking at him one after another, Sivir explained: "I don't mean anything else, I just heard that you have lived underground for a long time."

"I didn't dare to go in until I was sure what these things were. These burrows are different from what we have seen underground." Kahn replied. The poisonous gas coming out of the cave can be compared. They rarely see such a cave that keeps emitting poisonous gas underground.

The source of these poisonous gases is the strangely beaten pitch-black energy flowing on the cave wall, dripping like some kind of viscous liquid, and slowly evaporating. And it was the existence of these things that made Kahn dare not rush into the cave to find out.

"Wait, these things are weird..." Ruiz seemed to have discovered something, and approached a hole.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking under his feet.

Things often go downhill from the tiniest of changes.

The voice froze suddenly, and Rek'Sai appeared from the hole in front of Kahn's eyes very suddenly, and the huge and swift pounce made Kahn's eyes blurred.

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