He Comes From the Void

Chapter 565: The Boy and the Camel

A week later, Kahn and his party arrived at a human settlement.

"Further ahead is the uninhabited Great Desert. This is the last trade point we can encounter along the way. If there is anything to do, we can do it here."

Unexpectedly, the commander of this operation was not Nasus but Ryze.

Although Nasus has walked on the yellow sand for thousands of years, many of his memories of Shurima are from the past, and outdated information can sometimes be misleading.

So he gave up the leader position to Ryze, and let him plan the operation until they reached the emperor's tomb.

"It's best to swap scalas for camels here, and to cross Calixa, the goal should not be too big," Nasus said.

"Is it because of Rek'Sai? That legendary beast." Sivir took up the topic. It is impossible for mercenaries like them who have been running around not to have heard of the dangers of Calixa.

For ferocious predators, oases and human settlements are prey gathering places, and in the deepest part of the desert lurks some truly deadly creatures - poisonous spiders, blind sand snakes and animals that don't belong The "Exel" of this world.

Exel crouched underground, digging tunnels and caves, death under the gravel.

And Rexai is the queen of this group of Exai.

"That's not a beast, Sivir, it comes from the void just like the things on us, it's a real void creature." Kahn corrected extremely seriously.

There cannot be any contempt for void creatures. If you only regard them as ordinary beasts, it would be a big mistake.

Sivir rarely showed a dignified expression. The only time she saw a void creature was when Taliyah lost control and tore open the ground, allowing the void spirit inside to crawl out.

Void Spirit pierced her back with a blade foot, and she almost died on the spot, but was saved by Kahn with the symbiosis of skin and armor. That experience left her with lingering fears, and every time she recalled it, she always felt a twinge in her heart.

If Exai were really void creatures, then the legends portrayed them as terrifying, perhaps not exaggerating.

"Even I don't want to go through that area alone, and I often choose to go around a hundred miles to avoid those monsters." Nasus said seriously.

"Then why didn't you take a detour this time?" Sivir asked.

"Because Ryze is here."

Nasus' words made Sivir look at Ryze, but the latter didn't explain anything, and went to the market with Scarash.


Two hours later, Ruiz returned with a team of camels.

Kai'Sa saw at a glance that the number of camels was wrong, there were as many as seven or eight, and even including Nasus, there were only five of them. So what are these extra camels used for?

"We don't have so much luggage to carry. Are the extra camels going to get a carriage for Nasus?" Kai'Sa asked casually.

"I guess, in addition to being used for riding, some of these camels are also used as bait."

"Is it to distract the void creature that I just mentioned?"

Kahn nodded: "Exai are a group of blind men. They have no eyes and catch their prey by sensing the vibrations on the sand. This is why crossing Calixa is so dangerous. It is almost impossible for you to avoid them. Because your feet will definitely fall on the sand, and once you encounter Exel... If you are small, it is okay, and you can be more careful; but if you are big, you have to learn to abandon pawns to protect the handsome."

"So, those extra camels are used as bait to lure Exel away, and are sacrifices to the void?"

"You are right in saying that."

"Master!" A strange voice interrupted the communication between the two of them. They looked at the back of the camel caravan, and a few sallow-faced and thin guys stopped Ruiz.

One of the bold ones, who was not too scared to speak because of Ryze's appearance, bit the bullet and pleaded: "Master, please hire me, let me take you through the dangerous Calixa. For the six of us, only one camel is enough!"

"No need." Ryze refused coldly.

"I, I will walk quietly and show you my feet!"

The young man raised the soles of his feet and aimed at Ryze. Although this was very rude, judging from his eager expression, he didn't mean to offend or insult.

Ruiz glanced at the soles of his feet, and could see that the soles of his feet were covered with thick calluses, and the skin of his feet had also cracked. It was indeed a pair of "peeled" feet.

"Put it down."

It is inevitable for the young man to stand on one foot and his center of gravity will be unstable. He was staggering, and it was as if he was forgiven when he heard Ruiz let him put his foot down.

"I don't need any guides. I've walked the road of Calixa many times. Do you think I'll need some of you guys to lead the way if I'm alive? I’m afraid I haven’t spent as much time on the Internet as I have alone.”

Ruiz's severe reprimand, coupled with the man's fierce appearance, immediately stunned the young man, and he backed away in small, disheveled steps, ready to run away.


Suddenly, he stopped the young man. The latter thought that he had changed his mind, and immediately approached him with a shy face.

Ruiz took out a few coins from his pocket and put them in the young man's hand, and said impatiently, "It's not that I don't want to take care of your business, but that we really don't need you. Take this money for something to eat." , don’t do this kind of business anymore, Calixa is very dangerous, very few people can survive in this desert for a few seasons.”

"Thank you, Mage!" The young man listened in a daze, overjoyed, bowed deeply to Ruiz and ran away with the other young men, disappearing from everyone's sight within a few steps.

Although Kai'Sa understood part of the abrupt scene in front of her, there were still many things that could not be understood at a glance.

"Are these people willing to be bait?" she asked.

"Yeah, the young man's life is cheap. They are basically abandoned children. They can only take risks in order to make a little money. They will keep half a day's distance in front of the caravan to try their own danger, so as to guide the caravan to avoid ambushes on the road Exel."

Life is not easy, Kahn sighed. When life is unsatisfactory, thinking about what happened to these people, I suddenly feel that I am very lucky.

"Then if you encounter Exel, you will die?" Kai'Sa thought.

Six lads, plus a camel, are barely enough between the teeth for the insatiable hunger of void creatures.

"So they practice a technique called 'quiet walking', which is to move quietly and quickly by minimizing the vibration produced when walking. If they encounter Exai, they will scare the camel away to attract predators to get the attention of the predator, and then perform this trick on their own to move away from the predator in a different direction."

"Can this work..." Kai'Sa was speechless, substituting the first perspective of the void creature, she felt that this was a joke with her own life. The breath of life of a living person is so obvious, how could it be impossible to smell it.

"That's why Ryze didn't hire them. This is a gamble for life. If you are unlucky, you will die."

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