He Comes From the Void

Chapter 562: Bakai

Watching the vortex of quicksand sinking inward into a basin, and the entire ancient sand tomb disappearing under the scorching sun of Shurima, Sivir panted heavily, unable to calm down for a long time.

After a while, she turned around and asked, "Why did the guard stop chasing him suddenly?"

Kahn didn't answer, but turned his head silently to look at Nasus who was watching not far away. In his opinion, the guards were scared off by the Ascended himself

Sivir glanced at them and immediately walked towards Nasus. As she got closer, she heard Nasus whispering a name.


"Bakai? What's that?" Sivir couldn't help thinking, whether Nasus could still hear his question clearly after being so far away just now.

"The product of the failed ascension." Nasus replied concisely. He looked to the southwest, which was the center of the desert, and his eyes seemed to have passed through a thousand years.

Although the secret of the sun disc is strictly guarded by the Ascendants, it is not an exact science after all. Although some mortals accepted the Ascension Ritual, they became flaws or monsters, known as Bakay.

The benevolent way is to end their inhuman suffering as soon as possible, and the cruel way is to make them into immortal yellow sand puppets, guarding the tomb forever.

"So the Ascension Ceremony will still fail?" Sivir originally thought that he should enjoy the bonus of the bloodline, and accept the Ascension Ceremony to gain a lifespan of thousands of years when his lifespan is short, but looking at it now, this decision is not so safe.

"Xerath is also Bakai, but his ability is higher than both of us."

"That evil witch..." Sivir fell into deep thought. She knew very well that Nasus's "two of us" did not refer to her and Nasus, but to Nasus and his brother Renekton. Even these two Ascendants were unable to defeat Xerath, so the power of Wu Ling could be imagined.

"Why are you here?" Hearing footsteps behind her, Sivir turned her head and asked.

"Of course I came to see you. The plan has been put on the agenda. Our grand maester can't wait to see Shurima revived." Kahn came to Skarash's feet and pulled the rope, intending to climb the giant. The back of the beast can only be climbed up by ropes.

"Oh~" Sivir nodded thoughtfully: "I heard that there is a library sunken in the sandy bottom under the cliffs near Zerima, and I wanted to find some ancient books to give to the Grand Maester, but now Looks like I'm running out of time."

"A set of beautiful words." Kahn muttered, amplifying his voice: "Then why are you here?"

"The storm blew away the yellow sand, revealing the sleeping ruins. I followed the footsteps of the rumors, mixed with a group of treasure hunters who had never met before, and came to this mausoleum of stories. The story is so simple, there is nothing to tell. Seeing that the three of them were about to set off, Sivir also went to lead his own camel.

"Wait, have you met Taliyah?" Kai'Sa suddenly asked Sivir.

"Taliyah, she came back from the ice field a few months ago, stayed here for a few days before going back to look for her people."

Upon hearing the news, Kaisha clenched her fists excitedly, met Kahn's eyes, and excitedly climbed onto Skalash's back.


After voluntarily surrendering to Noxus, the cities in the north did receive the protection of the army and the support of trade, so the speed of development was very fast, almost every year.

After three years of absence, Kahn felt that there were many differences in Nashilami.

The sands on which they had walked were anchored by many ships, many of them from Noxus. Some earth and stone structures are also being replaced by Noxus' black stone bunkers.

Every time he walked under Knox Stola, Kahn couldn't help but look up, worried that the heavy stone arch would suddenly fall down. But this time, when the sky fell, there was a tall one holding it up.

He looked at Nasus next to him, the Ascended had wrapped his whole body in cloth robes before entering Nasram, and now he looked like a strange tall man. After using a little spell to confuse the Noxus guards stationed at the city gate, Nasus followed them into the port city smoothly.

Kahn knew very well what Knox Stola meant, and because of this, he was very worried that Nasus would smash things in a fit of anger. Fortunately, the jackal-headed god was still calm, and was not swayed by Shurima's defeat.

"If it were Renekton, he wouldn't let this black stone continue to stand here. Maybe the whole city would be slaughtered by him." Nasus suddenly said as if he had noticed Kahn's gaze.

Kahn didn't speak, his eyes followed the soaring seagulls and looked into the distance.

This city seems to have awakened Nasus' long-lost memories. His body was shaking and his eyes were blurred, as if he was re-experiencing intermittent memories, scenes of countless victories and battle deaths, and those past events that had long been dusty in history.

"Brother! He's too strong! We must win!" Nasus muttered crazy words to himself, attracting the attention of other passers-by. But when others saw him dressed in bandages like a leper, they frowned and distanced themselves, for fear of being infected with some strange disease.

"Are you okay?" Kahn asked.

In the eyes of others, this crazy talk may be meaningless, but Kahn's mind suddenly appeared the scene of the two brothers being beaten back by Xerath on the sunken ruins.

Nasus shook his head, and in the blink of an eye, he was out of disorientation and back to normal.

"Sometimes I think, if I were the one who was sealed into the mausoleum, what would happen?" He sighed. He would switch places with Renekton from time to time, feeling the pain he was going through.

"If that's the case, I think... I personally think that neither of you will live to this day."

"Oh? Why did you say that?" Nasus was intrigued by the words, because those who didn't know them well couldn't say such words.

"Obviously, if you and Xerath were sealed in the tomb back then, the witch spirit would kill you if you found that the evil words and lies could not turn your brothers against each other, and you couldn't escape; and your younger brother is so keen on killing , after you are gone, he will most likely be involved in the subsequent dark-born war, and end up in the same fate as those fallen ascenders."

"So, Renekton's self-sacrifice was correct?" Nasus sighed painstakingly: "Yes, I am sorry for him, and I am even more sorry for the high hopes of the empire."

"I was already aware of Xerath's wolfish ambitions at the time, but I always felt that a human being would not be able to make a splash. I acquiesced to His Majesty's connivance with him and turned a blind eye to it."

In the long lifespan of the Ascended, the short life of a human being is but one note in a song. But it was because Nasus underestimated a slave and failed to stop the deformed friendship between Azir and Xerath that led to the destruction of the entire empire.

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